), Christian (predominantly Roman Catholic) 89.5, other 8.8%, unaffiliated 1.7% (2020 est. Although the Panchayat would eventually be reestablished as the administrator of community property, it ultimately ceased to be an instrument for self-governance.[64]. Worldwide, there are 190,000 Zoroastrians at most, and perhaps as few as 124,000 by some estimates. Spiritualism: the belief that souls and spirits communicate with the living usually through intermediaries called mediums. [67] This would be the last time that the Parsis would be considered a numerically significant minority in the city. [78], D. L. Sheth, the former director of the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS), lists Indian communities that constituted the middle class and were traditionally "urban and professional" (following professions such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, engineers, etc.) In any case, the term "Parsi" itself is "not necessarily an indication of their Iranian or 'Persian' origin, but rather as indicator manifest as several properties of ethnic identity". [53] While the colonial authorities often saw the other Indians "as passive, ignorant, irrational, outwardly submissive but inwardly guileful",[54] the Parsis were seen to have the traits that the authorities tended to ascribe to themselves. About 60% of their maternal gene pool originates from South Asian haplogroups, which is just 7% in Iranians. [1], As of 2018[update], estimates show that there are some 100,000200,000 Zoroastrians worldwide. CreditAtul Loke for The New York Times. The reason given for this practice is that earth, fire, and water are considered sacred elements which should not be defiled by the dead. Fleeing religious persecution from Muslims in Persia sometime between the seventh and 10th. Alawites are a closed, secretive religious group who assert they are Shia Muslims, although outside scholars speculate their beliefs may have a syncretic mix with other faiths originating in the Middle East. )note: folk religions include religions of African origin, spiritualism, and others intermingled with Catholicism or Protestantism; data is estimative because no authoritative source on religious affiliation exists for Cuba, Roman Catholic 72.8%, Pentecostal 6.6%, Protestant 3.2%, Adventist 3%, Jehovah's Witness 2%, Evangelical 1.9%, other 3.8%, none 6%, unspecified 0.6% (2011 est. Hinduism (79.8%) Hinduism is an ancient religion and India's biggest religious grouping, with over 966 million members as of 2011, accounting for 79.8 % of the population. Several schools and sects of Buddhism exist, differing often on the nature of the Buddha, the extent to which enlightenment can be achieved (for one or for all) and by whom (religious orders or laity). They live chiefly in Mumbai and in a few towns and villages mostly to the south of Mumbai, but also a few minorities nearby in Karachi (Pakistan) and Chennai. Parsi legend attributes it to a Hindu author; most Iranians had adopted Islam by the 10th century, List of countries by Zoroastrian population, Learn how and when to remove this template message, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, Centre for the Study of Developing Societies, India's dwindling Parsi population to be boosted with fertility clinics, "Two decades from now, Pakistan will have no Parsis", "The Parsi Community in Karachi, Pakistan", PARSI COMMUNITIES i. ), Muslim 87.2%, Protestant 7%, Roman Catholic 2.9%, Hindu 1.7%, other 0.9% (includes Buddhist and Confucian), unspecified 0.4% (2010 est. ), Muslim 42.9%, Catholic 17.2%, Evangelical 11.8%, Methodist 1.7%, other Christian 3.2%, animist 3.6%, other religion 0.5%, none 19.1% (2014 est. The Parsi Population The Indian government estimated that in 2011, the nation was home to roughly 57,264 Parsis. [63] In the wake of a July 1856 ruling by the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council that it had no jurisdiction over the Parsis in matters of marriage and divorce, the Panchayat was reduced to little more than a Government-recognized "Parsi Matrimonial Court". The larger part of the population comprises Parsis, a community standing at around 70,000 people in India and around 1,000 in Pakistan. They are known for their adherence to Zoroastrian faith and are a very close-knit community. This article is about a Zoroastrian community in the Indian subcontinent. parsi population in world 2020 parsi population in world 2020. At the same . Formulated in the 1860s, it holds that God lives in all of us and strives to convert society into a paradise on earth, populated by believers transformed into intelligent moral beings with a high social conscience. For Karmin and Yazad Gandhi, the program changed only their timing. Prominent Parsis include the founders of the vast Tata conglomerate, plus early members of the Indian independence movement and the Indian National Congress, once the dominant political party. Although it was the only calendar always in harmony with the seasons, most members of the Parsi community rejected it on the grounds that it was not in accord with the injunctions expressed in Zoroastrian tradition (Dnkard 3.419).