disco diffusion models

This distance is NOT measured in the same units as translation_x/y/z above. Too much init scale, and the image wont change much during diffusion. A typical path will read /content/video_name.mp4. Each step (or iteration) involves the AI looking at subsets of the image called cuts and calculating the direction the image should be guided to be more like the prompt. Try your images with and withoutclamp_grad. Higher numbers reduce the 3D effect, and are useful for landscapes and large scenes. Parameters are at the heart of controlling DD image character and quality, and many parameters offset the effects of others, making DD a rich and complex tool that takes a while to learn. We pass in the U-Net model that we just defined along with several parameters - the size of images to generate, the number of timesteps in the diffusion process, and a choice between the L1 and L2 norms. During training, the model learns to reverse this diffusion process in order to generate new data. While Diffusion Models have not yet been democratized to the same degree as other older architectures/approaches in Machine Learning, there are still implementations available for use. Scroll to the bottom of the notebook to the. In practice, training equivalently consists of minimizing the variational upper bound on the negative log likelihood. These various CLIP models are available for you to use during image generation. The scheduled cuts can be further multiplied by thecut_batchesvariable, set in basic settings. As mentioned previously, it is possible[1] to rewrite \( L_{vlb} \) almost completely in terms of KL divergences: Replacing the distributions with their definitions given our Markov assumption, we get, We use log rules to transform the expression into a sum of logs, and then we pull out the first term, Using Bayes' Theorem and our Markov assumption, this expression becomes, We then split up the middle term using log rules, Plugging this back into our equation for Lvlb, we have. rotation_3d_z: (3D only)(0|-3 to 3) Measured in degrees. In future DD releases, this will likely be hidden from users, as its not meant to be edited directly. In other words, if you increase your total dimensions by 50% (e.g. In other words, we have show that asserting the distribution of a timestep conditioned on the previous one via the mean of a Gaussian distribution is equivalent to asserting that the distribution of a given timestep is that of the previous one with the addition of Gaussian noise. init_image: Optional. DD also has several animation systems that allow you to make an animated sequence of CLIP-diffusion images. It feels sad when that happens, but try back later. AI!. "!. Check out our MinImagen project, where we go through building a minimal implementation of the text-to-image model Imagen! Set Up. translation_x, translation_y (in 2D mode):(0|-10 to 10)In 2D mode, the translation parametershifts the imageby ()pixels per frame. Importantly, the authors of [3] actually found that training \(\mu_\theta\) to predict the noise component at any given timestep yields better results. Leave as bicubic. Further improvements from Dango233 and nshepperd helped improve the quality of diffusion in general, and especially so for shorter runs like this notebook aims to achieve. -Z. Disco Diffusion (DD) (currentlyversion 5.2) is intimidating and inscrutable at first. steps Number of steps, higher numbers will give more refined output but will take longer prompt Text Prompt width Width of the output image, higher numbers will take longer height Height of the output image, higher numbers will take longer diffusion_model Diffusion Model diffusion_sampling_mode Diffusion Sampling Mode ViTB32 Use ViTB32 model ViTB16 As you can see in the image below, the result is incredible. Cassius Marcellus Coolidge Cecily Mary Barker Charles Addams Charles Angrand Charles Blackman Charles E. Burchfield Charles Schulz Cham Soutine Chesley Bonestell Chiharu Shiota Chris Foss Chris LaBrooy Chris Mars Chris Moore Christopher Balaskas Cindy Sherman Claude Cahun Claude Monet Clive Madgwick Clovis Trouille A frankensteinian amalgamation of notebooks, models and techniques for the generation of AI Art and Animations. If you must. Too much CGS and the init image will be lost. Use Git or checkout with SVN using the web URL. The probability of a pixel value x, given the univariate Gaussian distribution of the corresponding pixel in \(x_1\), is the area under that univariate Gaussian distribution within the bucket centered at x. This helps with frame continuity, and speeds up rendering. I suggest you experiment with this. Depending on your scene and scale, you will need to experiment with varying translation values to achieve your goals. 