romiplostim radiation

Google Scholar. Nplate (romiplostim) is used to treat low blood platelet counts in adults with chronic immune (idiopathic) thrombocytopenia (ITP), when certain other medicines . In addition, our business may be impacted by the adoption of new tax legislation or exposure to additional tax liabilities. (C) Effect of administration delay. Fluorescein isothiocyanate (FITC)-conjugated anti-mouse Sca-1 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), allophycocyanin-cianin-7-forochrome (APC-Cy7)-conjugated anti-mouse CD11b mAbs, Texas Red-conjugated anti-mouse CD45/B220 mAbs, phycoerythrin-cyanin-7-forochrome (PE-Cy7)-conjugated anti-mouse CD4 mAbs, APC-Cy7-conjugated anti-mouse CD8a mAbs, phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated anti-mouse CD8b mAbs, phycoerythrin (PE)-conjugated anti-mouse CD25 mAbs, FITC-conjugated anti-mouse Gr-1 mAbs, allophycocyanin (APC)-conjugated anti-mouse TER119 mAbs, biotin-conjugated anti-mouse TER119 mAbs, PE-Texas Red-conjugated streptavidin and 7-AAD were purchased from Becton Dickinson. 1C). In the present study, RP treatment significantly suppressed DNA double-strand breakage and increased DNA repair in bone marrow cells (Fig. The effectiveness of romiplostim for this use was only studied in animals, because it could not be studied in people. 5IK,M,O), significant recovery was observed for NK cells and killer T cells on a comparison between RP-treated irradiated and RP-untreated irradiated mice (Fig. Statistical significance was determined by a comparison among (a) the non-irradiated groups with and without RP, (b) the irradiated groups with and without RP, (c) the non-irradiated and irradiated groups, and (d) the RP-treated groups with and without irradiation (P<0.05). Mice exposed to 7Gy of radiation or non-irradiated mice without drug treatment were used as controls. 1D). The Thrombopoietin Mimetic Romiplostim Leads to the Complete Rescue of Mice Exposed to Lethal Ionizing Radiation; Brand Generic Guide; 07 Poster Viewing I 65..65; The Role of Eltrombopag and Romiplostim As The; Romiplostim Promotes Platelet Recovery in a Mouse Model of Multicycle Chemotherapy-Induced Thrombocytopenia Patricia L About Amgen Oncology Amgen is searching for and finding answers to incredibly complex questions that will advance care and improve lives for cancer patients and their families. Radiat Res. 1996-2022 Amgen Inc. All Rights Reserved. Romiplostim, a member of the TPO mimetic class, is an Fc- peptide fusion protein (peptibody) that activates intracellular transcriptional pathways leading to increased platelet production via the TPO receptor (also known as cMpl). The nucleated bone marrow cells in the femurs of the non-irradiated and irradiated groups with or without RP were classified into 15 populations according to their cell surface antigen profiles. performed the experiments; M.Y., T.H. Surgery. The levels of significance were calculated using the software program Excel 2007 (Microsoft, Redmond, WA, USA) with the Statcel 3 add-on (OMS, Saitama, Japan). Although the combination of EPO, G-CSF and ND (no RP) resulted in the survival of only 50% of the irradiated mice at day 30, the survival rate of mice treated with the complete RP-added protocol reached 100%. and I.K. 7), indicating that the RP signal might attenuate the radiation-induced DNA damage, restore the genomic integrity of haematopoietic cells, and suppress the rate of cellular apoptosis. 108, 607630 (2015). PubMed Nenot, J. C. & Thierry, D. Clinical approaches to treatment of radiation-induced haematopoietic injury (ed. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate three slides at a time, or the slide dot buttons at the end to jump three slides at a time. Effects of the combination of thrombopoietin with cytokines on the survival of X-irradiated CD34+ megakaryocytic progenitor cells from normal human peripheral blood. In the present study, a single administration of romiplostim (RP), an approved thrombopoietin receptor agonist, produced a 100% survival rate in C57BL/6J mice exposed to a lethal dose (7Gy) of 137Cs -rays, and all irradiated mice survived for more than 30 days with both 3- and 5-day consecutive administrations. The complexity of the human body cannot be perfectly, or sometimes, even adequately modeled by computer or cell culture systems or animal models. 