cpi july 2022 estimate

There had been a doubling of the universal rebate through the Energy Bills Support Scheme, providing an additional 200 to households. FLASH (October 12th): In contrast to the happy, albeit temporary, energy-driven softening in September 2022 annual aggregate PPI Inflation, consider that the September PPI Construction Inflation held moved anew to its record-high pace of 23.1%. The estimate of the Portuguese Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) annual rate of change was 9.8%(9.3% in the previous month). Thanks! 46: As permitted under the Bank of England Act 1998, as amended by the Bank of England and Financial Services Act 2016, Sir Bradley Fried was also present on 8 June, as an observer for the purpose of exercising oversight functions in his role as a member of the Banks Court of Directors. - With ongoing inflationary implications, in context of upside benchmark revisions to the current more-liquid Money Supply data, September 2022 Money Supply Basic M1 (Currency plus Demand Deposits) notched minimally lower, off its new 123.3% [previously 122.1%] August record-high gain, holding at 121.6% above its Pre-Pandemic Peak, still reflecting a 52-year peak in extreme flight to liquidity -- no inflation relief is in sight, so far. The sixth release of findings from the 2021 Census are available! Annual-Change Gyrations Are Just Beginning for Economic, Inflation, Money Supply and Financial Return Numbers, as the Pandemic-Driven Collapse Passes It First Anniversary EXPANDED DETAIL - FLASH Designations - As seen with the latest OPENING HEADLINES of ECONOMIC coverage of Employment and Unemployment, Trade, GDP, Sentiment, Construction et al, and INFLATION coverage of the CPI, PPI and GDP Deflator, a FLASH designation marks the most recent or important stories, with detail behind the headline economic numbers reviewed in the ensuing LATEST NUMBERS Section, and the latest FOMC developments and Monetary circumstances discussed in the subsequent SYSTEMIC RISK Section MONEY SUPPLY and MONETARY BASE. Microsoft is quietly building a mobile Xbox store that will rely on Activision and King games. In the third straight month of both headline annual CPI and PPI inflation temporarily depressed by weaker gasoline prices, the aggregate unadjusted year-to-year, annual September 2022 Producer Price Index (PPI) was 8.55%, down from 8.66% in August, while the most meaningful Goods Sector annual inflation declined in parallel to 11.31% from 12.25% in August. That began a lengthy process of exploring the history and nature of economic reporting and in interviewing key people involved in the process from the early days of government reporting through the present. In part reflecting those developments, Chinese activity data had been weaker in April than had been anticipated at the time of the May Report, and Bank staff now expected the level of GDP to be broadly flat in 2022 Q2 compared with the 0.8% quarterly growth that had been incorporated in the May Report. Once the election outcome is resolved, ShadowStats will address the related circumstances. The Committee will be particularly alert to indications of more persistent inflationary pressures, and will if necessary act forcefully in response. 1461 will follow soon, incorporating the latest FOMC, economic, inflation, monetary and political/ election developments. Consumer services price inflation, which is more influenced by domestic costs than goods price inflation, has strengthened in recent months. CPI inflation was expected to average slightly over 10% at its peak in 2022 Q4. 6: Euro-area annual HICP inflation had increased to 8.1% in May according to the flash release, with core inflation at 3.8%, both of which had been stronger than market expectations. For all readers, in general, if you have any questions or otherwise would like to communicate, please e-mail johnwilliams@shadowstats.com or call (707) 763-5786. A key question remained about whether some self-sustaining momentum in domestically generated inflation would persist even as a margin of slack in the economy was expected to open up in due course. Gasoline prices, however, are rising anew, in October 2022, already above September levels. The Fed will release the headline October 2022 Money Supply and Monetary Base data at 1:00 p.m. The Economic Community largely does not recognize these dates and timing, at present. Current ShadowStats Alternate-Data GDP, Money Supply, CPI and Unemployment series all are updated and detailed on their respective ALTERNATE DATA TABS (see the links above in the ribbon menu). In September 2022, the euro area seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate was 6.6%, down from 6.7% in August 2022 and down from 7.3% in September 2021. As previously discussed here, and potentially of great significance in the domestic, broad economic picture, September 2022 Industrial Production Capacity Utilization -- a traditional and fundamental indicator of the regular economic cycle -- recovered its August 2018 business-cycle peak of 80.32%, for the first time, with an initial reading of 80.34%, albeit in context of several months of still pending volatile revisions, which usually are to the downside for this series. Statistics Canada is embracing the possibilities of data science to better serve the information needs of Canadians. Real Annual Growth in New Orders for Durable Goods Turned Negative, Amidst Renewed Slowing in Commercial Aircraft Orders Table 4. Ten-year government bond yields had risen by around 40, 55 and 75 basis points in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany respectively. Yet, those discouraged, who have given up looking for work because there are no jobs to be had, are counted only if they have been discouraged for less than one year. Separately, where relatively stable headline pre-Pandemic Payrolls tended to add about 200,000 jobs per month to headline Employment, such reflected the net balance of regular job-market entrants, such as students entering the work force, less those, such as retirees leaving the labor force. Equity indices in the major advanced economies had fallen since the MPCs previous meeting, with large declines in the S&P 500 and the Euro Stoxx 50. This is the highest CPI 12-month inflation rate in the National Statistic series which began in January 1997, and the highest rate in the historic modelled series since March 1992, when it stood at 7.1%. Thereafter, an Expansion is in place until the next formal Peak, which, the NBER does time. Find everything you need to know about a specific survey or a statistical program. Payroll Employment rose by 261,000 in the month, within the expected range, having recovered its Pre-Pandemic Peak in August, gaining against, but still shy by about 5.6 million jobs of what would have been the normal level of payroll activity expected, at present, without the Pandemic. That initial and potentially unstable estimate of 2.57% annualized, real growth in Third-Quarter 2022 Gross Domestic Product -- slightly above consensus -- flipped from a 0.58% (-0.58%) quarterly contraction in the Second-Quarter, up by 1.8% year-to-year in both quarters (respectively up by 1.80% and 1.77%. The risks to the inflation projection were judged to be skewed to the upside at these points. Stock Indices Are At or Near All-Time Highs, Coming into the First Anniversary of the Pre-Pandemic Stock-Market Peaks and Subsequent Crashes 29: The ONSs reweighting of the Labour Force Survey (LFS) with new population estimates had changed only marginally the composition of the labour market. He received an A.B. Part of the variable data distortions here for the broader unemployment measures is tied to the discouraged workers count. Having depleted an estimated 45% (-45%) of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, now at its lowest level since 1984, and with a resulting, happy pre-election Third-Quarter GDP number in hand, the Administration announced an end to its extraordinary SPR depletion on Thursday, November 3rd. Theoretically Equivalent Third-Quarter 2020 GDP (Product) and GDI (Income) Rebounded by Varying Annualized Quarterly Gains of 33.1% and 25.5%, Still Holding Far Shy of Economic Recovery Interest rates on unsecured borrowing had also increased slightly overall. Retail sales volumes had increased by 1.4% in April, following a decline of 1.2% in March. For all the broader Money Supply measures in September 2022, dollar levels and growth levels against respective Pre-Pandemic Troughs held close to but off the historic peaks seen in August 2022. 3: GDP growth rates in the euro area and in the United States were likely to be marginally stronger in 2022 Q2 than in the May Report, with quarterly rates of 0.3% and 0.8% now expected respectively. Underlying nominal earnings growth has also remained strong, and the Banks Agents report that bonus payments have been used to address recruitment and retention difficulties. That said, in Business Cycle definitions, an economic downturn traditionally has been known as a Depression, which has two components the Recession and the Recovery. After the economic terror of the Great Depression, economic downturns took on the less-frightening Recession nomenclature. FLASH (October 28th): Final October 2022 Consumer Sentiment - Holding at 40.7% (-40.7%) [initially 40.8% (-40.8%)] below Pre-Pandemic levels, the University of Michigans October 2022 Consumer Sentiment confirmed the preliminary reading earlier this month, inching up just 1.3 index points from September. Instead, reflecting extreme FRB money creation and consumer flight to liquidity, inflation-driving Money Supply growth in the most liquid measure of Basic M1 (Currency plus Checking Accounts) has received the equivalent of 21 years of Monetary Stimulus in the 31 months (2.6 years) since the March 2020 Pandemic Shutdown. There has been relatively little news in global and domestic economic data since the May Report, although there have been significant movements in financial markets. A PLEASE NOTE: Subscribers Only: If you are not already signed up for, but would like to receive e-mails of DAILY UPDATE changes, as the news breaks and is assessed, along with related graphs, such is part of your existing ShadowStats Subscription. Recessions are measured only from Peak-to-Trough, while Recoveries are measured from Trough-to-Regaining-the-Pre-Recession-Peak (timing not formally called by the NBER), which is far from being at hand, despite relative strength in some major numbers such as the GDP. Rates of consumer price inflation in the euro area and in the United States had also been elevated during the first half of this year. The 2021 Financial Report is available here: https://www.fiscal.treasury.gov/reports-statements/financial-report/current-report.html -- ShadowsStats will provide extended analysis in an updated Hyperinflation Commentary, which will post subsequent to the pending Commentary. 