Robin said that people are saying that they shouldn't make him a role model after what he did. He said that he has read that the certificate of live birth was given to people that weren't born there in the state. Robin said she didn't know that. Richard told him to just get it over with. Jon asked Gary about the way Jimmy Kimmel went off on Fred. Howard took a call from Wood Yi (Steve the Engineer audio clips) who asked Bai to stick her finger in his ass and make a moustache on his face. Jon took a call from a guy who said that Rich isn't someone who works for the show, he's a fisherman. Steve said they have some more footnotes on Artie's DUI charge. Reggie said that he was a great player. Howard told her that she has a great stomach. Howard said there must be some. Howard came back and said he was listening to Brent having his break down on the air. Howard played the Steve Martin audio from Letterman's show. Howard asked Reggie if it breaks his heart that his father had to play in the Negro leagues and didn't get to play pro. Because of this, anyone who may have died as a result could be viewed as an indirect victim of Olaf's, such as Kit Snicket. Howard said that Dave must have wanted to make things more exciting by making out in the car. Howard goofed on Gary since he was very proud of having a Klemo award winner there. Gary said that he has 25 years of history there and that's what the show is about. Howard said he has a ton of people he doesn't pick up on. Later, Olaf murders Monty and frames his death as a snake bite when in actuality, he used injected venom to mimic one. Howard said it wasn't out of his way to drop her off. 11:45am, Letterman's Ratings Skyrocket. Get the Envelope newsletter for exclusive awards season coverage, behind-the-scenes stories from the Envelope podcast and columnist Glenn Whipps must-read analysis. He is far more intelligent than most of the adults in the film, as he has fooled them time and time again (although this is mainly because of the people being rather gullible), and was able to recognize the Baudelaires when they disguised themselves. Lita Ford was also in the studio. Ronnie said that Brian Phelan should be the one going. - Michelle. Howard said she had some look going on today. Gary said they went out to Vegas years ago and they were out scouting locations trying to find a spot to shoot the TV show from. Ronnie told Gange ''fuck you'' because he's totally screwed him. Robin said she's heard the story before. David said that he wouldn't bother trying to do that. He said he sounds like he's in bad shape for real. Howard asked Bai if she likes licking a man in her mouth. That means the impact could spread far beyond the agencys payday lending rule. Jon took another call from a guy who said that Bai was in a movie called ''Red Corner'' where she played a lawyer for Richard Gere. The guy said that Sal and Richard are great on the show too. Howard said that someone asked him if he thinks that a cheater can become reformed and stop cheating. He looked at the vessel from which the silvery powder had come; it was certainly a sugar-basin; as unmistakably meant for sugar as a champagne-bottle for champagne. It's possible that he was loosely based on the character of Count Fosco in the novel. Howard said Whoopi Goldberg was talking to the other Yentas about Roman Polanski and the other women had no idea what she was talking about. Benjy said that was his theory and someone close to them told him something that made him believe that was the case. Richard finally said it to him. David told Howard that there were a lot of hot chicks on that show with him. Jim said that he was in a half a g-string and it would have popped out of there if he had popped a rod. Bai said that it was her character and she wanted to sing that song. Dustin said that something had to have gone on at home with her. Benjy said he likes knowing stuff like that but he doesn't think that Sal needs to know it. Howard said he's started to collect a few things. If you need fail-safe FFP2(+) protection (because of very close contact), you must switch masks after 6-8 hours max. She claims one of them is hiding in the Mortmain Mountains. Gary said he thinks that some of it is laziness but there may be something to A.D.D. Kit Snicket also seems considerably younger than he is, supporting he prefers women on the young side. Bill told Howard that he could get a copy of his birth certificate showing where he was born with every bit of information on it in a day. Howard said he has done that with people before and he thinks that he's been helpful to some guys. Jon asked Gary where Sal pointed when they asked him to point to California. Howard said he wants Jay's show to fail. Howard said that Robin is a hard ass on the air but off the air she has to be different. Gange said he's going to keep doing them and he's not going to stop just because of what Howard says. Find all the latest real-time sports coverage, live reports, analysis and comment on Telegraph Sport. Howard explained that to her and asked if she has ever experienced that. Howard said he should listen to his doctor. Howard said he can't understand why people have the complete opposite impressions. Both COVID-19 and the common cold cause a sore throat. Richard said he didn't feel comfortable saying that. Howard said he was also watching the Marx Brothers and he figured that would be cool for someone to see him watching. Howard and the guys were back from their week long vacation this morning. His lack of personal hygiene worsens although Sunny is shocked to see that Olaf has bathed and changed into a new suit. Robin said that he is a man though. Howard said he didn't know. There was some feedback about Gene Simmons' call yesterday. Gene said that he's known Sharon and Ozzy for about 35 years and he had done and interview about their family and their TV show. Gary said that it was odd when they were dating because Jim wasn't the usual Jim Florentine. He does not think a meal is complete without roast beef and apparently thinks it's a given for dinner, becoming violent when the Baudelaires tell him they did not prepare beef. Howard said that he just follows Beth's lead. She told him that it was his lucky shirt that he wore during every World Series game. He said that the common thread of great players there is something that happened in their childhood. Artie told the caller that he kind of got that reaction from him when he was talking to him about his father. Gary said it's becuase they're great assiangments. Howard thanked him for that. