However, media laws and regulations encourage some measure of self-censorship in cyberspace, and citizens have reportedly been questioned and arrested for Web content they have authored. Human rights defenders, womens rights advocates, environmental activists, journalists and others face arbitrary arrest, harsh prison sentences, smear campaigns, crippling fines and violent attacks, he declared. He congratulated his fellow winners, including the leading human rights activist in the United States, Bryan Stevenson, and the Right Livelihood Award winner, the Iranian human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh, who was in prison at the time. The massive digital shift accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic also increased challenges relating to cyber-security, privacy, and access to online spaces. People are at times tricked to accompany police officers to their car and only when they are inside it, they are informed that they are being arrested," said Irene Gmez, an attorney at Cristosal, a nongovernmental organization that promotes human rights in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. According to Freedom House, Jordan is ranked as the fifth-freest Men who were detained by the police are brought to a detention center in Soyapango, El Salvador, Oct. 12, during the "state of exception" the government has declared in a crackdown on gangs. [24] Learn how the United Nations and other human rights organizations tackle the most pressing human rights issues of our time. ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-004-2022 October21, 2022 SRI LANKA: Peaceful Protesters Face Attacks, Reprisals, and Arbitrary Detention ISSUES: Arbitr, ASIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION URGENT APPEALS PROGRAMME Urgent Appeal Case: AHRC-UAC-003-2022 October 12, 2022 , Bangladesh Government must stop its hate campaigns against the Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances (WGEID, A few weeks ago, President Joko Widodo issued Presidential Decree Number 17 of 2022 concerning the establishment of a non-jud, The Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) supports Indonesian civil society organizations under the Coalition of the Civil Soc. The risks affecting women victims, as well as women human rights defenders and peace builders, who share testimony and cooperate with the UN remain daunting. First established through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, today human rights are codified in legally binding covenants such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Meanwhile, the UN report said the surveillance of individuals and groups who cooperate with the UN continued to be reported in all regions with growing evidence of online surveillance and cyberattacks. But there was no proper investigation of her death or of the death of Natalya Estemirova, who was a human rights activist from Chechnya and my colleague from Memorial. And unfortunately, looking at Belarus, we always see that this is the future of Russia, if nothing changes. The people featured in Write for Rights 2022 know this only too well: they were all punished for using their right to protest. Another concerning global trend is the use and impact of restrictive legislation that prevents and punishes cooperation with the UN, resulting in some cases of people being sentenced to long prison terms or placed under house arrest. And in this regard, I would say that the three Right Livelihood now Right Livelihood-Nobel laureates, who won the Nobel Peace Prize today, thats an incredible message of hope. The Government bans conversion from Islam and efforts to proselytize Muslims. And some people will also see that building these together, like bringing Ukraine, Belarus and Russia together, is some kind of attempt to stress how that these countries still have the common past, and maybe they still have common future, as thats what Vladimir Putin and his government is hoping for. [7] Arrests also included the prince's chief of staff and other figures associated with him,[8][9][10] in addition to a member of the royal family, Sharif Hassan bin Zaid,[11] and Bassem Awadallah, former Chief of the Royal Hashemite Court and Jordan's former envoy to Saudi Arabia. Internet censorship in Jordan is relatively light, with filtering selectively applied to only a small number of sites. Defendants can present witnesses on their behalf and question witnesses against them. Prosecutors routinely request and are granted extensions that increase the period to file formal charges to as long as six months for a felony and two months for a misdemeanor. State security, smuggling, arson resulting in death, and inciting armed riot cases are no longer capital crimes. An election today on the ballot in Kansas will test voters views after Roe v Wade was overturned but a pro-life activist says voters are also deciding who is telling the truth. Learn about the laws that govern the international human rights regime, the tools and tactics of human rights activists and the mechanisms in place to tackle the most pressing human rights issues of our time. He is like the closest companion maybe of all post-Soviet countries. "There is a pattern among the arrestees. They are denied their right to dignity and their descendants right to mourn is disregarded. Human Rights Watch reported in January 2018 that although recently there have been far-reaching reforms of the laws and regulations in the country, abuses against basic rights such as freedom of expression persisted.. The list contains both, introductory level courses and advanced courses on specific human rights issues. The order issued to Telecommunication Regulatory Commission contained a list of over 300 websites to be blocked. Human rights in Jordan are similar to or better than those elsewhere in the Middle East. Global Diplomacy: the United Nations