1. If there was a precancerous lesion on the old skin, it is replaced with new skin minus the lesion. At the same time local repeated application to the wound sites caused the skin to grow up from its bottom where all the cells (Stem cells) that make normal skin are residing. Besides, it stung badly when applied. So even small amounts of iodine absorbed through the skin can have good effects on body organs. Braverman, L.E.. Her husband survived, outlived the war, became the Governor of Georgia, a General, and Commander-in-Chief of the United Confederate Veterans. I have mentioned previously a patient with a biopsy-proven breast cancer lesion (she refused surgery because of previous cancer treatment) that was strongly fixed to the skin responding well to topical iodine and ended up being a dimple on the breast three year later. Of course, since large doses of iodine are tolerated intravenously without side effects, it has yet to be explored what help this may have for many cancer patients or even other diseases. Vagenakis, A.G.. Gershenfeld, L. Iodine Editor Reddish. Gradually with the help of multiple self-development courses over the years I learned to listen by just getting my ego out of the way. (1) A total of 88 percent evaporates within 3 days and it is at this point that the evaporation stops. Because my older brother died of metastatic melanoma, my chances of getting a malignant melanoma are increased by 400 times. Reconstructive surgery and old facial burns. Domestic rearrangements suddenly placed five children between the ages of 5 and 9 under my care. Likely Gordons iodine blood levels and tissue levels rose throughout his body. The exception was that after finishing my internship at the Toronto General Hospital in 1963, as I had planned, I started a PhD in biochemistry at the Montreal Neurological Institute at McGill University in Montreal. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 30:35-37, 1932. Gordons eyelids were greatly swollen; one eye was completely closed, the other almost so; his jaw was immovably clenched, and, to make matters worse, erysipelas (staphylococcus infection of skin) had set in on the left arm. Having grown up in Venezuela near the equator my sun exposure at a young age was far above normal. Science of the Total Environment 206 (1):39-56, 1997. These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. Her chiropractor suggested she start off by taking something called Thyroid Helper which can be found at Have you ever heard of this and do you know how effective it might be? The iodine disappearance rate is unrelated to thyroid disease or even iodine content of the body. On September 29, 1862, Colonel John B. Gordon held the center of General Lees army at the battle of Antietam, or Sharpsburg. (1-2) Meticulous research by Nyiri and Jannitti in 1932 showed clearly when iodine is applied to the skin in almost any form, 50% evaporates into the air within 2 hours and between 75 and 80 percent evaporates into the air within 24 hours. Clark WH. Because of its effectiveness and the results, perhaps many skin diseases are related to local tissue areas of relative iodine deficiency. International: 775 299 4661 Metabolism. Consult with a physician before use if you have a serious medical condition or use prescription medications. It is worth noting the greatest part of significant research with iodine was done before the Medline search facilities were available. Get a nascent iodine tincture. One hour lecture: Iodine, thyroid hormone and breast cancer. Used extensively in the forties and fifties it may be of use to explore this approach again. Thyroid 4 (3):351-356, 1994. From my patients I learned everything. Robbins pathologic basis of disease. People in mosquito and tick infested areas should think of doing this again. Thus Nyiris and Jannettis studies confirm why Fannys method of treatment worked so brilliantly. JAMA 101:1138-1140, 1933. page 1139. Eds Cotran, R.S., Kumar, V., Collins, T. Sixth Edition W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia. Wayne, E.J,. The remaining 12 percent that is absorbed into the skin has several fates. After completing my PhD, I was hired by the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Toronto to teach and do research. It is implied a similar approach could be taken to burns of all depths but at the same time the physiology of burns suggest there is an acute lack of thyroid hormone. Updegraff, H.L. However Nyiri and Jannittis findings that The percentage of iodine penetration through the skin is the same, irrespective of whether the cells have a high or low vitality, or are dead, and irrespective of the direction of penetration have important implications for iodine functions in the body, skin, pregnancy and fetus and also for the therapeutic use of topical and oral iodine. Monitor the patch over the next 24 hours for color changes. Mrs. Gordon, his wife, who nursed him her name was Fanny, and she was then a beautiful girl of 25 put a liberal interpretation on her instructions and painted the wounds, not three or four times a day, but, as Gordon himself says: I think three to four hundred time a day. Fannys diligence and devotion were rewarded. 