[72]. ), Protestant 46.8% (Anglican 29.2%, Uniting Church in Australia 9.8%, Presbyterian 2.9%, Seventh Day Adventist 2.7%, other 2.2%), Roman Catholic 12.6%, other Christian 2.9%, other 1.4%, none 26.7%, unspecified 9.5% (2016 est. ), Roman Catholic 70%, Evangelical 14.5%, Adventist 2.5%, Church of Jesus Christ 1.2%, agnostic 0.3%, atheist 0.8%, other 3.5%, none 6.6%, unspecified 0.6% (2018 est. )note: data represent the religious affiliation of the citizen population (data do not include Lebanon's sizable Syrian and Palestinian refugee populations); 18 religious sects recognized, Protestant 47.8% (Pentecostal 23.1%, Lesotho Evangelical 17.3%, Anglican 7.4%), Roman Catholic 39.3%, other Christian 9.1%, non-Christian 1.4%, none 2.3% (2014 est. Now, there are seven. ), Protestant 33.5% (includes Church of Central Africa Presbyterian 14.2%, Seventh Day Adventist/Baptist 9.4%, Pentecostal 7.6%, Anglican 2.3%), Roman Catholic 17.2%, other Christian 26.6%, Muslim 13.8%, traditionalist 1.1%, other 5.6%, none 2.1% (2018 est. The Ilm-e-Kshnoom ('science of ecstasy', or 'science of bliss') is a school of Parsi-Zoroastrian philosophy based on a mystic and esoteric, rather than literal, interpretation of religious texts. In 1668 the English East India Company leased the Seven Islands of Bombay from Charles II of England. In 1906 attempts to bring the two factions together resulted in the introduction of a third calendar based on an 11th-century Seljuk model: the Fasili, or Fasli, calendar had leap days intercalated every four years and it had a New Year's day that fell on the day of the vernal equinox. As of 2018, estimates show that there are some 100,000-200,000 Zoroastrians worldwide. Jainism - Originating in India, Jain spiritual philosophy believes in an eternal human soul, the eternal universe, and a principle of "the own nature of things." ), Muslim (official) 61.3%, Buddhist 19.8%, Christian 9.2%, Hindu 6.3%, Confucianism, Taoism, other traditional Chinese religions 1.3%, other 0.4%, none 0.8%, unspecified 1% (2010 est. Parsis have supported many of the countrys institutions and nurtured business and the arts. As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give each month. The exact date of the Parsi migration is unknown. It is supranational, and recognizes a hierarchical structure with the Pope, or Bishop of Rome, as its head, located at the Vatican. The Parsis will then cease to be called a community and will be labeled a 'tribe'. ), Church of Sweden (Lutheran) 57.6%, other (includes Roman Catholic, Orthodox, Baptist, Muslim, Jewish, and Buddhist) 8.9%, none or unspecified 33.5% (2019 est. Between the 2001 and 2011 censuses, their numbers fell from 69,000 to 57,000. ), Roman Catholic 79.5%, Muslim 6%, Iglesia ni Cristo 2.6%, Evangelical 2.4%, National Council of Churches in the Philippines 1.1%, other 7.4%, none <0.1% (2015 est. The population of Parsis-Zoroastrians, a notified minority community under the National Commission of Minorities Act 1992, declined from 1,14,000 in 1941 to 57,264 in 2011 as per Census data of 2011. The body is washed and inserted clean within a sudre and kusti. Community leaders estimate that up to 40 percent of Parsi marriages are with outsiders, but women who chose that are often ostracized. ), Roman Catholic 58.9%, Kiribati Uniting Church 21.2%, Kiribati Protestant Church 8.4%, Church of Jesus Christ 5.6%, Seventh Day Adventist 2.1%, Baha'i 2.1%, other 1.7% (2020 est. Today, though a minority, Zoroastrians remain primarily in Iran, India (where they are known as Parsi), and Pakistan. What one has watched, silently, is the diminishing of a community known for its excellence, Mr. Tata said in an interview at his seafront home in Mumbai, where he lives with his dogs Tito and Tango. He accordingly went on to alter some (but not all) of the prayers, which in due course came to be accepted by all adherents of the Kadmi calendar as the more ancient (and thus presumably correct). Similar observations would be made by James Mackintosh, Recorder of Bombay from 1804 to 1811, who noted that "the Parsees are a small remnant of one of the mightiest nations of the ancient world, who, flying from persecution into India, were for many ages lost in obscurity and poverty, till at length they met a just government under which they speedily rose to be one of the most popular mercantile bodies in Asia".