Please say a prayer for me I am 75, saved, yet homeless in NYC! Please pray God blesses our family to joyfully do His will & He exceedingly & abundantly meets all of our needs. I have had relationships where I get to know a man, but then he goes away without another word. I bring our lord's presence into their lives and homes and they drift off to sleep peacefully. Surgery is this Thursday February 14 in Seattle at about 5 a.m. The babies are due at towards the end of June. We are walking on eggshells daily. Pray for my mother and my father and their health, deliverance from alcohol addiction and needs. All the nations of the world and their leaders, that your wisdom, justice and peace may guide their actions; victims of gun violence and the families of those who have been killed, and all those forever changed and traumatized by gun violence; victims of hate crimes. I am having a hard time nailing down a job due to vaccine mandates. May the Lord also bless my job. For my longest known best friend back home in WI. GOD richly bless you brother Danny 8/19/21, Praying I hear from my friend today who is a pilot in the navy. She lost her hearing, has memory loss, bad posture, body pain, and high blood pressure. In this climate, we are even more determined to bring Light into the gaming industry than ever. Please pray for my friend, S., who has been in the hospital for several weeks on a ventilator with Covid Pneumonia. Then the day b4 his last day he noticed his check already there. Regardless he has signed on w another company & is very glad as they respect his knowledge & many other things. Please also pray for his safety and protection during his travels. Please just use initials. Please pray for my friend L. who is hospitalized with hyperemesis. Dougs heart is only beating 15% and is on Hospice. Please give me and my fiance and most of all are kids we just joined frc family recovery court we are on a better journey to get are kids back sometimes are days can be rough. Pray for repose of souls of Sr. Josepha, Sr. Celine, Sr. Beatrice, Sr. Gemma,Fr. Thank you friends at kacs, your sister in Christ . Hi, hope your day is awesome. No evil or outside force could come in my marriage. She and her husband are Christians, and he is requesting a miracle of healing for his dear wife. I am heartbroken because my husband has walked away and doesn't want anything to do with me or our 2 children ages 9 and 1. Please pray for my children who say they don't need me in their life anymore. Marian Jordan, cousin of Janet Benedick. Teresa, an elder, needs prayer for surgery and complications. God bless me with and cause me to always think, act, and react with a God solution-focused heart, mind, attitude, and spirit. 0. For my dear friend's beloved brother Rick. I never thought I would love like this, she is blind and i am willing to lay my life down for her. May it be taken from them to do anything against me, C., my guests & my family and we be at peace with each other. Pray that God would intervene in this disastrous and frightening situation, and grant His mercy and salvation. God's deliverance to live life from fear, stress, anxiety, threats, emotional, mental anguish and so forth with no longer being threatened by an ex that wants to cause disturbances, sufferings, control etc for my children and I. I am battling depression and anxiety. Pray our elected officials will set aside petty politics and party-line divisions and remember that they are elected to serve for the people, by the people. I ask to always make enough money to pay off all of my debts and my obligations. I've been praying for this since 1995. That they will NOT have muscular dystrophy, and never will. Please pray for my following requests: 1. After many tests (many of which revealed new things to test and be worried about ) I just talked to my Dr and although we were convinced I must have at least one if not several of these suspected conditions, ALL of my results except one came back NEGATIVE!!! 2022 Virtual St. Joseph Altar Opens February 24! MSIA Ministers and many others send the Light to the Prayer List daily. Others know me for my Ad Te Beate Ioseph apostolate with which I evangelized St. Joseph to people around the world (before it was cool lol). Joy needs opens doors for her books to be translated in many nations around the world. Culture of Evangelism. PLEASE PRAY. Please pray for a speedy recovery and total restoration for me in Jesus name. 13. Pray for his breathing to remain stable and steady. Good morning all my wonderful brothers and sisters at KACS!On my way to the library I remembered in a couple of days will be my birthday so i said no big deal no one knows but then I said hey it is better than nothing it will still bring a smile to my face that day!Then the thought occurred to me how many people celebrate