1999. Get a nascent iodine solution (not povidone iodine). There has been no significant clinical research on iodine therapy or use for 40 years. Get a solution or tincture of iodine (the orange solution, not the clear one. Braverman, L.E.. Iodine and the thyroid: 33 years of study. (8-9). Koutras, D.A.. Alexander, W.D.. Clinical aspects of iodine metabolism, Philadelphia: F.A. Paul, T., Meyers, B., Witorsch, R.J., Pino, S., Chipkin, S., Ingbar, S.H. World Breast Cancer Conference, Victoria BC June 4-6, 2002.. Derry, D M. Breast cancer and iodine How to prevent and survive it. The case was unpromising. This turns out to be helpful but not the best way to use it. With one exception the baby boomers tend to do what I do in large numbers about ten years later. The effect of small increases in dietary iodine on thyroid function in euthyroid subjects. Paint a 3-inch by 3-inch circle using the iodine tincture onto your . Nyiri and Jannetti also mentioned iodine applied on the skin can be used to shrink swelling of the thyroid gland (goiters). Davis Company, 1964. These answers are personal opinions. I abandoned my research career and took all five children, a new wife and dog out west to Victoria British Columbia. Tumour progression and the nature of cancer. Likely this minimized or eliminated scar formation. This is the one area of medical research that has gone almost totally un-examined. Allow it to dry before touching anything, as it will stain. Void Where Prohibited By Law. Products sold here are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. In addition, iodines ability to trigger natural cell death (apoptosis) (5) makes it effective against all pre-cancerous skin lesions and likely many cancerous lesions. From my own clinical experience, repeated application of iodine (Lugols) to the skin appears to cause regeneration of the skin from the bottom up (Quiescent, stable or stem cell) (3) eventually sloughing the old version of the skin off like a snake molting. There does not seem to be any skin lesions which are not helped or cured by this procedure. The local site is replaced with normal skin. Iodine Test Iodine deficiency is re-emerging in many locations around the world. Iodine would be the only compound of significance during early pregnancy which can pass rapidly through all tissues of the fetus without the aid of any blood vessel or lymphatic transport. 2. Biskind,M.S. The nature of cancer: morphogenesis and progressive (self ) disorganization in neoplastic development and progression. Derry, D.M. In some cases I found clinically obvious low thyroid conditions also needed to be treated to be more effective. A friend of mine was just diagnosed with a possible thyroid disorder (her test was in the form of a drop of iodine on her arm and watching how fast it disappeared). Dr. Weatherly of the 6th Alabama Regiment, in charge of medical arrangements, had the Colonel removed to a base hospital, and prescribed tincture of iodine to be painted on the wounds three or four times a day. (8) In addition, it has been forgotten vaporized iodine rapidly kills airborne viruses such as polio and SARS viruses. Still, no bones were broken; but, while Gordon lingered in the firing line, with, as he says himself, but little of my usual strength, a fifth ball struck him squarely in the face. Proc R Soc Med 54:831-836, 1961. Mid-Atlantic Gateway. By using this site you agree to follow the Privacy Policy and all Terms & Conditions published on this site. Penetration through tissue of iodine in different solvents. The first volley from the northern lines sent a ball through the calf of Gordons right leg; soon after, another went through the muscles of his thigh; a third pierced his left arm, tearing asunder the tendons and mangling the flesh; a forth ripped through his shoulder leaving a wad of clothing embedded in its track. Kelly, F.C.. Iodine in medicine and pharmacy since its discovery-1811-1961. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 45:85-107, 1932. He died in 1904. (10) I think Fanny knew iodine applied often was a more effective way to deliver iodine to the body especially applied on multiple sites. 37:121-124, 1988. Monday to Friday 8am-8pm PST G.F. Antiseptics, disinfectants fungicides and chemical and physical sterilization, Philadelphia: Lea & Febiger Ha, 1957. pages 223 277. Winkhaus was the local promoter for Jim Crockett Promotions in the Greenville and Asheville area, and he put a lot of thought (and drama) into his newspaper advertisements at the time. One of the most famous of documentation of iodine skin therapy to a famous person occurred in the American Civil War. Fax: 775 600 1004. S.. Normal human intrathyroidal iodine. Sir William Osler, who I feel was the greatest physician of all time, said: if you listen to the patient they will usually give you the diagnosis and if you listen even more carefully they will likely indicate the best treatment for them. If skin