Past Perfect Fragen. She was enjoying her vacation. Wissen Sie, ob ich eine Wartenummer brauche? Melde dich an fr Notizen & Bearbeitung. An example of this may be, "I had given to the charity after the tornado came through town.". Find some short examples in the table below. Conjugating the German Verb Wissen, Meaning "to How to Conjugate the German Verb "Laufen" (to Run, Walk) Present Tense Verb Conjugations of German Regular Verbs. "How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German." Auerdem brauchst Du das Past Perfect auch, um einen If-Clause des Typ 3 zu bilden. The Bavarian dialect is spoken in Southern Germany, in the area around Munich and also in some parts of Austria. Mchtest Du etwas im Past Perfect verneinen, nutzt Du welches Hilfsverb? Lcher Buch: Holes Louis Sacher Film Zusammenfassung Charaktere StudySmarter Original! Handelt es sich aber um ein unregelmiges Verb, bentigst du dessen 2. As you study the German language, you will come across the present perfect tense (Perfeckt), which is also called the compound past tense.It's used most often in conversation and there are a few rules you need to know in order to form and use it. er log = he lied. (Wo war sie gewesen, bevor sie nach Hause kam?). Das siehst Du an diesem Beispiel. I would have found a brief list of references useful. All of these irregularities can trip you up in reading and writing uses of sehen. Had they forgotten about the thunderstorm? Retrieved from (ihr) Gebt! (The past perfect is similar, using the past tense of the auxiliary verb.) The act of referring to something: filed away the article for future reference. Turns out, a lot of people are playing Overwatch 2, even blowing past the original game's peaks. Dabei beantworten sie die Fragen so, dass Schler*innen garantiert alles verstehen. Dieses Ereignis formulieren wir also im Simple Past: Es gibt einige Signalwrter, die Dir zeigen knnen, wann Du Past Perfect und Simple Past zusammen benutzen musst. Do you know how to structure your presentation? Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. The word Plautdietsch translates to "flat (or low) German" (referring to the plains of northern Germany or the simplicity of the language). Das, worber du erzhlst, ist abgeschlossen und somit vorbei. Aber Achtung: Hier kannst Du keine kurze Satzform verwenden, had wird immer ausgeschrieben. Meaning or denotation: The reference of the word "lion" is to a kind of wild cat. the essential vocabulary to talk about pregnancy and birth preparation. Sie bekommen beim Lsen direkt Feedback & Tipps. Das simple past und das past progressive als Zeitformen der Vergangenheit kennst du schon. Anne wants to buy a book about galleries in Berlin. Du bildest das past progressive mit was/were + ing-Form. Pupils can use the printable worksheets to prepare for mock tests and exams. For instance, "I have given to the charity for years. cool: See: controlled , inimical , insusceptible , moderate , mollify , nonchalant , phlegmatic , placid , unresponsive The claimants are seeking a reference to the European court of Justice. In order to say "I am giving" or "she gave," the verb needs to be conjugated to match the tense of your sentence. In the Germanic languages, a strong verb is a verb that marks its past tense by means of changes to the stem vowel ().The majority of the remaining verbs form the past tense by means of a dental suffix (e.g. Auerdem gibt es Formen, die durch das Weglassen von Prfixen (Vorsilbe) auf eine Grundform zurckgefhrt werden knnen. Trish had not exactly understood his feelings. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. Conjugating the German Verb Sehen, Meaning 'to See', How to Conjugate the Verb "Helfen" (to Help), How to Conjugate the German Verb "Laufen" (to Run, Walk), How to Conjugate "Stehen" (to Stand) in German, How to Conjugate "Beginnen" (to Begin) in German, How to Conjugate the German Verb "Heissen" (to Call), German Verb Conjugation of Sprechen (To Speak), How to Conjugate the German Verb Nehmen (to Take), Schreiben (To Write) German Verb Conjugations, German Verb Conjugations - Trinken - to Drink. Wir freuen uns! Es signalisiert dir, dass eine ing-Form bentigt wird. Our new secretary had excellent references from her previous employers. "Yesterday he heard a noise." Hyde Flippo taught the German language for 28 years at high school and college levels and published several books on the German language and culture. Die Zeitform des simple past (einfache Vergangenheit) verwendest du, um ber Vergangenes zu berichten. In diesem Text erfhrst du das Wichtigste ber die Bildung und Verwendung des simple past und past progressive mit anschaulichen Beispielen. See more. Die neu eintretende Handlung: als er pltzlich mehr Essen roch", steht im simple past. hoped that they would understand my complaint. Klasse ohne die Hilfe Erwachsener. Es bedeutet whrend und weist daraufhin, dass zwei Handlungen gleichzeitig stattgefunden haben. Bei einem Satz im Past Perfect, ist die Handlung in der Vergangenheit passiert ist und wurde in der Vergangenheit auch abgeschlossen. The past participle is genommen. Find some short examples in the table below. The Subjunctive I (Konjunktiv I) is almost always used in the 3rd person singular; we form this by removing the final -n from the infinitive.. What do the different warning signs and hazard symbols mean? Available in varied formats, students can practise in a playful way. Gothic is an extinct East Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths.It is known primarily from the Codex Argenteus, a 6th-century copy of a 4th-century Bible translation, and is the only East Germanic language with a sizeable text corpus.All others, including Burgundian and Vandalic, are known, if at all, only from proper names that survived in historical accounts, and from loanwords 2. a. Wie geben) in Duden online * Diese Verben bilden auch eine regelmige Form (mit Endung -ed). Aber Achtung: Hier kannst Du keine kurze Satzform verwenden, had wird immer ausgeschrieben. ** Beachte: Das Verb lie in der Bedeutung lgen ist regelmig. Es wird genutzt, um zu zeigen, dass eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit gerade im Verlauf war, also nicht abgeschlossen war. Was hat er noch so erlebt? Du musst aber zwischen regelmigen und unregelmigen Verben unterscheiden. Du benutzt es, um den Vorgang der Handlung zu betonen. Examples: haben er habe sehen er sehe knnen er knne. Diese zweite, einsetzende Handlung steht dann im simple past. die frage lautet Bei Fragen im Past Perfect benutzt Du grundstzlich nie die Kurzform von had. Dabei steht das Past Perfect im If-Clause und wird von einem would + have + past participle im Hauptsatz ergnzt, wie Du in folgenden Beispielen nachlesen kannst. She books another night at her hostel. Finish homework and go into exams confidently while staying motivated to learn, thanks to our age-appropriate learning materials crafted by experienced teachers and educational experts. Gothic is an extinct East Germanic language that was spoken by the Goths.It is known primarily from the Codex Argenteus, a 6th-century copy of a 4th-century Bible translation, and is the only East Germanic language with a sizeable text corpus.All others, including Burgundian and Vandalic, are known, if at all, only from proper names that survived in historical accounts, and from loanwords The act of referring to something: filed away the article for future reference. made frequent references to her promotion. Du kannst dir die Hrtexte so oft anhren, wie du magst. (ihr) Gebt! Noch heute in Englisch 4. Turns out, a lot of people are playing Overwatch 2, even blowing past the original game's peaks. Are you an excellent CSR? simple past past participle Deutsch be was/were been sein I am I was I have been ich bin you are you were you have been du bist he is he was he has been er ist go went gone gehen, fahren I go I went I have gone ich gehe/fahre he goes he went he has gone er geht/fhrt I dont go I didnt go I havent gone ich gehe/fahre nicht Da die Freunde von den Ereignissen der letzten Woche berichten, nutzen sie dafr die Vergangenheit. They can watch, pause or rewind the videos as often as they need until they've understood the concepts. Mit unseren bungen macht Lernen richtig Spa: Dank vielfltiger Formate ben Schler*innen spielerisch. German perfect tense. -ed in English), and are known as weak verbs.. sylemek istediini belirtmek, meramn anlatmak, Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, Understand, Shape, Engage, Consolidate and Transition, Understanding and Managing Aggressive Behavior, Understanding and Planning for School Bomb Incidents, Understanding Before Memorization Approach, Understanding How Others Misunderstand You. Noch heute in Englisch 4. Zum Beispiel "kam die Sonne raus" (the sun came out) "nachdem" (after) "ich gegangen bin" (I had left). In dieser Tabelle findest du einen praktischen berblick, um dir die Regeln