the LORDS birthday on Christmas maybe billions and then I said what a great way to stay humble and never think my salvation has anything to do about me but everything to do about the LORD!5 people know mine versus 5 billion know the LORDS and what about my spiritual birthday in a few days no one knows both days but the LORD knows our natural birthday and our spiritual birthday and he celebrates both with us how blessed we are!GOD richly bless you brother Danny - homeless at 74 asking prayer for strength. I have a condition (possibly a prolapsed rectum or external hemorrhoids), but they shrink and disappear when I sleep at night. Please pray that the evidence I am presenting to the court is considered valid and relevant, that the judge recognizes it as proof that I did not commit this crime, and that the court doesn't find against me, because they have slippery loopholes that allow them to disregard my evidence. That the deformity will be wiped from Ks bloodline/DNA so that future generations will not be impacted. 20 1. User Login / Customize, Chehalis Valley Educational Foundation NCE Applications, KACS Security & Privacy: Your KACS App & Streaming. Jackie needs a miracle healing from cancer throughout her body. Pray for a quick and full recovery. Lord, grant me a teachable, humble attitude towards all of your children. Susan and her husband are Christians, and he is requesting a miracle of healing for his dear wife. Pray for healing for his son and I. Exposure, protection, and justice from an evil woman 8. I may be the only christian at my workplace (and they may be mostly sikh/muslim/athiest) so I find it difficult to tell them about the gospel, however I of course want to. Pray restored health. But I do wish things could iron out with my children sooner rather than later. Fear - Friend's step-grandfather-in-law injured. Here's a list of requests to consider leading your church to ask of God in 2021: 1. God please forever honor this prayer over each of our lives. Thanks. Diane had a stroke and is in much pain. Ask for compassion and guidance for the judge and jury, that my friends would find hope in this terribly dark situation, and that I would be a friend of wisdom as well. I cancelled my gym membership (I never went anyway) and I reallocated those funds for something I really enjoy and am blessed by. Please pray for him to be filled with the Holy Spirit and comforted by our Lord. In Jesus name we pray, Amen. Also pray the blood of Jesus over his nephew's mind and body.. This could take some time to happen.possibly a couple weeks or more. I'm just updating you about "R", the woman who had liver failure & was awaiting liver transplant passed away last night. His choices continue to hurt his son. Please pray. I have this really good friend and I blew the chances of us having a chance together. She also has many health issues and needs physical healing. FATHER GOD let there be love.GOD bless Grace Fellowship today brother Danny 1/22/21 Saved yet homeless at 74 sleeping under a bridge need GODS help. However, as new information is made available, changes are made. ", Keeping Administration Dept. Our son, M., soars in Bible college 5. Please pray for me! I believe I'm the best candidate for the job and believe this is God's answer to the job desire thats been tugging on my heart. thank you for your continued prayers. Thanks for sharing our PPE drive. FATHER GOD open our hearts. Olivio, Fr. Any physical activity will result in health issues. Yesterday (Thursday) I asked for prayer for God to heal the underside of my foot which was sore and hurt whenever I put my weight on it, making it sore to walk on. Deadline is fast approaching. I'm too sick to get out and do much, but I'm always blessed to have access to KACS. She desires to move back into her own place. M. needs strength and comfort. Got laid off before Christmas. I need housing help. Dear St. Joseph please intercede for my son and pray for him to be surrounded by true friends and people who have his best interests at heart. November 2022. Thank you so much. Heal our relationship& strengthen the love & bond between me & Gene so we can continue our prison ministry & fight for God together. Pray that God heals her of the hurt and pain she feels. Regards Silky. (reposted from social medai thread): "Es extubation (removal of his breathing tube) is happening at 3:00pm today. It's been a very scary month. We are going thru a real tough time. The other doesnt know her worth to God. I feel so lost and alone here. Jeanneedshealing from a shoulder injury. Thank you, I appreciate it! M is depressed and does not do important things. Simply submit your prayer request in the comment box below. He recently quit his job bc they had ripped off his $5000+ bonus wrongfully, & when they realized their mistake they didn't fix it. Lily