in the World, 6. Venezuela has lost its seat on the United Nations Council of Human Rights a development hailed on Tuesday by activists and human rights defenders in Venezuela as cause for celebration. We also provide information about online courses, jobs, paid internships, masters degrees, scholarships and other opportunities in the human rights sector and related areas. I definitely think that Russia will pay a lot of money to everything that happened in Ukraine, and that Im really hoping that there will be some international treaty now against the war criminals, against military criminals, and people who were accountable will be held accountable for the deaths. Amnesty International is the world's leading human rights organisation, campaigning against injustice and inequality everywhere. (AP/Moises Castillo). [13], The law does not provide citizens the right to change their monarch or government. Ramrez said that among the detained are pregnant women, and some of them have given birth in prison. Its a country where almost no protest is possible and where people are being severely beaten up and detained even if they try to do something very, very innocent like, I dont know, giving money to some opposition groups or something like that. Council members aim to promote human rights at home and internationally, and its something Venezuela, well, doesnt do, said Victoria Capriles, director at the Metropolitan University Human Rights Center in Caracas. Once you clicked the button you will be redirected to the official page of the course provider. Though Im no longer with Memorial, I still keep receiving congratulations from all over the world. "Hearings gather dozens of defendants at the same time, and lawyers are not allowed to talk to them especially when the judge identifies them as members of NGOs," she told NCR. It is also classified as having an authoritarian regime according to a 2020 democracy index. Sometimes I have dreams that I am in prison again, and those are my darkness dreams. Tens of thousands of Human Remains/Ancestors are stored or displayed in German museum archives. [28], In 2009, an Anti-Human Trafficking Law was endorsed by the government that severely restricts human trafficking in the Kingdom and creates a committee to promote public awareness on the issue. After a moratorium since 2006 there were eleven executions on 21 December 2014, all detainees were men convicted of murder. Its not a coincidence that an organization like ours was founded in this country, but it was founded in this country because also of our history, long-standing history here, supporting democracy and rule of law and human rights around the world. delivered to your inbox every day? [44], Limited economic opportunity is one of the main reasons for poor scores in many of the above categories. Various Human Rights organizations and representatives have defined human rights education in their own ways. Copy may not be in its final form. ANNA DOBROVOLSKAYA: When Memorial was able to function, we did lots of things. The fee for the certificate varies between $25 for short courses and $900 for a micromasters. [13], According to Human Rights Watch, Jordanian authorities has used counterterrorism laws to prosecute activists, dissidents, journalists and Islamic preachers for speech offenses, the authorities depends largely on counterterrorism law that extended the definition of terrorism to include acts such as disturbing Jordan's relations with a foreign state. Bialiatski has been arrested more than 25 times and spent several years in prison on trumped-up charges as Belarusian authorities have tried to impede him. The state of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran has been criticized by Iranians and international human right activists, by writers, and NGOs. is a 501(c)3 non-profit news organization. ALES BIALIATSKI: There, Nasrin is in a terrible situation now. Some opponents (anti-abortionists, pro-life activists) holding the extreme view, argue that human personhood begins from the unicellular zygote and thus according to the religious stance one should not have an abortion by virtue of the imago dei of the human being (for example, Schwarz 1990). Andreina Baduel, whose father, prominent dissident and retired General Raul Baduel, died of Covid while imprisoned in Caracas last year for allegedly conspiring against Maduro, told CNN she welcomed the vote result. But at the same time, I know that, and we all know that, there always will be people who are not satisfied or completely happy with these or any other decision. Starting in January 2011, several thousand Jordanians staged weekly demonstrations and marches in Amman (the capital) and other cities to protest government corruption, rising prices, poverty, and high unemployment. We are documenting war crimes in this war with Russia in order to hold war criminals accountable, to provide justice for each victims of these crimes. And unfortunately, what is happening in Belarus what was happening in Belarus before starts happening in Russia like maybe in couple of years. The Sweden Democrats are a party with its roots in fascism. AMY GOODMAN: And, Anna, if you can talk about the significance of a Russian group, a Belarusian human rights activist now in prison and CCL in Ukraine winning this award together? As of Oct. 24, the account had not mentioned the mass detentions that have occurred as part of the crackdown on gang activity. I believe Ales was the only one right? Like what I just said, you know, the power of the universal values of democracy and rule of law, yes, they are under attack, but I think they will prevail, and its very sad to see Sweden starting to turn away from this camp. In December 2014, the department issued a List of Goods Produced by Child Labor or Forced Labor where Jordan figures among 74 other countries that resort to such labor practices. Under