43, 867875 (1999). An official website of the United States government. -H2AX foci were increased 1day after irradiation and gradually decreased until day 14, but RP administration significantly suppressed the number of -H2AX foci at day 1 (Fig. Read more about DTPA and Prussian Blue on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Signals emanating from the membrane proximal region of the thrombopoietin receptor (mpl) support hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal. Immunocytochemical detection and mapping of a cytokeratin 18 neo-epitope exposed during early apoptosis. Three patients with AIHA and eight patients with ITP between 2008 and 2022 were enrolled in the Rheumatology Outpatient Clinic of Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, Kaohsiung. At 8 weeks of age, the mice were subjected to varying lethal total-body irradiation doses of 710Gy of 137Cs -rays at a dose rate of 0.9Gy/min or 7Gy of X-rays (150 kVp, 20mA, 0.5mm aluminium and 0.3mm copper filters) at a dose rate of 1.0Gy/min using an X-ray generator (MBR-1520R; Hitachi Medical Co., Tokyo, Japan). 1D). By contrast, radiation-induced 53BP1 foci appeared at day 1 but were significantly increased by RP treatment (Fig. Radiogardase cannot be sold directly to physicians, but onlyviapatient prescription placed with McGuff Compounding Pharmacy at 1-877-444-1133, fax 1-877-444-1155. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The thrombopoietin mimetic romiplostim leads to the complete rescue of mice exposed to lethal ionizing radiation. Leers MP, et al. 4BD). Before ND, a pharmaceutical drug used in surgery and to treat thermal injuries, has been reported to accelerate the regeneration of the small intestinal mucosa following irradiation18. Vishnu, P. & Aboulafia, D. M. Long-term safety and efficacy of romiplostim for treatment of immune thrombocytopenia. The treated mice were maintained until day 30 and weighed every week. The thrombopoietin receptor, c-Mpl, is a selective surface marker for human hematopoietic stem cells. 103, 343355 (2012). 1F). Nature. Mice irradiated with 7Gy and treated with RP (IR+RP-3d) were kept until 200 days after irradiation. It should not be used to treat thrombocytopenia caused by other conditions and may worsen pre . 153, 12661280 (2013). Thus, pharmacological approaches are ideal countermeasures for radiation emergencies and accidents and would ideally be conducted with commercially available and widely approved pharmaceutical drugs; the best such drug treatment would be a single medication. Waselenko, J. K. et al. Radiat Res. STORAGE Nplate: - Do not freeze - Protect from light Google Scholar. Mouthon, M. A. et al. Then, 4 m-thick sections were stained with haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) and observed under 20 magnification using an inverted microscope. To view a copy of this license, visit The statistical significance of differences among multiple groups was assessed using the Steel-Dwass test. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. Extracellular vesicles mediate radiation-induced systemic bystander signals in the bone marrow and spleen. On January 28, 2021, the FDA granted Romiplostim (Nplate) approval for the indication of romiplostim to increase survival in adults and pediatric patients (including term neonates) acutely exposed to myelosuppressive doses of radiations (hematopoietic syndrome in acute radiation syndrome [HS-ARS]) under the "prior approval" efficacy supplement . Romiplostim may be used to treat acute radiation syndrome. 