and Brent need a miracle for their unborn baby. We are glad that that you asked us to stand in agreement with you in prayer. Thank you. last night, Tuesday, I took my wife "C" into the hospital with a serious bladder infection that has now turned into sepsis. Pray for my daughters One is angry and drinking until she passes out, and stirring up strife in the family. The last note I received last month said she was finally responding to the medication & starting to get her vision back. Felicia is struggling with Gillian Barrier Syndrome. Pray for L's health needs, and finances so debt issues can be resolved, and no further added expenses for transportation, housing, etc. Thank you! Well be meeting with a speech therapist to see if he seems to have the swallow or gag reflex at all. I know God does not want one to perish without being right. Recently I thought of backing out of it but could not get His attention. Co-Workers Need Jesus, Wisdom to Be a Witness. Please say a prayer for me this long holiday weekend in NYC! The physician said there's not much brain activity. Christmas season concern for Dad and Family, Please lift up my dad and T., and pray for their hearts, minds, souls. Pray God's mercy, peace and forgiveness for all involved. Please help me by praying for him. Please pray that my family and I will find the right attorney group that will go through ALL of my medical records, take on my case and will be able to get my family and I a settlement to take care of my medical needs and my family. Pray for our Christian gaming company, the creators of Journey of Jesus and Stained Glass. Prayers for on-line "Friend" dealing with cancer. Anyways in short he needs prayers for wisdom. Sti needs healing in her physical heart, lungs, liver, and other parts of her body where healing is needed, plus protection from a heart attack and stroke. Permission is required to copy or republish any content of the Virtual St. Joseph Altar. Please pray for Rebecca as she grows in Christ." Wednesday, November 9 2022 Sub-Saharan African Peoples Peoples of Madagascar On a recent trip to southeastern Madagascar, two missionaries met with government officials to ask about places with no church presence. Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. For general prayer intentions: prayer requests. I pray to God everyday and say I want a house. Praying for healing and a good report back from his surgeon that everything is normal and not cancer. C. and Js salvation 9. He doesn't believe God exists nor that belief in Jesus is needed. I pray that we have a second chance because we get along so well and he knows me better than I know myself sometimes. Norma needs peace and grace. Appreciating the memorial on his behalf. Instead he turned in his 2 wks notice. Pray God to guide him to better opportunities while giving him strength. I need provision to finish college credits for certification. Pray for a quick solution. Pray for my nephew who is having suicidal thoughts for peace in his life. Please pray for my sister in Christ and dear friend DP. Also pray for peace. No more hatred. Please pray for my brothers' success tonight! Please pray for her total healing from this demonic oppression and that she be returned to her right state of mind. I was speaking with God in prayer and I was directed to reach out to you. Needed UI Benefits and Employer's Cooperation. Pray that Lauras settlement court case is settled immediately. They need financial provision/blessing and protection. Pray for my relationship with my next door neighbor for our relationship to grow stronger and better than it has ever been. Bring forgiveness. NB has a branchial cleft cyst in their neck. In Jesus' Name with love and sincerity. EWTN | 5817 Old Leeds Rd. Please pray that the Lord will open the door for a better job that would be right for me soon. 4. Bless me to prosper, walk in excellent health, and never stop growing in the grace, knowledge, wisdom, and love of Christ Jesus. Please pray for protection against an abusive neighbor. We pray for full restoration!! Also, Scott is in the hospital. The baby has possible serious medical issues. We are trusting believing he is with the Lord. I hope with all my heart that I have not made any mistakes that are too bad between her and myself. Prayers for the people of Ukraine. Knowledge and wisdom to do my new job successfully and learn everything I need to learn. Please i am desperate for this to be finalized so that i can move on with my life, raise my children and be of help to others going through something as difficult as this. As you hear news today about the explosions in Beirut, Lebanon pray for the Adventist work there as they have buildings damaged and as of last evening had not accounted for all of their people. In Jesus' name, Amen. Years ago, God blessed him, his life