Vladimir Putins leadership, she pointed out, the country has seen its political opposition crushed, grassroots NGOs and activists outlawed, independent media shuttered, and civil society as a whole scorched to the ground. AMY GOODMAN: In March, Democracy Now! Innocent students and workers, as well as community leaders and social activists, have been targeted, too. keep gathering today. Im just hoping that nobody will die, but, unfortunately, the conflict is still going on. People come bringing flowers to the place in Moscow where she lived. And we most truly know that the world will be probably a worse place without human rights activists in Belarus, in Ukraine and, of course, in Russia. Check your emails to confirm your subscription. In practice citizens are generally able to criticize the government, although they reportedly exercise caution in regard to the king, the royal family, the General Intelligence Directorate (GID), and other sensitive topics such as religion. ? [4] Since then, reports have shown good initial results but much work remaining to be done. At least 83 governments worldwide have used the Covid-19 pandemic to justify violating the exercise of free speech and peaceful assembly, Human Rights Watch said today. According to Freedom House, Jordan is ranked as the fifth-freest Discovery Company. spoke to Natallia Satsunkevich. The Norwegian Nobel Committee praised their work criticizing power and protecting fundamental human rights in neighboring countries torn apart by war. [58], Unrestrained violence, torture, and honor killings, Arrest, detention, fair and speedy trials, and prison conditions, Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) rights. The study also concluded that in the last year there were "no reports of misuse or neglect" of the Kingdom's diverse religious sites, as well as no reports of "harassment, discrimination, or restrictions" to worshippers.[26]. 13. [13], Journalists report that the threat of detention and imprisonment under the penal code for a variety of offenses, and stringent fines of as much as 20,000 dinars ($28,000) under the press and publications law for defamation leads to self-censorship. Fr. The area of the southern part of River Lempa was occupied in 1992 by refugees of the Salvadoran civil war (1979-92) who had been living outside the country. Read latest breaking news, updates, and headlines. Juries are not used. "That is a zone notorious for its social and political organization. The king told the new prime minister to "take quick, concrete, and practical steps to launch a genuine political reform process," "to strengthen democracy," and to provide Jordanians with the "dignified life they deserve. An election today on the ballot in Kansas will test voters views after Roe v Wade was overturned but a pro-life activist says voters are also deciding who is telling the truth. [28], Torture is illegal in Jordan, however it remains widespread. "We have documents proving that those people were assiduous students or workers. The AHRC is an independent, non-governmental body, which seeks to promote greater awareness and realisation of human rights in the Asian region, and to mobilise Asian and international public opinion to obtain relief and redress for the victims of human rights violations. [37][36][13][43], Jordanian law provides for an independent judiciary; however, the judiciary's independence in practice may be compromised by nepotism and the influence of special interests. The people featured in Write for Rights 2022 know this only too well: they were all punished for using their right to protest. But now it has been tolerant with Bukele," said Sandoval. This result is a statement for truth, and the truth is that Venezuela violates human rights and the world knows it. Parents, if you dont get a grip on your kids social media, demonic trans activists will 'Phenomenal read! We worked with documenting the war crimes in Chechnya. AMY GOODMAN: Nasrin Sotoudeh, the Iranian human rights lawyer, was in prison in 2020. Human Rights Watch reported in January 2018 that although recently there have been far-reaching reforms of the laws and regulations in the country, abuses against basic rights such as freedom of expression persisted.[1]. Yeah, weve been presenting the Right Livelihood Awards since 1980, and there has been an understanding of the importance of civil society activism from the very beginning. Books from Oxford Scholarship Online, Oxford Handbooks Online, Oxford Medicine Online, Oxford Clinical Psychology, and Very Short Introductions, as well as the AMA Manual of Style, have all migrated to Oxford Academic.. Read more about books migrating to Oxford Academic.. You can now search across all these OUP [41], Fifteen executions were carried on dawn of 4 March 2017; ten convicted with terrorism and the remaining 5 with murder and rape of minors. We the peoples, where ever we may be in the world, have a right to speak directly to UN representatives without some malevolent authority leaning over our shoulders, tapping our phone, or threatening us with detention or disappearance, he said. AMY GOODMAN: And talk about what Memorial worked on, when it was allowed to function, and what needs to be done right now in Russia. Im hoping that there could be some possible settlement. A of Pub. I would like to help today and donate And with the Nobel Prizes, sometimes they honor that, but then also they honor people like Abiy of Ethiopia or Barack Obama, with where there seems to be a totally different kind of understanding of how change should come about in the world. So, I really call you to keep in focus this topic also, political prisoners in Belarus, and to spread this information, to show your solidarity and to support them by sending letters and postcards of solidarity from all countries, from the world.
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