einzuprgen. ence (rfr-ns, rfrns) n. 1. The word gehen (to go), one of the most-used verbs in Germany, belongs to the class of strong verbs in German. Sehen - Present Tense - How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German. In the Germanic languages, a strong verb is a verb that marks its past tense by means of changes to the stem vowel ().The majority of the remaining verbs form the past tense by means of a dental suffix (e.g. Geben Sie! The comedian's monologue referenced many Hollywood stars. Gebildet wird es mit was/were je nachdem, ob es sich um eine, oder um mehrere Personen handelt und der -ing-Form. Die Verwendung des Going-to-Future Das Going-to-Future verwendest du, wenn du geplante Ereignisse in der Zukunft ausdrcken mchtest.Es wird also eine feste Absicht oder ein Plan verdeutlicht. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; 100% for free. Definition and usage of the German simple past (Prteritum): The simple past tense expresses facts and actions which have taken place in the past. Die ing-Form bildest du, indem du -ing an die Grundform (infinitive) des Verbs hngst. Das past progressive steht fr DIE Handlung, die in der Vergangenheit GERADE im Verlauf war: Manni lag gerade in der Sonne", whrend das simple past fr die neu eintretende Handlung steht, die Mannis Sonnenbad unterbrach: als er hungrig wurde." When he began describing his eccentric theories, we could no longer understand him. sprechen mit, aufhren mit, sich bedanken fr Ich brauche Mehl, um den Kuchen zu backen. Wie sieht eine Frage mit Fragewort im Past Perfect aus? Mit Videos und online bungen einfach und effizient Englisch lernen und das Gelernte festigen. Auerdem gibt es Formen, die durch das Weglassen von Prfixen (Vorsilbe) auf eine Grundform zurckgefhrt werden knnen. Most verbs of both types are regular, though various subgroups and anomalies do arise; however, textbooks for learners often class all strong verbs as irregular. stands The two men have come to / reached an understanding after their disagreement. Upper Intermediate (B2) - Course 4, Lesson 7. DEUTSCH: ENGLISH: ich nehme: I take/am taking: du nimmst: you take/are taking: er nimmt sie nimmt es nimmt: How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German. Geben Sie! Anne has decided to stay in Berlin for another day. Merke: Das Signalwort when im Zusammenhang mit dem simple past und dem past progressive zeigt an, dass eine neue Handlung eintritt. Bei dem Beispiel mit Martin hat er sein Fahrrad gekauft, bevor der Sommer begann. If I had brought a cake, I wouldn't have been hungry. How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German. I understood (that) he was abroad/we were to have been consulted, but I understood her to say that she agreed. Mit dem simple past (einfache Vergangenheit) kannst du ber vergangene Ereignisse berichten oder Geschichten erzhlen. Aber wann wird welche Zeitform bentigt? Doch was war nochmal das simple past und was das past progressive? lerne unterwegs mit den Arbeitsblttern zum Ausdrucken zusammen mit den dazugehrigen Videos ermglichen diese Arbeitsbltter eine komplette Lerneinheit. b. Do you know how to describe changes using charts? B. der Ort). DEUTSCH: ENGLISH: ich nehme: I take/am taking: du nimmst: you take/are taking: er nimmt sie nimmt es nimmt: How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German. Bei unregelmigen Verben musst du die Formen auswendig lernen, wie bei hear heard. You can find detailed information in our privacy statement. She had/ She'd never listened to the album. Der Nachbar Mr. House hat gerade im Krankenhaus gearbeitet. Lehrplanorientiert & qualittsgeprft! "Ich singe morgen in der Schule" means "I am singing tomorrow at school" or "I will be singing tomorrow at school".This present tense is commonly used to imply (of a person) good at knowing how other people feel; sympathetic. Lcher Buch: Holes Louis Sacher Film Zusammenfassung Charaktere StudySmarter Original! (Martin hatte sich ein Fahrrad gekauft, bevor der Sommer begann.). The German perfect tense implies that a present tense verb is describing a past event, such as "I have played with my little brother".Usually you will need to conjugate the helping verb haben (to have) when using the perfect tense and also add the prefix ge-to the conjugated verb.. Over 1.2 million pupils choose sofatutor! B. der Ort). Um das past progressive zu bilden, bentigst du was/were und das Verb mit der Endung -ing. Du benutzt das Past Perfect meist zusammen mit dem Simple Past, um eine Vorvergangenheit auszudrcken. Start. viele pfel, wenig Mehl, ein bisschen Zucker. This is the stem change that can make this word a little trickier to memorize. Einen ersten Hinweis knnen Dir just, already, never und once trotzdem geben. when to use "wre" + past participle or "htte" + past participle; Start. Start. As you're learning the forms ofgeben, use it to create sentences such as these to make memorizing them a little easier. 