regeneration is from the bottom, then there is little or no scar formation. The "test" of putting iodine on the skin to watch how fast it disappears is not an indicator of anything. Zaichick, V. Zaichick. Not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Restoring Vitality to You and to the Planet. The rest of the iodine within the skin (8-11%) is slowly released from the skin into the bloodstream. (6) It is my belief a water solution of iodine (like Lugols) is an important therapeutic agent for skin. It could be that not only does iodine control natural cell death (apoptosis) (5) in the fetus but may also influences stem cell development. Minor lacerations and healing of surgical wounds respond well. 2001 page 89. Effects of iodides: clinical studies. J Cancer 1991; 64:631-644. Because of the arrival of effective treatments with potential side-effects, in 1945 the out-dated Hippocratic oath of do no harm was replaced with a new principle of ethical patient care namely Consider first the well-being of the patient. Combining extensive medical-literature reading with what I learned daily from patients clarified which approaches and treatments assured the well-being of the patient. Within a short time I became a Medical Research Council Scholar, which meant the Medical Research Council of Canada paid my salary to do research. Since this essential mineral is required for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, the major indication of an iodine deficiency include hypothyroid symptoms. Perhaps the most graphic lesions are the keloid (worm) incision scars formed after surgical procedures. How to prevent and survive breast cancer. If the iodine intake and tissue levels are adequate, such as in Japan, keloid formation doesnt happen (7). (3) All pre-malignant lesions and many other oddities of the skin appear to respond to this regeneration process triggered by topical iodine. All trademarks and copyrights are property of their respective owners and are not affiliated with nor do they endorse a specific product. Nyiri,W., Jannitti,M.. About the fate of free iodine upon application to the unbroken animal skin. Products should be used as directed on the label or by your health professional. (11-15) I feel it is important for research to be directed at this potentially significant area of medical treatment. Please discuss any ideas you get with your physician. The iodine put onto the scab helps to organize total repair of the tissue. Clark WH. So all suspicious lesions I notice are returned to normal with topical Lugols. Individual results will vary. What a great old newspaper ad this is from Asheville, NC, in 1967, written by promoter Paul Winkhaus. However, even lesser doses of topical iodine seem to reverse the ominous appearance of skin lesions. Dr. Derry is no longer practicing medicine. The iodine patch test measures how quickly the body absorbs iodine transdermally through the skin. Proponents of the test believe that the thing to pay attention to is . Or, for another example, iodine put onto a mosquito bite would kill all bacteria and viruses at the site of the bite within 10-30 seconds making it impossible for any virus or bacteria to multiply and get started -such as in West Nile Fever. It is much more effective (and doesnt hurt) to apply iodine repeatedly after a scab has been formed. Page 91. and page 434. Paint a 3-inch by 3-inch square on your abdomen, inner thigh or inner forearm. My aim in 30 years of General Practice (an honor and a privilege) was to learn carefully and persistently how to listen to the patient. The iodine disappearance rate is unrelated to thyroid disease or even iodine content of the body. Get free regular updates, specials and tips in your email weekly! Acta Oncol 1995; 34:3-21. Naturally, this applies to tick bites (Lymes disease) as well. Trafford Publishing Victoria, Canada. Only 1-4% of the total iodine applied to the skin is absorbed into the bloodstream within the first few hours. For many decades in the 1800s people carried around little bottles of iodine around their necks to use on all occasions. (1-2) Meticulous research by Nyiri and Jannitti in 1932 showed clearly when iodine is applied to the skin in almost any form, 50% . Toll Free: 866 543 3388 Thyroid 1 (1):59-63, 1990. As iodine is by far the best antibiotic, antiviral and antiseptic of all time, the colonels body defenses were able to gain control of the infections. The test of putting iodine on the skin to watch how fast it disappears is not an indicator of anything. Born in 1937, I am at the cutting edge of the war baby boom. Thyroid Warrior is perfect. The main event was the team of George . Products on this website are not for sale to persons under the age of 18. My parents generation tended to put tincture of iodine onto a fresh wound to prevent infection. Some of our recent serious skin diseases such a flesh-eating disease should respond quickly to topical iodine treatment practiced by Fanny. Drop the iodine solution onto the skin to create a patch.
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