[55]. Nonetheless, the opinion that the 1909 ruling is legally binding continues to persist, even among the better-read and moderate Parsis. [31] Demographic trends project that by 2020 the Parsis will number only 23,000. The Parsis have made considerable contributions to the history and development of India, all the more remarkable considering their small numbers. ), Orthodox Christian 89.1%, Roman Catholic 2.9%, Protestant/Anglican 2%, Muslim 1.8%, Buddhist 1%, other (includes Maronite, Armenian Church, Hindu) 1.4%, unknown 1.1%, none/atheist 0.6% (2011 est. Atheism: the belief that there are no deities of any kind. ), Christian 58.9%, folk religion 17.6%, Buddhist <1%, Hindu <1%, Jewish <1%, Muslim <1%, other <1%, none 23.2% (2020 est. ), Russian Orthodox 15-20%, Muslim 10-15%, other Christian 2% (2006 est. In Parsi culture, marriage is considered a religious duty and not just a civil contract between the spouses. The importance of the Qissa lies in any case not so much in its reconstruction of events than in its depiction of the Parsis in the way they have come to view themselves and in their relationship to the dominant culture. ), Hindu 48.5%, Roman Catholic 26.3%, Muslim 17.3%, other Christian 6.4%, other 0.6%, none 0.7%, unspecified 0.1% (2011 est. Kirant: the belief system of the Kirat, a people who live mainly in the Himalayas of Nepal. ), Muslim (official) 80.9%, Christian 7.1%, Buddhist 7.1%, other (includes indigenous beliefs) 5% (2016 est. Their universal kindness, either employing such as are ready and able to work, or bestowing a seasonable bounteous charity to such as are infirm and miserable, leave no man destitute of relief, nor suffer a beggar in all their tribe". [2][3][4][5] In 1994, the Zoroastrian Society of Ontario estimated that there were around 100200 Zoroastrians residing in Afghanistan. Parsis at a club in Mumbai. The community has an aging demographic profile with a large number of middle aged and elderly population. The most famous Parsi outside India might be Freddie Mercury, the Queen singer, who was born Farrokh Bulsara. Sunni Islam accounts for over 87-90% of the world's Muslim population. The population of Parsi community in the country has dipped by 22 per cent to 57,264 in 2011 from 69,601 in 2001. The drop has been so drastic that even as India considers measures to discourage more children in some states the government has incentivized Parsi couples to have more children, to apparently little effect. According to David Barrett et al, editors of the "World Christian Encyclopedia: A comparative survey of churches and religions - AD 30 to 2200," there are 19 major world religions which are subdivided into a total of 270 large religious groups, and many smaller ones. ), Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar/Malagasy Lutheran Church/Anglican Church 34%, Roman Catholic 32.3%, other Christian 8.1%, traditional/Animist 1.7%, Muslim 1.4%, other 0.6%, none 21.9% (2021 est. ), Macedonian Orthodox 46.1%, Muslim 32.2%, other Christian 13.8%, other and non-believers 0.5%, unspecified 0.2%, persons for whom data were taken from administrative sources and no religious affiliation data was available 7.2% (2021 est. [13] However, the decline of Zoroastrianism in Iran continued, and most Iranians had adopted Islam by the 10th century. The Parsi people comprise the older of the Indian subcontinent's two Zoroastrian communities vis--vis the Iranis, whose ancestors migrated to British-ruled India from Qajar-era Iran. Famous Parsis He never married and has no children. Islam also has an active mystical branch, Sufism, with various Sunni and Shia subsets. ), Muslim 98.0 - 99.0% (predominantly Sunni), Christian <1.0%, other, unaffiliated, unspecified <1.0% (2012 est. ), Roman Catholic 77.3%, Protestant 4.6% (includes Church of the Nazarene 1.7%, Adventist 1.5%, Assembly of God 0.9%, Universal Kingdom of God 0.4%, and God and Love 0.1%), other Christian 3.4% (includes Christian Rationalism 1.9%, Jehovah's Witness 1%, and New Apostolic 0.5%), Muslim 1.8%, other 1.3%, none 10.8%, unspecified 0.7% (2010 est. The Catholic Church has a comprehensive theological and moral doctrine specified for believers in its catechism, which makes it unique among most forms of Christianity. ), Roman Catholic 81%, other Christian 3.3%, other (includes Jewish, Muslim) 0.6%, none 6.8%, unspecified 8.3% (2011 est. End-to-end assistance throughout the process. . A Zoroastrian priest spends his entire life dedicated to following a holy life. New Delhi, Sep 7 (IANS) The first official religious census revealed Monday makes exceptional mention of Parsis, fearing "clearly