2). Ann Intern Med. 16H02667 IK). During the 30-day post-irradiation period, we evaluated the radiomitigative effects of RP on the haematopoietic and gastrointestinal systems through cellular and molecular analyses. Forward-Looking StatementsThis news release contains forward-looking statements that are based on the current expectations and beliefs of Amgen. B. Romiplostim: a second-generation thrombopoietin agonist. In vivo identification of anatomical cell expansion sites. Primary immune thrombocytopenia in US clinical practice: incidence and healthcare burden in first 12 months following diagnosis. The data are expressed as the meansSD (n=1230 used in each group). The lifetime-lengthening effect of RP on 8 Gy-irradiated mice was improved by dose optimization (Fig. Interestingly, RP treatment markedly enhanced platelet production, but platelets recovered at approximately the same time as white and red blood cells and bone marrow cells. (A) Nucleated bone marrow cells from the femurs of non-irradiated and irradiated groups with or without RP were collected at days 0, 1, 4 and 14, and the cells were tested for apoptosis. More than 50g/kg/day of RP administration (100, 200 and 500g/kg/day) dosage-dependently improved the survival of 8 Gy-irradiated mice (n=8 in all the groups). MathSciNet In a clinical trial, one patient with ITP and hemolytic anemia developed marrow fibrosis with collagen during Nplate therapy. Mesenchymal stromal cell-derived extracellular vesicles provide long-term survival after total body irradiation without additional hematopoietic stem cell support. 3C). In the present study, we focused on the efficacy of RP in the rescue of mice exposed to a lethal dose of -rays. Amgenfocuses on areas of high unmet medical need and leverages its expertise to strive for solutions that improve health outcomes and dramatically improve people's lives. 5AC). Medical management of the acute radiation syndrome: recommendations of the Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group. V. R), a thrombopoietin receptor agoni st, is the first FDA-approved thrombopoies is-stimulating protein for the treatme nt of low platelet (PLT) counts in. Zimmermann, M. & de, Lange., T. 53BP1: pro choice in DNA repair. Mutat Res. Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and pharmacological approaches are effective and commonly used treatments for haematopoietic failure of ARS5,6,7,8, but their medicinal applications are clearly different. By contrast, the administration of RP for 1, 3 or 5 consecutive days of RP administration suppressed the body weight reduction caused by irradiation (Fig. The sBLA was based on an open-label, single-arm Phase 2 trial of adults with ITP diagnosed 6 months prior who had an insufficient response to first-line treatment, including corticosteroids (N=75). Our previous study showed that the combined administration of erythropoietin, granulocytecolony stimulating factor and nandrolone decanoate after lethal ionizing irradiation resulted in the survival of approximately 50% of irradiated mice at day 30. A TPO receptor agonist, ALXN4100TPO, mitigates radiation-induced lethality and stimulates hematopoiesis in CD2F1 mice. -H2AX foci were increased 1day after irradiation and gradually decreased until day 14, but RP administration significantly suppressed the number of -H2AX foci at day 1 (Fig. The average post irradiation survival time of mice receiving 24-hour-delayed RP administration was 25 days, significantly longer than that of untreated controls (14 days) but shorter than that of mice that received RP after only a 2-hour delay. In the present study, a single administration of romiplostim (RP), an approved thrombopoietin receptor agonist, produced a 100% survival rate in C57BL/6 J mice exposed to a lethal dose (7 Gy) of. Under blinded conditions, the villus length and width were measured for at least 10 villi in every sample. Specific antibodies against cytokeratin 18 is used for determination of early apoptotic events in cells and/or tissues by detection of specific cytokeratin 18 fragments containing the aspartic acid residue 396 neo-epitope, which is exposed after cleavage of cytokeratin 18 by caspases. Severe acute radiation syndrome (ARS) induced by more than 34Gy of radiation exposure can bring about immediate death due to life-threatening multiorgan failure involving the haematopoietic and gastrointestinal systems1,2, and in the case of radiation accidents, many victims develop ARS and come close to dying. Blood. Article Nplate is also approved for the treatment of thrombocytopenia in: No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual results may differ materially from those we project. Romiplostim is approved to treat: Thrombocytopenia (low platelet levels). Fixed cells were washed with washing buffer (PBS [] containing 0.1% TWEEN-20) twice and then incubated with M30 CytoDEATH antibody diluted 1:50 with incubation buffer (PBS [] containing 1% bovine serum albumin and 0.1% TWEENs-20) for 60min at 20C. In December of last year, the FDA approved another sBLA for Nplate in the treatment of pediatric patients with ITP. Patient has suspected or confirmed exposure to radiation levels greater than 2 gray (Gy) Chemotherapy-Induced Thrombocytopenia (CIT) 2,16-18 The authors declare no competing interests. OShea JJ, Pesu M, Borie DC, Changelian PS. Callen, E. et al. Thrombopoietin promotes hematopoietic recovery and survival after high-dose whole body irradiation. Aaronson DS, Horvath CM. 6A,C). Article All statements, other than statements of historical fact, are statements that could be deemed forward-looking statements, including any statements on the outcome, benefits and synergies of the acquisition of Otezla (apremilast), including anticipated Otezla sales growth and the timing of non-GAAP EPS accretion, as well as estimates of revenues, operating margins, capital expenditures, cash, other financial metrics, expected legal, arbitration, political, regulatory or clinical results or practices, customer and prescriber patterns or practices, reimbursement activities and outcomes and other such estimates and results. 6B,C). RP showed slight radiomitigative action against the lethal effect of more than 7Gy of radiation. 1A), which is 50-fold higher than the clinically used dose (1g/kg of body weight/day) but within the range showing no toxicity26. Vial labeled as containing 500 mcg of romiplostim: reconstitute with 1.2 mL of sterile water for injection and dilute with 3.75 mL of 0.9% sodium chloride injection to provide a final concentration of 125 mcg/mL Gently swirl and invert the vial to facilitate dissolution, which generally takes <2 minutes; do not shake or vigorously agitate the vial. We encourage anyone needing these medications to contact the above companies prior to an event. Observation until 200 days after irradiation showed that the 200-day survival of the irradiated mice with RP administration was approximately 85% (Fig. PubMed Central On the other hand, in mature cells, the doublet-discriminated fractions of the 7-AAD populations were used for the identification of macrophages (CD11b+) (E), granulocytes (Gr-1+) (F), erythroid progenitors (TER119+) (G), dendritic cells (H), pro- and pre-B cells (CD25+) (I), helper T cells (CD4+CD8a) (J), immature T cells (CD4+CD8a+) (K), and killer T cells (CD4CD8a+) (L). highcharts stacked column horizontal. The mice were then administered the medications described below. Romiplostim is a unique kind of molecule known as a peptibody (a combination of a peptide and an antibody). The findings for myeloid and lymphoid cells are shown in Fig. The data are expressed as the meansSD (n=3 independent experiments). The data are expressed as the meansSD, and statistical significance was determined by a comparison of each group (*P<0.05 vs. 0-Gy cohort; **P<0.05 vs. 7-Gy cohort). Nplate is not indicated for the treatment of thrombocytopenia due to myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) or any cause of thrombocytopenia other than ITP. Following a second wash with PBS (), the cells were adhered to microscope glass slides (Matsunami Glass Ind., Osaka, Japan) using a StatSpin CytoFuge 2 (Iris Sample Processing, Inc., Westwood, MA, USA) and mounted using Vectashield Mounting Medium with DAPI (Vector Laboratories, Inc., Burlingame, CA, USA). This work was supported by a KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (No. Haematopoietic progenitor cell counts (total number of CFU-GM, CFU-Mix and BFU-E) in the bone marrow of irradiated mice were insufficiently restored by RP treatment, as were mononuclear cells, whose numbers remained almost identical (Table1). designed the study; M.Y., T.H., K.Y., A.N. Although the combination of EPO, G-CSF and