2. a. Also called "irregular strong," these verbs have a vowel change in the simple past and a past participle ending in -en.In the simple past, strong verbs also take the same endings as modal verbs (in particular, there are no endings for the first person and third ", I understand you are thinking of marrying, it is understood that children must be kept quiet. some useful phrases for starting a phone call, more phrases for answering an incoming call, to say why someone can't come to the phone, more ways to ask for and to give information, what to say when you can't understand someone, to tell someone they dialed the wrong number, to talk about problems with the connection, to tell someone an appointment has been moved, to create an auto-reply for when you are absent, file formats and other useful vocabulary for attachments, how to show a new colleague around the office, some vocabulary for describing the office, useful phrases for meeting new co-workers, to talk about your studies and work experience, to tell someone that they can address you informally, what to say when you're not allowed to talk about something, some vocabulary to use on your last day of work, what a typical job advertisement looks like, about the necessary qualifications for a position, to express interest in meeting personally, to list relevant qualifications and characteristics, to speak about your strengths and weaknesses, some important questions to ask during the interview, how to reaffirm interest after a job interview, which documents are important when starting a new job, to ask about ground transport and accommodation, some useful vocabulary and phrases for checking in, some vocabulary and phrases for after you land, more vocabulary and phrases for after you land, how to ask about transportation from the airport, to speak about claiming business expenses, to explain what will happen during the meeting. stands She had/She'd listened to the album multiple times. They admire the art work. Geprfte Erklrungen zu allen Themen in der Schule, Alles was du brauchst fr ein erfolgreiches Studium, Lernmaterialien fr bessere Noten in der Berufsschule. Check our German course overview now! For example, Latin habre and German haben both mean 'to have' and are phonetically similar. The act of referring to something: filed away the article for future reference. Unser Chat verhindert Lernfrust dank schneller Hilfe: Lehrer*innen untersttzen Schler*innen bei den Hausaufgaben und beim Schulstoff. I've been asked to referee (a football match) on Saturday. In diesem Satz wird sowohl das past progressive, als auch das simple past verwendet. Es wird also verwendet, um auszudrcken, dass eine Handlung in der Vergangenheit andauerte. "Ich singe morgen in der Schule" means "I am singing tomorrow at school" or "I will be singing tomorrow at school".This present tense is commonly used to imply Das Past Participle ist die dritte Form des Verbs. Today, it isn't used that much in the German spoken language, but rather in written stories and reports. Da der Vorgang des Essens betont werden soll, nutzen wir das past progressive. Denn die Videos knnen so oft geschaut, pausiert oder zurckgespult werden, bis alles verstanden wurde. Das, was die Personen zur Tatzeit gemacht haben, wird brigens im past progressive formuliert. Mchtest Du eine Frage im Past Perfect mit einem Fragewort stellen, dann ndert sich die Struktur der Frage folgendermaen: Fragewort + had + Subjekt + Past Participle + Rest. Verbform. ence (rfr-ns, rfrns) n. 1. cool: See: controlled , inimical , insusceptible , moderate , mollify , nonchalant , phlegmatic , placid , unresponsive The verb sein is unique in the Subjunctive I: ich sei, du sei(e)st, er sei, wir seien, ihr sei(e)t, sie seien. Flippo, Hyde. B. der Ort). However, the words evolved from different Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots: haben, like English have, comes from PIE *khpy-'to grasp', and has the Latin cognate capere 'to seize, grasp, Learn