turned around and today he needs another intervention. To be faithful to her husband, to treat him with love respect. She is not able to understand many words or able to answer and not able to express what she wants to say. Teach us to lead by Spirit man. Part of me fears that I may actually have deeper feelings than I'd like to admit, but can't even look into them not knowing. Your donations for running this web site are greatly appreciated. Pray that Andrew realigns his priorities to Gods will. Help for sister n law in finding a facility that will take her insurance or at home care. Pray for a friend of mine, and also for myself (both of us), that God would move quickly to keep his promises, and that every voice that is not in agreement with Gods will be silenced in the name of Jesus. For a man I met online shopping. 2. That everything will work out between us. St Joseph the Worker, please pray for my friend and former workmate William W. to be healed in body, mind, and spirit. But He is grieving for his precious wife and soulmate of many years. Pray for these things to continue to heal. And pray for reason and moral strength to return to local elected authorities in these cities. Finances are also needed for hospital bills that added up through both their stay in the hospital because of Covid. Please pray for my oldest son & his family for wisdom. THANK YOU SOOO MUCH. To facilitate this, the request is sent to several people (paid staff and volunteers). Please pray for my wife. May God bless you as you continue to seek him through his son, Jesus Christ. Any little bit will help me with medication and food. UPDATE: the ventilator tube has been removed and E. is breathing well on his own! Thank you, I appreciate it! We are instructed to ask God specificaly, and to keep on asking. Pray for my son that he can overcome the addiction his father passed on to him. FATHER GOD Heal me now. Prayers to be with our Pastors and give them health, wisdom and blessings as they minister to our church and community. Docs say its still due to the swelling on the brain putting pressure on the brain stem. I am Bible teacher but my teaching ministry has stopped. Requests are read once during the closest Sunday from the time you send in the form except for requests . Pray for authorities and leaders needing to take appropriate action and response; and pray for safety for area families. URGENT: Tommy is in ICU and needs urgent prayer. Tichs visa status applied for student visa was refused. World Church Prayer Requests July 8 - 14, 2022. Pray for the removal of debt and financial blessings and financial security for her. Glorious Saint Joseph, faithful follo, Sunday after Christmas Feast of the Holy Family. Pray the surgery was successful and she has a quick recovery. Good morning all my wonderful brothers and sisters at KACS! PC asks you to pray for restored hearing, recovery from memory loss, management of blood pressure to healthy level, recovery from bad posture, and other health complications. Marge needs a healing miracle in her body. Prayers for Mother in Hospital ICU Repiratory Failure. Please, pray for me. I need massive dental work--God have mercy. Please keep me and my boyfriend in prayers; we had a misunderstanding and we need lots of prayers to restore our relationship. Our doctor told us that these movements and progress mean that more than just his brain stem is working (we had previously been told that only his brain stem was undamaged), and his cerebral cortex is functional to some degree. Thank you God. I need a prayer over it. ONeal has been given under two months to live. and God pours love on them. God Thank You for answering this prayer and Thank You for loving me. Healing for sister: lump in her neck requires surgery. She is also pregnant with their first child. I am currently having legal actions taken against me as a notary. I shared with the manager if I were transferred I would stay in the existing company in another branch if there was such an opportunity, but if not I would look for a new job, then please pray that God would take care of everything and guide my step. In situations like this everyone rallies at the beginning and then the support tends to taper off as we all have to manage our own responsibilities in life. At the time this occurred, Larry Jr was considering conversion from Lutheran to the Catholic faith as well as discerning a vocation into a contemplative order. I am in crucial situation. God Bless! So we can walk and experience without any more from what another continues to bring forth after 9 years divorced. My employer's daughter uses crutches to walk. Joseph: Messages of the Heart, and Our Lady of Portugal: Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary Throughout Portugals History.
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