1000 or below) may be a way to help mitigate color clipping on long 3D animations. Jan 2 Journey Across the Kingdom GIF 89 1,431 8,166 Interested in @Somnai_dreams's Tweets? Prompts are broken down into an animation frame number and a list of strings. You can usecutn_batchesto increase cuts per timestep without increasing memory usage. Vark added code to load in multiple Clip models at once, which all prompts are evaluated against, which may greatly improve accuracy. This process is succinctly encapsulated by the following equation: Given this equation for \( p_\theta(x_0 | x_1) \), we can calculate the final term of \(L_{vlb}\) which is not formulated as a KL Divergence: As mentioned in the last section, the authors of [3] found that predicting the noise component of an image at a given timestep produced the best results. Most of DDs controls are numerical and control various aspects of the CLIP model and the diffusion curve. This guide assumes you understand the basics of accessing and running a notebook using Googles Colab service. E.g. Check the resources list for links to some information on running DD beyond Colab, and visit theDD Discord#tech-support or #dev channel to chat with other folks about these questions. If you want a very large final image, a common practice is to generate medium sized images using DD, then to use a separate AI upscaler to increase the dimensions of the DD-produced image. If DD crashes for some reason other than CUDA OOM: This is the end of the basics. Just take it in small steps and youll make progress. angle:(0|-3 to 3)(2D only) Rotates image by ()degreeseach frame. frames_skip_steps:(60%|40%-80%)In 2D, 3D and video animation modes,frames_skip_stepsplays a similar role asskip_stepsdoes above when using an image as an init. There are also dozens of great Youtube and written tutorials and guides. - Generate Your Image Step 7: Wait For Image to Generate Step 8: Image is Finished Generating Where Are Images Located Diffusion will denoise the existing image, and DD will display its current estimate of what the final image would look like. Disco Diffusion (DD) is a Google Colab Notebook which leverages an AI Image generating technique called CLIP-Guided Diffusion to allow you to create compelling and beautiful images from just text inputs. Rob Richards has generated a beautiful Roman villa using Disco Diffusion v5.2. The meteoric rise of Diffusion Models is one of the biggest developments in Machine Learning in the past several years. resume_run: If your batch run gets interrupted (either because you stopped it, or because of a disconnection,) you can resume your batch run where you left off using this checkbox. Seeskip_stepsabove for further discussion. In DD, prompts are set at the very bottom of the notebook. A Diffusion Model is trained by finding the reverse Markov transitions that maximize the likelihood of the training data. use_secondary_model:(Default: True)Option to use a secondary purpose-made diffusion model to clean up interim diffusion images for CLIP evaluation. Rotates the camera around the z axis, thus rotating the 3D view of the camera clockwise or counterclockwise. 3D rotation parameter units are now degrees (rather than radians), Corrected name collision in sampling_mode (now diffusion_sampling_mode for plms/ddim, and sampling_mode for 3D transform sampling), Added video_init_seed_continuity option to make init video animations more continuous, Removed pytorch3d from needing to be compiled with a lite version specifically made for Disco Diffusion, Addition of ViT-L/14@336px model (requires high VRAM), Warp mode - for smooth/continuous video input results leveraging optical flow estimation and frame blending, Pixel Art Diffusion, Watercolor Diffusion, and Pulp SciFi Diffusion models, Integrated portrait_generator_v001 - 512x512 diffusion model trained on faces - from Felipe3DArtist. Final images and/or videos will be saved in \My Drive\AI\Disco_Diffusion\images_out\batch_name. There are many options, but if you want to just type phrases and use the default settings to generate images: Thats it. With the right settings and powerful GPUs, it can generate artist quality high-res images for a wide variety of subjects. Original notebook by Katherine Crowson (https://github.com/crowsonkb, https://twitter.com/RiversHaveWings). There are many