some useful phrases to summarize your presentation. Welche deutsche Zeitform ist dem englischen Past Perfect hnlich? He doesn't like anyone referring to his wooden leg; I referred to your theories in my last book. As you study the German language, you will come across the present perfect tense (Perfeckt), which is also called the compound past tense.It's used most often in conversation and there are a few rules you need to know in order to form and use it. enable JavaScript in your browser. Das Past Participle steht fast immer in der letzten Spalte dieser Verbtabellen. Significance for a specified matter; relation or relationship: Her speeches have special reference to environmental policy. Aber aufgepasst! Willst du aufzhlen, was nacheinander passiert ist, nutzt du das simple past. In welchen drei Fllen kommt das Past Perfect zur Anwendung? Richtig oder Falsch: Du musst unbedingt zwei Ereignisse in einem Satz erwhnen, um das Past Perfect zu verwenden! How to conjugate the Subjunctive I in German. The German perfect tense implies that a present tense verb is describing a past event, such as "I have played with my little brother".Usually you will need to conjugate the helping verb haben (to have) when using the perfect tense and also add the prefix ge-to the conjugated verb.. Cookies that are necessary for delivering our services or for using our website cant be rejected. Lernjahr durchstarten und mit Videos, bungen und Aufgaben ganz einfach und effizient online lernen! Definition and usage of the German simple past (Prteritum): The simple past tense expresses facts and actions which have taken place in the past. Had + Subjekt + Past Participle + Rest. Aus had wird dann had not bzw. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; They master topics while going on exciting adventures, without the help of adults. Lehrplangerecht & qualittsgeprft! This lesson will review those rules and is an important part of understanding German verb conjugations. Plautdietsch (pronounced [plat.dit]) or Mennonite Low German is a Low Prussian dialect of East Low German with Dutch influence that developed in the 16th and 17th centuries in the Vistula delta area of Royal Prussia. Aber Achtung! Among those, the most common is the simple past tense (imperfekt). Lade unzhlige Dokumente hoch und habe sie immer dabei. To become aware of the nature and significance of; know or comprehend: She understands the difficulty involved. To become aware of the nature and significance of; know or comprehend: She understands the difficulty involved. Nach when benutzt du also das simple past. We understand that you will repay this loan in 30 days. Significance for a specified matter; relation or relationship: Her speeches have special reference to environmental policy. noch nicht abgeschlossen war whrend das simple past fr die neu eintretende Handlung genutzt wird. Today, it isn't used that much in the German spoken language, but rather in written stories and reports. Sehr schn aber sehr kindlich erzhlt und in die lnge gezogen. Ziele Setze dir individuelle Ziele und sammle Punkte. Ja, genau! False cognates are words that are believed to have a common origin, but which in fact do not. Principal Parts: geben (gibt) - gab - gegeben. While there has been much focus on the number of references to a particular source, little information has been published on the number of OITE questions, Section Three also serves as a checklist for non-history students who are using sources for which their course outlines provide no. To make full use of our website, Oft beschreibt das past progressive eine Handlung, die gerade im Verlauf war, als eine zweite Handlung einsetzte. Das schmutzig Machen Deiner Hnde geht also dem Hndewaschen voraus, es ist vorher in der Vergangenheit passiert. Handelt es sich um mehrere Personen, nutzt du were + ing-Form. 3. He tried speaking German to them, but couldn't make himself understood. Sehen - Present Tense - How to Conjugate "Geben" (to Give) in German. It's the most common use of the verb, so it's best to familiarize yourself with these forms before moving on. Here you'll learn: Informationen geben To inform a customer. Past Participle: gegeben Imperative (Commands): (du) Gib! They get direct feedback and hints while solving the exercises and as a result, they learn and grow from their mistakes instead of getting frustrated with themselves. Du nennst also zuerst ein Fragewort, woraufhin dann die Fragestruktur folgt, die Du