ND (no RP) resulted in the survival of only 50% of the irradiated mice at day 30, the survival rate of mice treated with the complete RP-added protocol reached 100%. Long-term safety and efficacy of romiplostim for treatment of immune thrombocytopenia. The body weights of the non-RP-treated irradiated mice gradually decreased across 17 days after irradiation (Fig. Romiplostim (Nplate. These mechanisms may have resulted in a significant improvement in the 30-day survival rate and the recovery of several haematopoietic parameters (Figs15). In children, fever, mouth /throat pain, diarrhea, easy. RP administration did not reverse the radiation-induced reductions in the population enriched for haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells, haematopoietic multipotent progenitor cells, and common myeloid progenitors to restore the levels seen in in RP-untreated irradiated mice. Statistical significance was determined between RP-untreated and RP-treated irradiated mice (*P<0.05). 7). 3). A P value of less than 0.05 was taken to indicate statistical significance. I.K. 127, 16771683 (2014). The dosages of RP were 5, 10, 20 and 50g/kg of body weight (g/kg)/day (IR+RP groups), and the administrations were given intraperitoneally for 3 consecutive days, starting immediately after irradiation (within 2hours). Because a single administration of RP sufficiently improved the 30-day survival rates of irradiated mice, we further optimized the protocol of single RP administration. The above-mentioned RP regimen suitable for 7 Gy-irradiated mice (3 consecutive days of administration at 50g/kg, beginning 2hours after irradiation) significantly lengthened the average lifetime of 8 Gy-irradiated mice to 19 days, compared to the 12.75 days of 8 Gy-irradiated control mice, and allowed 1 out of 8 irradiated mice to survive for 30 days after irradiation (Fig. In the present study, RP treatment significantly suppressed DNA double-strand breakage and increased DNA repair in bone marrow cells (Fig. Blood. The surviving mice were anaesthetized with isoflurane, a widely used inhalation anaesthetic (Powerful Isoful; Zoetis, London, UK), and sacrificed. about navigating our updated article layout. The lung is a site of platelet biogenesis and a reservoir for haematopoietic progenitors. Three consecutive days of RP administration mitigated the lethal effect of a 7-Gy dose of -irradiation in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. Find NCI-Supported Clinical Trials. The representative FACS histograms and plots of the non-irradiated control at day 0 showed how to identify the immature cell populations (AD) and mature cell populations (EO). 4C,D). Satyamitra, M. et al. ISSN 2045-2322 (online). In addition to granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-3, G-CSF and EPO are known to be potentially effective for accelerating the recovery of patients bone marrow, even after exposure to lethal doses of radiation10,11,12,13. Romiplostim ( NPlate) was approved by the FDA on January 28, 2021, as a treatment to increase survival in adult and pediatric patients (including term neonates) exposed to myelosuppressive doses of radiation, the hematopoietic subsyndrome ARS ( H-ARS ). Chin Med J (Engl). Radiat Res. Medical management of the acute radiation syndrome: recommendations of the Strategic National Stockpile Radiation Working Group. 6B,C). The purpose of these guidelines are to give physicians, advanced practitioners and nurses (medical providers) simple myeloid . The FDA Animal Rule approval of Nplate is the result of a collaboration between NIAID, the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA), and Amgen, with NIAID sponsoring the pivotal studies that were the basis for the approval. The approved labeling (.PDF, 684 KB) has been posted on the FDA website. and S.M. Brief note and evaluation of acute-radiation syndrome and treatment of a Tokai-mura criticality accident patient. The doublet-discriminated fraction of the 7-AAD populations were used for the analysis. & de, Lange., T. 53BP1 regulates DSB repair using Rif1 to control 5 end resection. The radiomitigative effects of RP were similarly shown in mice