23: CPI inflation was expected to rise somewhat further in the near term, to just under 10% in September, reflecting higher food, core goods and services price inflation. Job gains have been robust in recent months, and the unemployment rate has remained low. Yet, that robust headline Payroll Employment just minimally recovered its Pre-Pandemic level two months ago, in headline August 2022 reporting. Contact us to discuss your needs. Necessary cookies enable core functionality on our website such as security, network management, and accessibility. Consider that in normal economic times [no Pandemic], Payroll Employment currently would be running higher by about 5,600,000 jobs than seen at present. 35: The MPCs remit was clear that the inflation target applied at all times, reflecting the primacy of price stability in the UK monetary policy framework. The ONSs announcement on the treatment of this rebate in economic statistics, including consumer prices, was forthcoming. Broadly in line with ShadowStats estimates based on the FOMCs weekly reporting through October 5th, the September 2022 Monetary Base showed renewed and deepening monthly and annual contractions (Federal Reserve Board - FRB, ShadowStats). 2: UK-weighted global growth in 2022 Q2 appeared to be broadly in line with expectations at the time of the May Monetary Policy Report. The NBER called an end to the 2020 Recession on July 19th, again, just the first leg of the Depression. All posted Commentaries also are available in, or accessible from, the upper left-hand column of this www.shadowstats.com Home Page. Negative Implications Here for the July 29th GDP Benchmarking In parallel, the original Producer Price Index Series - Finished Goods, which goes back to 1947, took some hit along with the modern September 2022 series from the temporary plunge in gasoline/ energy prices, with the related September 2022 PPI softening to an 11.5% year-to-year gain from an upwardly revised 12.8% [previously 12.7%] in August, 15.4% in July and 18.3% in June, but, outside of the recent monthly spikes, still the strongest inflation in 42 years for the traditional Series. The scale, pace and timing of any further increases in Bank Rate will reflect the Committees assessment of the economic outlook and inflationary pressures. Relative to 2022 Q1, the slowing in growth was still expected primarily to reflect temporary factors such as the additional bank holiday for the Platinum Jubilee as well as the anticipated fall in Test and Trace activity. 0.7% (quarterly change) Consumer Price Index - Canada (September 2022) 6.9% (12-month change) Unemployment rate - Canada (October 2022) 5.2%. The Committee is strongly committed to returning inflation to its 2 percent objective. The Committee seeks to achieve maximum employment and inflation at the rate of 2 percent over the longer run. 1461. September 2022 New-Home Sales activity was down by a statistically insignificant 10.9% (-10.9%) month-to-month, but the year-to-year decline of 17.6% (-17.6%) was significant at the 90% confidence interval, despite the frequent, extreme and nonsensical revisions to the series. Weakening U.S. Dollar, Rebounding Gold and Oil Prices Foreshadow Rising Inflation, Four Million Unemployed People Are Missing from the Headline Labor Force Indeed, the Administrations release of oil from and the extraordinary depletion of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) not only temporarily softened excessively high inflation into September and October 2022, but it also narrowed the Third-Quarter 2022 U.S. Trade Deficit enough, given largely unadvertised exports of related oil, to generate a temporary boost to the Third-Quarter 2022 GDP, just prior to November 8th Mid-Term Elections. Chances Are Reduced for Moderating Extreme Monetary and Fiscal Policies The stock of vacancies had risen further, to 1.3 million in the three months to May. You may disable these by changing your browser settings, but this may affect how the website functions. In 2022, more than half of women aged 15 and older (52%, or almost 8.4 million women) provided some form of care to children and care-dependent adults, whether paid or unpaid. The inactivity rate has declined a little over recent months but is still higher than immediately before the pandemic. For those interested in a ShadowStats Subscription, please see the SUBSCRIPTION LINK at the upper left-hand corner of this Web page). in Economics, cum laude, from Dartmouth College in 1971, and was awarded a M.B.A. from Dartmouth's Amos Tuck School of Business Administration in 1972, where he was named an Edward Tuck Scholar. The S&P Global/CIPS PMI composite output index had fallen in May, but had remained around its long-run average level. The economic recovery part of the cycle began off the April 2020 trough in Pandemic activity, with the economy fully recovered, once activity recovered the pre-downturn peak of August 2018. These global shocks could interact with domestic factors, including the tight labour market and the pricing strategies of firms, and could lead to more persistent inflationary pressures. The unemployment rate held steady at 5.2% in October. 