technical ways to assess memory usage, but as a novice user its best to just run a few experiments on different setups to understand the limits of the instance youre on. We achieve this on unconditional image synthesis by finding a better architecture through a series of ablations. Intermediates_in_subfolder:(Default: True)If saving intermediate images, this option will store intermediate images in a subfolder called partials. Highcut_ic_powvalues have larger borders, and therefore the cuts themselves will be smaller and provide finer details. Steps 1, 50, 100, 150, and 200 of the diffusion process. Posted on novembro 3, 2022 by - how many mountains in norwayhow many mountains in norway Note:setting the seed value via set_seed will ONLY set the seed for the first image in a batch or an animation. Implemented resume of turbo animations in such a way that it's now possible to resume from different batch folders and batch numbers. Uses weighted combination of AdaBins and MiDaS depth estimation models. Once youve confirmed that all of this is working, you can interrupt the program (Runtime\Interrupt Execution) whenever you like. Click the run button next to Do the Run!. 3D Rotationsfollow the diagram above, with positive values following the direction of the arrows. First proposed in 2015, a renewed interest in diffusion models was observed recently, owing to their training stability and promising sample quality results on audio and visual generation. You signed in with another tab or window. fps:(12|12-60)Frames per second of the output video. And also, free. cut_ic_pow:(1.0|0.5-100)This sets the size of the border used for inner cuts. The following settings control output video creation. This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. turbo_mode:(3D only) Turn on/off turbo mode. They work by corrupting the training data by progressively adding Gaussian noise. Warp and custom model support by Alex Spirin (https://twitter.com/devdef). Integrated Turbo+Smooth features from Disco Diffusion Turbo -- just the implementation, without its defaults. Interrupt the execution. These other apps use different technologies, but many of the same principles apply. Trying to usetoo many CLIP or Diffusion modelsat the same time. As noted above, video input animation mode takes individual frames from a user-provided video clip (mp4) and uses those sequentially as init_images to create diffusion images. . DD will start the process, and store the finished images in your batch folder. For real. Disco Diffusion What are Diffusion Models? Note that Lvlb is technically an upper bound (the negative of the ELBO) which we are trying to minimize, but we refer to it as Lvlb for consistency with the literature. 3D animation implementation added by Adam Letts (https://twitter.com/gandamu_ml) in collaboration with Somnai. If you setetato 0, then you can get decent output with only 50-75 steps. Symmetry integration into Disco Diffusion by Dmitrii Tochilkin (https://twitter.com/cut_pow). Higherrange_scalewill reduce contrast, for more muted images. Given this new formulation of \( \pmb{\Sigma}_\theta \), we have. This means you asked DD to do something that exceeded the available GPU memory resources, and it broke. The cut schedule can also be used as a finer-grained replacement for skip_steps. It then learns to reverse this process . After each run, the actual seed value used will be reported in the parameters report, and can be reused if desired by entering seed # here. Option A (control panel) Open control panel and click " Programs " from here select " Turn windows feature on or off " This should have opened a new window with a list of features, scroll all the way to the bottom Select " Windows Subsystem for Linux " Also select " Virtual Machine Platform " Restart your pc after installing Option B (PowerShell) Developing text prompts takes practice and experience, and is not the subject of this guide. This is useful if you like a particular result and would like to run more iterations that will be similar. So once you get some comfort with each parameter, you should absolutely experiment with more extreme values (including negative numbers) to find values that work for your artistic goals. Seehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_variation_denoising. Diffusion is a mathematical process for removing noise from an image. The mathematical form of the KL divergence for continuous distributions is. Now we discuss the choices required in defining the reverse process. Where the final implication stems