visible but extremely unfortunate decline" of the miniscule community that has produced some of India's finest in various fields. Today, there are only between 125 and 1.5 lakh Zoroastrians in the world. The members of this community are of the Zoroastrian faith and thus, practitioners of Zoroastrianism, the first monotheistic religion to ever exist. As such, the text plays a crucial role in shaping Parsi identity. ), Christian 63.1%, Muslim 34.1%, folk religion 1.1%, Buddhist <1%, Hindu <1%, Jewish <1%, other <1%, unspecified 1.6% (2020 est. ), Protestant 71.4% (includes Anglican 17.7%, Pentecostal/Full Gospel 16.1%, Seventh Day Adventist 15%, Methodist 13.9%, Church of God 6.7%, other Protestant 2%), Roman Catholic 11.4%, Rastafarian 1.4%, Hindu 1.2%, Jehovah's Witness 1%, Muslim 0.4%, other/not stated 5.1%, none 7.9% (2018 est. Taoism - Chinese philosophy or religion based upon Lao Tzu's Tao Te Ching, which centers on belief in the Tao, or the way, as the flow of the universe and the nature of things. Jehovah's Witnesses structure their faith on the Christian Bible, but their rejection of the Trinity is distinct from mainstream Christianity. They believe that a Kingdom of God, the Theocracy, will emerge following Armageddon and usher in a new earthly society. Naxalite leader and intellectual Kobad Ghandy is a Parsi. There have not been as many leaders. They live mainly in India and Iran. [68] While having an outsized role in the Indian independence movement, the majority of Parsis opposed the partition of undivided India.[69][70]. As a result of these deliberations, in which the Parsis traditions were in conflict with the purer traditions of the Gabars, the Parsis, in the 18th century, split into two sects on questions of ritual and calendar. There are, however, rising problems over the availability of brides. The communitys population, which totaled 114,000 in 1941, now numbers around 50,000 by some estimates. The migration may, in fact, have taken place as late as the 10th century, or in both. ), Roman Catholic 20.1%, Protestant 14.8% (includes Dutch Reformed, Protestant Church of The Netherlands, Calvinist), Muslim 5%, other 5.9% (includes Hindu, Buddhist, Jewish), none 54.1% (2019 est. The husband of Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and son-in-law of Jawaharlal Nehru, Feroze Gandhi, was a Parsi with ancestral roots in Bharuch. ), Muslim 99% (official; virtually all Sunni, <0.1% Shia), other 1% (includes Christian, Jewish, and Baha'i); note - Jewish about 3,000-3,500 (2020 est. Mahayanas have additional scriptures beyond the Pali Canon and believe the Buddha is eternal and still teaching. The calendar disputes were not always purely academic, either. More than half of these are in India. ), Protestant 64.1% (includes Free Wesleyan Church 35%, Free Church of Tonga 11.9%, Church of Tonga 6.8%, Assembly of God 2.3%, Seventh Day Adventist 2.2%, Tokaikolo Christian Church 1.6%, other 4.3%), Church of Jesus Christ 18.6%, Roman Catholic 14.2%, other 2.4%, none 0.5%, unspecified 0.1% (2016 est. ), Roman Catholic, Jehovah's Witness, Protestant, Hindu, Protestant 75% (Pentecostal 27.6%, Anglican 13.9%, Seventh Day Adventist 11.6%, Baptist 8.9%, Methodist 8.7%, Evangelical 3.8%, Salvation Army 0.3%, Presbyterian/Congregational 0.3%), Roman Catholic 6.3%, Rastafarian 1.1%, Jehovah's Witness 0.8%, other 4.7%, none 7.5%, unspecified 4.7% (2012 est. Pakistan has a population growth rate during 2020-2021 of 2%. The program has barely made a dent, supporting the birth of 330 children in its eight years, according to official numbers. Zoroastrianism is generally a closed religion and members are almost always born to Zoroastrian parents. [citation needed] Sindh touching Balochistan, the easternmost periphery of the Iranian world, too had once been under coastal administration of the Sasanian Empire (226-651), which consequently maintained outposts there. Language and religion Parsis are commonly seen speaking either Gujarati or English. ), Congregational Christian Church 50.4%, Roman Catholic 38.7%, Presbyterian 5.9%, other Christian 4.2%, unspecified 0.8% (2016 est. The word Parsi is derived from the Persian language, and literally translates to Persian (, Prsin);[14] an Arabized form of the word (, Frs) is used in Persian-speaking regions as an endonym for the Persian language. A collection of treatises on religious observances, sent from Iran to India between 1478 and 1773 and known collectively as the Persian Revyats, attests to the close ties that were developing as Parsi emissaries were welcomed, lived among, and educated by their Iranian coreligionists before returning to India. An oft-quoted legal definition of Parsi is based on a 1909 ruling (since nullified) that not only stipulated that a person could not become a Parsi by converting to the Zoroastrian faith but also noted: the Parsi community consists of: a) Parsis who are descended from the original Persian emigrants and who are born of both Zoroastrian parents and who profess the Zoroastrian religion; b) Iranis [here meaning Iranians, not the other group of Indian Zoroastrians] professing the Zoroastrian religion; c) the children of Parsi fathers by alien mothers who have been duly and properly admitted into the religion. He said that many Parsis would rather raise one child with a high-quality education inside a city than have a larger family in the suburbs. The core characteristics and beliefs of the world's major religions are described below. See also Zoroastrianism. Modern Judaism has three basic categories of faith: Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform/Liberal. The total Parsi population of the world at present may be estimated at 1,40,000 persons, living mostly in India (about 1,01,000), Iran (about 20,000), Pakistan (about 6,000), and the rest (about 13,000) scattered in various cities and countries of the world, particularly . Badimo: a form of ancestor worship of the Tswana people of Botswana. According to tradition, the Parsis initially settled at Hormuz on the Persian Gulf, but finding themselves still persecuted they set sail for India, arriving in the 8th century. One of these was an enterprising agent named Rustom Maneck. Parsi, also spelled Parsee, member of a group of followers in India of the Iranian prophet Zoroaster (or Zarathustra). ), Roman Catholic 55.8%, Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession 5.3%, Greek Catholic 4%, Reformed Christian 1.6%, other 3%, none 23.8%, unspecified 6.5% (2021 est. He wonders what tradition he can pass on. One study supports the Parsi contention[22] that they have maintained their Persian roots by avoiding intermarriage with local populations. And in third position is Hinduism which has nearly 1.2 billion adherents and about 15 percent of the total population. ), Sunni Muslim 94% (nearly all Djiboutians), other 6% (mainly foreign-born residents - Shia Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Baha'i, and atheist), Roman Catholic 52.7%, Protestant 29.7% (includes Seventh Day Adventist 6.7%, Pentecostal 6.1%, Baptist 5.2%, Christian Union Church 3.9%, Methodist 2.6%, Gospel Mission 2.1%, other Protestant 3.1%), Jehovah's Witness 1.3%, Rastafarian 1.1%, other 4.3%, none 9.4%, unspecified 1.4% (2011 est. ), Catholic 55.7%, Adventist 4.1%, Assembly of God 3.4%, New Apostolic 2.9%, Mana 2.3%, Universal Kingdom of God 2%, Jehovah's Witness 1.2%, other 6.2%, none 21.2%, unspecified 1% (2012 est. The Fasli calendar does not have a significant following among Parsis, but, by virtue of being compatible with the Bastani calendar (an Iranian development with the same salient features as the Fasli calendar), it is predominant among the Zoroastrians of Iran. Anyone can read what you share. Their scripture, the Guru Granth Sahib - also known as the Adi Granth - is considered the living Guru, or final authority of Sikh faith and theology. The 12th-century Sixteen Shlokas, a Sanskrit text in praise of the Parsis,[17] is the earliest attested use of the term as an identifier for Indian Zoroastrians. The Qissa-i Sanjan is a tale of the journey of the Parsis to India from Iran. The families Godrej, Mistry, Tata, Petit, Cowasjee, Poonawalla, and Wadia are important industrial Parsi families. A few Parsee families also reside in Kolkata and Hyderabad. Although they are not, strictly speaking, a caste, since they are not Hindus, they form a well-defined community. Outside a Parsi temple in Mumbai. At about the same time as the role of the Panchayat was declining, a number of other institutions arose that would replace the Panchayat's role in contributing to the sense of social cohesiveness that the community desperately sought. The Parsi are an ethnic minority in India and Pakistan. ), Roman Catholic 97.6%, Protestant/Evangelical 2%, Muslim 0.2%, other 0.2% (2015 est. Also the first documented instance of Parsi religion, ambulance corps, Scouting troops, clubs, and most had! Religion or philosophy inspired by the sun they are not Hindus, they form well-defined... India News along with Latest News and > Christianity is the actual Parsi New year tradition awaits return... ( their putative parental populations ), the first monotheistic religion to ever exist Yoruba religion of ancient Persia,... Or & # x27 ; which means repentance that humans are perfectible through self-cultivation and self-creation ; developed teachings. 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