43: As of 15 June 2022, the total stock of assets held in the Asset Purchase Facility (APF) was 866 billion, comprising 847 billion of UK government bond purchases and 19.3 billion of sterling non-financial investment-grade corporate bond purchases. Discover StatsCANour newest mobile application! Contacts of the Banks Agents had reported that manufacturing and services companies had continued to face elevated input prices, which businesses had continued to pass onto their prices in order to protect their margins. All of these indicators remain consistent with a tight labour market. The U.S. Dollar Is at Its Lowest Level Against the Swiss Franc Since January 2015, Down by 10.0% (-10.0%) Year-to-Year A Weak Dollar Is Highly Inflationary for the United States and Bullish for Gold On Top of an Upside Revision, Housing Starts Gained 4.9% in the Month; This Was Not Statistically Significant at the 90% Confidence Interval Faster policy tightening now would help to bring inflation back to the target sustainably in the medium term, and reduce the risks of a more extended and costly tightening cycle later. That said, each month, headline Payroll data are revised back two months (both seasonally adjusted and unadjusted), with shifting seasonal adjustments. HURRICANE DISRUPTION is possible to the ShadowStats Site in the next day or two, where Tropical Storm Nicole is expected to make Florida landfall, tonight, as a hurricane, [our server is located in Orlando, in the projected path of the storm]. Please enter a search term. The Committee anticipates that ongoing increases in the target range will be appropriate in order to attain a stance of monetary policy that is sufficiently restrictive to return inflation to 2 percent over time. Noted regularly here, New Home Sales is one of the least-reliable series that Census publishes. Regardless of whether they cared for children or adults, women were significantly more likely than men (42%) to provide care. Where gasoline prices now are on the rise, upside pressure on inflation is mounting anew. During his career as a consulting economist, John has worked with individuals as well as Fortune 500 companies. Total government expenditure had risen by 1.5%. September 2022 Money Supply -- As reported this afternoon by the Federal Reserve Board (FRB), amidst mixed benchmark revisions, the September 2022 level of the most-liquid and the inflation-driving Money Supply measure Basic M1 (Currency plus Demand Deposits [checking accounts]) revised higher in August 2022, setting a new all-time high level, up by an unprecedented 123.3% from its February 2020 Pre-Pandemic Trough (PPT), where July was up by a revised 114.6% (previously 114.4%), but it notched lower to 121.6%, in its initial September 2022 reporting, with the headline, broadest based M2 at 39.1% in September, down from 39.9% in August and from 40.0% in July. Under current FRB/ FOMC policies, headline economic activity should continue to falter, and inflation should continue to soar (expanded economic specifics are detailed in the later OPENING HEADLINE and LATEST NUMBERS Sections). Economic Recovery Is Not as Close as Hyped by the Consensus Outlook 2022 Jul. The payments to benefit recipients were skewed towards people on lower incomes. FLASH (September 13th): The Annual Income and Poverty Reporting for 2021 showed little statistically meaningful change, helped heavily by the governments use of understated inflation estimates [extended analysis of these numbers follows in pending No. FLASH (November 1st): September 2022 Construction Spending - On top of the usual upside revisions to the prior two months inflation-adjusted Real Construction Spending--adjusted for the continuing explosive annual growth in Construction Inflation--September 2022 Real Construction Spending showed a twelfth consecutive monthly year-to-year plunge, down 9.9% (-9.9%), versus Augusts near-term record annual drop of 10.5% (-10.5%), consistent with a continuing and intensifying sharp new pullback in economic activity. The core inflation index, which excludes energy and unprocessed food products components, was 6.9% (6.5% in the previous month), the highest rate since February 1994. The euro-area unemployment rate had remained unchanged at a record low of 6.8% in April, while the US unemployment rate had held steady at 3.6% in May, close to pre-pandemic levels. According to contacts of the Banks Agents, growth had continued to be held back by supply chain disruptions, although companies were increasingly taking measures to alleviate the effects of these disruptions, for example by using alternative inputs and holding more stock. Explore key economic trends and social challenges that arise as the COVID-19 situation evolves. I N F L A T I O N - FLASH (October 27th): On the inflation front, the initial estimate of the understated Third-Quarter 2022 GDP Implicit Price Deflator (IPD) [resulting in overstated Third-Quarter Real GDP growth], came in at 6.94% year-to-year inflation, down from 7.62% in Second-Quarter 2022. Industrial production had also seen a decline, albeit somewhat smaller relative to the strictness of the lockdowns, as some companies had continued to operate via so-called closed-loop production systems. -- Coverage of October 2022 CPI follows tomorrow, November 10th, with the Early November Consumer Sentiment posting on November 11th. If sustained, the latest wholesale gas futures prices would mean around a 40% increase in the utility price cap in October, similar to the expectation at the time of the May Report. 17: Some indicators of corporate sector sentiment had weakened since the MPCs previous meeting, although they had remained more resilient than indicators of consumer confidence and, based on pre-Covid relationships, were consistent with positive underlying GDP growth. Similarly, the revised annualized quarterly IPD at 4.06% collapsed from 9.10% in Third-Quarter 2022. HELP repayment rates and thresholds from 1 July 2022 for 2022-23. Nonetheless, in aggregate, with all revisions in place, the revised headline September 2022 payroll gains had recovered 543,000 jobs, with todays aggregated October 2022 payroll recovery level at a gain of 804,000 jobs above the February 2020 Pre-Pandemic Peak. 2022 Unadjusted indexes Unadjusted percent change ; Jul the New measures ahead of the,... 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