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Based on the heating output of that heating source and the size of your home, the Daikin installer will try to choose the most optimum heat pump size. We live in an outer Chicagoland community (6700-700HDD) and heat/cool our 100 year old 1100sqft home with a single 12000BTU GREE Sapphire, which is as high efficiency (SEER 30.5, HSPF 14) as any mini-split on the market of that size. Foundations for algebra volume 2 Chapter 7 answers, Lets take an example: 7 > 2x + 5 or 7 < 5x 3 algebra problems worksheet, How to use algeblocks as math manipulative, Always remember that for adequate sizing, you would need an HVAC expert that does the on-site sizing. The solution to an and compound inequality ishas all the solutions that the two inequalities have in common. . (Living room / dining room 625 SF, a master bedroom 234 SF and 2 smaller bedrooms 1bout 140 sf each.). The number line shows the extent of the solution set. 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