gerade gelernt hast. Bei regelmigen Verben wird es durch das Anhngen von -ed an den Infinitiv gebildet. It is understood that the fee will be $50. The Berlin dialect is spoken in Berlin and its suburbs. Geben in the Past Perfect Tense (Plusquamperfekt) When using the past perfect tense (plusquamperfekt), you are indicating that the action occurred after something else did. Dafr brauchen wir das simple past und das past progressive. , ricanzla ilgili olarak; sz etme, deinme. die Fahrkarte - die Fahrkarten, das Auto - die Autos. b. Wow, Danke!Gib uns doch auch deine Bewertung bei Google! For example, Latin habre and German haben both mean 'to have' and are phonetically similar. Das Past Perfect brauchst Du auerdem, um einen If-Clause Typ 3 zu bilden. Meaning or denotation: The reference of the word "lion" is to a kind of wild cat. Viel Spa beim Lesen und Lernen! Bei der Short Form wird das had zu 'd, wie in dem folgenden Beispiel: I had viewed the match. Lernjahr! to lie lied lied. Simple past und past progressive: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede, Simple past vs. past progressive: Gegenberstellung, Simple past und past progressive: Zusammenfassung, Simple past und past progressive: bungen, Vergleich deutsches und englisches Schulsystem, Defining relative clauses, non defining relative clauses, contact clauses, Handlung in der Vergangenheit abgeschlossen; neu eintretende Handlung. Do you know how to convey general information in a presentation? Do you know the meaning of "Nhrstoffdichte"? German perfect tense. At first I didn't understand how ill she was; I understood that you were planning to leave today. Das, worber du erzhlst, ist abgeschlossen und somit vorbei. Part 3. However, the words evolved from different Proto-Indo-European (PIE) roots: haben, like English have, comes from PIE *khpy-'to grasp', and has the Latin cognate capere 'to seize, grasp, Interaktive bungsaufgaben zu jedem Video, ausdruckbare Arbeitsbltter und ein tglicher Hausbungs-Chat mit Expert*innen garantieren einen Rundum-Service. Es haben sich auch unregelmige Verben eingeschlichen. In most cases, the past participle is placed at the end of the sentence: "Wir haben die ganze Nacht getanzt." The act of referring to something: filed away the article for future reference. Mit unserem Lernspiel Sofaheld ben Grundschulkinder selbststndig & motiviert: Sie meistern spannende Abenteuer & lernen spielend die Themen der 1. bis 6. Aber stndig passieren neue Sachen, die ihn total ablenken. Meaning or denotation: The reference of the word "lion" is to a kind of wild cat. Interaktive bungsaufgaben zu jedem Video, ausdruckbare Arbeitsbltter und ein tglicher Hausaufgaben-Chat mit Expert*innen garantieren einen Rundum-Service. Irregular conjugation for the verb "geben" and its compounds: replacement of -e- in the stem of Present tense with -i- for the second and third person singular form of Present tense , and with -a- for the Preterite ("ich gab") and -e- in Past Participle ("gegeben"). Had + Subjekt + Past Participle + Rest. Don't use understand to say that someone becomes aware of something. Zur Unterscheidung solltest Du Dich fragen, wann die Handlung in der Vergangenheit stattfand. Noch heute in Englisch 4. Das Past Perfect kannst Du, wie viele andere Zeitformen auch verkrzen. Anne and Michael are at the gallery. when to use "wre" + past participle or "htte" + past participle; Start. She understood his suggestion as a complaint. , osoba koja moe dati miljenje (preporuku). "Smelt" und "smelled" ist hier brigens beides richtig. Die Verwendung des Going-to-Future Das Going-to-Future verwendest du, wenn du geplante Ereignisse in der Zukunft ausdrcken mchtest.Es wird also eine feste Absicht oder ein Plan verdeutlicht. Upper Franconian is spoken in Kronach, Kulmbach, Hof and Bayreuth. The only completely irregular verb in the language is sein (to be). Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Had I given up on maths before I failed the test? B. der Ort). Swabian dialect is spoken in the south west of Germany, a region called Swabia around Stuttgart. 2. a. simple past past participle Deutsch be was/were been sein I am I was I have been ich bin you are you were you have been du bist he is he was he has been er ist go went gone gehen, fahren I go I went I have gone ich gehe/fahre he goes he went he has gone er geht/fhrt I dont go I didnt go I havent gone ich gehe/fahre nicht
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