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. Artie said that Dave has an apartment in Manhattan so it's weird that he has that bedroom there. JD came in and said he doesn't know a definite date but it has been a while since he did that. Due to the amount of photographs relating to this article. Howard said he had some great food out in Vegas. About Our Coalition. The caller was saying that it seems like Howard is getting uptight with the racist talk and stuff on the show. They were saying that Dave had grown up and it obviously came out before this all happened. Bubba told that Miller guy to go in there and goof on him. He said he could have spoken to King all day long though. Jon took another call from a guy who said that he thought Bai was great in the movie ''The Crow.'' Robin said ''Oh my goodness'' as she heard that. Bai said that sex is beautiful but she wasn't saying what she thought about the load thing. The guy did try to cash the check according to Robin. He said that was a pretty huge gap. He said that he made bail and he did get out. It feels like a throbbing pain in my chest, he says. Howard said the tattoo is kind of cool though. Robin said that Charlie Sheen is still on TV and he's a known cheater. Benjy said he's not sure why they would do that though. He said those guy sit in their studio all morning long working. Howard said they didn't have to take that away from Beth. Find stories, updates and expert opinion. Howard said that it's funny that Les Moonves is married to a CBS reporter and he's the President of the company. Gary was saying that the Green Bay game on Monday night was huge in the ratings. He said that this Bill Keller guy is really behind it though. He said they don't know that for sure and they don't even know Paul that well. Howard told the guys to get Mike back on the phone so he can ask him who he asked to go instead of him. He said that would be a great excuse though to get out of doing it. Fred joked that he was cumming on the cat which got a big laugh out of Jim. He said he thought that she was coming in dressed up like Ivy. The Daily Punctilio published articles before this event that entailed that the man who committed numerous crimes was Count Omar and not Olaf. David said that for weeks before the show you're dancing on your own and the producers will come in and tell you that you're really good but not the greatest. Jon played a clip where Robin figured out it was a Howard Stern outfit. Howard asked Rich why he's investigating his guys because he doesn't work for them. Artie said it was easier to understand Sal and Richard's calls to Tradio. Gange said that there are people who just can't go. Artie said that was a really cool thing to get. After finding out from Mr. Poe that the children's death would not deem him eligible for a claim to the Baudelaire fortune, he renamed and completely rewrote the play into The Marvelous Marriage. Howard said he had to take 3 pictures before he sent the one. Howard said she's worth over a billion dollars now. He said that when he heard that Reggie was on he was looking forward to hearing Artie go over that story again. Olaf also has his associate Foreman Flacutono (the Bald Man in the book and Hook-Handed Man in the TV series) infiltrate the lumbermill as a worker. Howard said that's some hillbilly shit right there. Bai said that she anted to do something different and asked Howard how she looked. Larry talked about how there are a few companies doing this kind of thing. Howard said that they were asking if there were any questions about the school. Howard played the first question which was ''Who is Madonna?'' Howard said that Gange is a liar then. Sasha feels a compulsion to walk naked in a cool shady wood. Mask is not 100% effective. Robin got a laugh out of that. Title(s) Wheels told him to take it easy with that. Netflix More troops were killed over the weekend and the violence is escalating. After that Sal called in again with his bad phone connection. He said he's going to work on a whole musical about that. Count Olaf mentioned that he saw Fiona when she was an infant and that he tried to throw thumbtacks in her cradle. That led to the guys talking about Artie being thrown out on to the field at a Yankees game by his dad and then talking about MacKenzie Phillips. 11:20am, Wrap Up Show - More Reggie Jackson Discussions. He said he just can't win. 9:45am, Wrap Up Show - Reggie Jackson Discussions. He said he's glad that they're doing that though. Why Is This Night Different from All Other Nights? Olaf was involved with the organization for many years and knows many, if not all, of the secrets surrounding the organization that the Baudelaire children seek to know. He said that JD wanted Howard to know that. He said that the divot was created by Doug sliding. The woman asked why Richard got into so much trouble when he wasn't the one making the calls. Ronnie said he's told Gange that he brings it on himself. The mysterious question mark appears again, and during the commotion of trying to avoid it, Fiona secretly lets the Baudelaires onto the Queequeg to escape. However, it should be noted that Kit and Dewey claim the schism occurred when they were four years old; as Olaf is around their and Lemony's age, he would scarcely be old enough to begin the initial schism, though as an adult he could have advanced it. Despite the fortune being his main incentive for the play, it is possible that Olaf actually preferred a marriage with Violet, enjoyed the idea of being her husband and seriously planned on living with his "countess" for the rest of his life.
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