with 1-day and 5-consecutive-day administration (Fig. The dotted line in each figure shows the value of non-RP-treated, non-irradiated mice. Next, 2.5105 cells obtained from the identical suspension were stained with fluorescence-labelled CD8a, CD45R/B220, CD4, Ly6G (Gr-1), TER119, CD11c and NK1.1. Vishnu P, Aboulafia DM. Yamaguchi, M., Hirouchi, T., Yokoyama, K. et al. Dosing: Pediatric (For additional information see "Romiplostim: Pediatric drug information"). Nikolay Chekalin HHS is purchasing $290M worth of Amgen's ( NASDAQ: AMGN) Nplate (romiplostim) for acute radiation sickness due to a radiological or nuclear emergency. Development of pancytopenia with neutralizing antibodies to thrombopoietin after multicycle chemotherapy supported by megakaryocyte growth and development factor. ICH GCP. The numbers of macrophages, granulocytes, erythroid progenitors and dendritic cells in the bone marrow were significantly recovered in RP-treated irradiated mice compared to RP-untreated irradiated mice until day 20 after -irradiation (Fig. In addition, a quantitative analysis was performed using a flow cytometer (Cytomics FC500; Beckman-Coulter, Fullerton, CA, USA). J Transl Med. Retrieved 4 September 2008. Xue, J. et al. Safety reports series No. APC-conjugated anti-mouse c-Kit mAbs, biotin-conjugated anti-mouse CD11b mAbs, biotin-conjugated anti-mouse Gr-1 mAbs, biotin-conjugated anti-mouse CD45R/B220 mAbs, biotin-conjugated anti-mouse CD4 mAbs, biotin-conjugated anti-mouse CD8a mAbs, and biotin-conjugated anti-mouse CD8b mAbs were purchased from BioLegend (San Diego, CA, USA). It is used to raise platelet counts. Moreover, in our preliminary trials using X-rays to overcome mortality due to 8Gy of irradiation, mice that received 50g/kg of RP twice per day (12-hour intervals) for 3 consecutive days achieved a 100% 30-day survival rate (data not shown). The first of 3 RP administrations on consecutive days was conducted 2, 24 or 48hours after irradiation (RP, RP post 24h or 48h). reported that TPO-increased DNA-dependent protein kinase-dependent DNA repair limits haematopoietic stem and progenitor cell mutagenesis in response to DNA damage33, and TPO was recently shown to promote NHEJ DNA repair in haematopoietic stem cells through the specific activation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (Erk) and nuclear factor-B (NF-kB) pathways and their target, LEX-134,35. The total numbers of bone marrow cells in the femurs of surviving mice, mature haematopoietic cells in the peripheral blood, and haematopoietic progenitor cells at day 30. The applied dose of RP used in the present study ranged from 5 to 500g/kg/day for 1, 3 or 5 days within 2h following exposure to -irradiation. PE-Cy7-conjugated anti-mouse CD34 was purchased from Santa Cruz Biotechnology (Dallas, TX, USA). Following a second wash with PBS (), the cells were adhered to microscope glass slides using a StatSpin CytoFuge 2 and mounted using Vectashield Mounting Medium with DAPI. J.) We may not be able to access the capital and credit markets on terms that are favorable to us, or at all. 296, 16531655 (2002). 0Gy, RP-3d and 7Gy IR represented results of non-irradiated mice with or without RP administration and non-RP-treated irradiated mice, respectively (n=16 in each group). Medscape. The increase in 53BP1 foci indicated the possibility that the NHEJ pathway was promoted by RP; thus, we analysed the rate of early apoptotic cells among bone marrow mononuclear cells by detecting cytokeratin 18 foci (Fig. DNA double-strand breakage and DNA repair response in nuclei of bone marrow cells from the femurs of surviving mice. The data are expressed as the meansSD (n=12). volume8, Articlenumber:10659 (2018) Thrombopoietin protects mice from mortality and myelosuppression following high-dose irradiation: importance of time scheduling. Hematopoietic syndrome of acute radiation syndrome: Infants, Children, and Adolescents: SubQ: 10 mcg/kg once; administer dose as soon as possible after suspected or confirmed exposure to radiation levels >2 (gray) Gy; do not delay romiplostim if CBC is not readily available.
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