from the mathematical equivalence between a sum of random variables and the convolution of their distributions - see this Wikipedia page for more information. Controls smoothness of final output. You can select an alternate folder. I know that some folks have succeeded with running DD on other hardware including their own home PCs, but I know literally nothing about this. This removes details in the data till it becomes pure noise. e.g. Default and custom model settings. is set and then press ctrl+f9 to run all cells. clamp_max:(0.05|0-0.30)Sets the value of theclamp_gradlimitation. You may love or not-love your first DD images, but if you want to make them better, read on! Then, it trains a neural network to reverse the corruption process. So, (scheduled cuts) x (cutn_batches) = (total cuts per timestep). Some recent experiments suggest that using a LOW frame scale (i.e. Vark added code to load in multiple Clip models at once, which all prompts are evaluated against, which may greatly improve accuracy. The default settings allows for coarse structure (overview cuts) to be emphasized early in the diffusion curve, and for finer details (inner cuts) to be emphasized later. Sacrifices accuracy/alignment for quicker runtime. Ultimately, they use the following objective: The training and sampling algorithms for our Diffusion Model therefore can be succinctly captured in the below figure: In this section we took a detailed dive into the theory of Diffusion Models. So ipd might end up needing to be tweaked. @Elisos guide to running disco diffusion locally. A frankensteinian amalgamation of notebooks, models and techniques for the generation of AI Art and Animations. Were focused on the knobs and levers to drive Disco Diffusion. Noise scheduling (denoise strength) starts very high and progressively gets lower and lower as diffusion steps progress. If you dont like the progression, just interrupt execution, change some settings, and re-run. Most beginning users do NOT need to adjust cutn_scheduling, so leaving this setting alone is a good idea until you get a good feeling for the other controls. Initial QoL improvements added, including user friendly UI, settings+prompt saving and improved google drive folder organization. We then break down the real line into small "buckets", where, for a given scaled pixel value x, the bucket for that range is \([x-1/255, x+1/255]\). sampling_mode: (3D only) Determines convolution behavior when resampling the image for 3D warping. Then it adjusts the image with the help of the diffusion denoiser, and moves to the next step. Integration of OpenCLIP models and initiation of integration of KaliYuga models by Palmweaver / Chris Scalf (https://twitter.com/ChrisScalf11), Integrated portrait_generator_v001 from Felipe3DArtist (https://twitter.com/Felipe3DArtist). [2022/06/11] Disco Diffusion v5.3 by @somnai_dreams and @gandamu (bring symmetry to official Disco) [2022/06/08] Pixel Art Diffusion v2.01 by @KaliYuga (larger model, color improvements from Zippy) [2022/06/06] Disco Diffusion v5.2 + extra symmetry by @cut_pow (extra symmetry options for Disco) Go to town! Combining this fact with the Markov assumption leads to a simple parameterization of the forward process: We have been talking about corrupting the data by adding Gaussian noise, but it may at first be unclear where we are performing this addition. This means that the divergences can be exactly calculated with closed-form expressions rather than with Monte Carlo estimates[3]. Added 3D animation mode. The harder the climb, the better the view! I'd like to have a unique set of models that are original to my own training. After that you can start changing the settings! If you have a 24fps video, but only want to render 12 frames per second of DD images, setextract_nth_frameto 2. video_init_seed_continuity: (video only)(On|Off/On)Improves video animation smoothness and frame continuity by reusing the same image creation seed for every frame of the video. VAE relies on a surrogate loss. We will explore the details of these choices in more detail below. Somnai (https://twitter.com/Somnai_dreams) added 2D Diffusion animation techniques, QoL improvements and various implementations of tech and techniques, mostly listed in the changelog below. Positive angle valuesrotate the imagecounter-clockwise, (which feels like a camera rotating clockwise.). Higher is generally better, but if CGS is too strong it will overshoot the goal and distort the image. Remember that in 2d animation mode, DD is shifting the CANVAS of the prior image, so directions may feel confusing at first. where the time-dependent parameters of the Gaussian transitions are learned. Original notebook by Katherine Crowson (https://github.com/crowsonkb, https://twitter.com/RiversHaveWings). In DD, there are two types of cuts:overview cuts, which take a snapshot of the entire image and evaluate that against the prompt, andinner cuts, which are smaller cropped images from the interior of the image, helpful in tuning fine details. The basic settings above are the primary controls for generating images in DD, and you can get excellent results just by working with those few parameters. Note the high degree of flexibility that Diffusion Models afford - the only requirement on our architecture is that its input and output have the same dimensionality. Thanks to SOMNAI for this notebook: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1sHfRn5Y0YKYKi1k-ifUSBFRNJ8_1sa39Their twitter: https://twitter.com/Somnai_dreamsWatch my previous video on Disco Diffusion for more info on fine tuning each frame: https://youtu.be/Dx2G940Pao8I also have two videos on using CLIP + RGB pixel editing with Aphantasia and IllusTrip:https://youtu.be/-FrIui8Mp-8https://www.youtube.com/KTyLfDf6lRsJoin this channel to get access to perks:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaZuPdmZ380SFUMKHVsv_AA/joinLearn more about machine learning for image makers by signing up at https://mailchi.mp/da905fbd76ee/machine-learning-artistsJoin the Artificial Images Slack channel: https://join.slack.com/t/ml-images/shared_invite/enQtNzU1MjAzMDQ2MjMwLTc4MTY3ZGM3MzAxNmE3MWYxNTQ0YmY4YTliZjNmMzUxMWQ4YThjZmU5Y2ZhOTU0ZjcxMDk3NWRlY2I0ZjlhOGUhttp://artificial-images.com/https://www.patreon.com/bustbrighthttps://bustbright.com/https://www.instagram.com/dvsmethid/https://twitter.com/dvschhttps://dvschultz.github.io/design/ diffusion_steps:(leave at default)This is an internal variable that you should leave alone. While you are experimenting with text prompts it is a good idea to turn down the total number of steps so you can quickly see the effect of your prompts. folder:(batch_name|any path)DD defaults to looking in the batch folder defined above for the images to create a video. Given the recent wave of success by Diffusion Models, many Machine Learning practitioners are surely interested in their inner workings. where the first term in the difference is a linear combination of \(x_t\) and \(x_0\) that depends on the variance schedule \(\beta_t\). Weights can be negative! In this article, we will examine the theoretical foundations for Diffusion Models, and then demonstrate how to generate images with a Diffusion Model in PyTorch. As of this writing, in Colab there is a pecking order of GPU power, from least to most powerful: The A100 is a mythical beast that is rarely seen. Let's take a look at the mathematical theory underpinning Diffusion Models in more detail now. See the notebook for instructions on using this. Rotates the camera around the y axis, thus shifting the 3D view of the camera left or right. Custom model settings. As with most DD parameters, you can go below zero foreta, but it may give you unpredictable results.Thestepsparameter has a close relationship with theetaparameter. If used,sat_scalewill help mitigate oversaturation. These augmentations are intended to help improve image quality, but can have a smoothing effect on edges that you may not want. If a specific numerical seed is used repeatedly, the resulting images will be quite similar but not identical. The latest zoom, pan, rotation, and keyframes features were taken from Chigozie Nri's VQGAN Zoom Notebook (https://github.com/chigozienri, https://twitter.com/chigozienri). When combined, CLIP uses its image identification skills to iteratively guide the diffusion denoising process toward an image that closely matches a text prompt. If you look at William Blake's works, you'll see plenty of visual similarities. Uses the same units asx_translation. There are 3 distinct animation systems: 2D, 3D, and video. where "somefolder" is the folder on your drive where you've put the model. [to be updated with further info soon] Contributing. Settings for creating and saving a final video are discussed in theCreate the videosection below. training diffusion models? Given a t=0 pixel value for each pixel, the value of \( p_\theta(x_0 | x_1) \) is simply their product. Disco Diffusion is written in Python by Somnai, an artist, designer, and coder. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment . display_rate:(50|5-500)During a diffusion run, you can monitor the progress of each image being created with this variable. At the top the DD notebook is a Check GPU Status cell that reports which system type you have been assigned. The sampling chain transitions in the forward process can be set to conditional Gaussians when the noise level is sufficiently low. While our simplified loss function seeks to train a model \( \pmb{\epsilon}_\theta \), we have still not yet defined the architecture of this model. Experiment with this setting and share your results! Trying to make images that are too large. Also, depending on your other settings, you may need to skip steps to prevent CLIP from overshooting your goal, resulting in blown out colors (hyper saturated, solid white, or solid black regions) or otherwise poor image quality. If you skip too many steps, however, the remaining noise may not be high enough to generate new content, and thus may not have time left to finish an image satisfactorily. Youtube video tutorial for Diffusion 4.1byArtificial Images, Written Disco Diffusion v5 tutorialbypenderis, @pharmapsychoticsexcellent listof AI art resources, @remi_durantexplainertweet/videoabout how inner cuts work, CLIP/Diffusion Model Combination Studyby@KaliYuga_ai, CLIP/Diffusion Model Combination Study (plms sampling)by@KaliYuga_ai, Diffusion Model Comparisons (JAX)by@Erblicken, Massive Index of Artist Studiesby (@sureailabs,@proximasan,@EErratica,@KyrickYoung), Disco Diffusion Artist Studiesby@HarmeetGabha, Artist studies twitter threadby@sureailabsArtist studies twitter threadby@proximasan, Artist studies website (VQGAN)by@remi_durant, https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XUT2G9LmkZataHFzmuOtRXnuWBfhvXDAo8DkS8tec/edithttps://matthewmcateer.me/blog/clip-prompt-engineering/, Running DD outside of Colab. Now includes sizing options, intermediate saves and fixed image prompts and perlin inits. It seems PyTorch doesn't work with 3.10 yet Based on full inversion capability and high-quality image generation power of recent diffusion models, our method performs zero-shot image manipulation . That is, To understand why, we will utilize a slight abuse of notation by asserting. The first few steps of denoising are often so dramatic that some steps (maybe 10-15% of total) can be skipped without affecting the final image. However, some intricate images can take 1000, 2000, or more steps. When you first start out, you might just use the default values, because all of the models will give you results and its good to learn the basic parameters first. There was a problem preparing your codespace, please try again. The diffusion model in use is Katherine Crowson's fine-tuned 512x512 model. If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again. This leads to the following alternative loss function, which the authors of [3] found to lead to more stable training and better results: The authors of [3] also note connections of this formulation of Diffusion Models to score-matching generative models based on Langevin dynamics. And, despite best efforts,this guide is full of errors. Follow KaliYuga's Twitter for the latest models and for notebooks with specialized settings. Also, note that the cutn_schedule is linked to the totalstepsvalue, and thus if you useskip_stepsorframes_skip_steps, know that you will also be skipping a portion of your scheduled cuts. Perlin has very interesting characteristics, distinct from random noise, so its worth experimenting with this for your projects. The distance units for translations (x, y or z) in 3D mode are set to an arbitrary scale where 10 units is a reasonable distance to zoom forward via translate_z. These two statements are equivalent. If using aninit_image, you may need to increaseskip_stepsto ~ 50% of totalstepsto retain the character of the init. translation_x, translation_y, translation_z (in 3D mode):(0|-10 to 10)In 3D mode, translation parameters behave differently than in 2D mode they shift the camera in the virtual 3D space. Turbo feature by Chris Allen (https://twitter.com/zippy731), Improvements to ability to run on local systems, Windows support, and dependency installation by HostsServer (https://twitter.com/HostsServer), VR Mode by Tom Mason (https://twitter.com/nin_artificial). It should be no surprise then, that learning the tools will take work and focus. Lastly, if using aninit_image, you will need to skip ~50% of the diffusion steps to retain the shapes in the original init image.
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