Our side is and always will be that of the 99%. [5], 19 October 2016, saw the #NiUnaMenos protest against femicide in Argentina, a large-scale response to the murder of 16-year-old Luca Prez. Hundreds of thousands of men marched with the women, rallying for womens rights. Esther Vicente, who rallied in Washington as president of International Planned Parenthood Womens Federation Western Hemisphere, said many of the federations member groups are now besieged by the global gag rule. It was organised by Womens Strike Assembly along with the new United Sex Workers section of the United Voices of the World and included the Sex/Work Strike[26] as part of which a minutes noise for Laura Lee (sex worker) was held in Soho in London[27] and protests outside the family court in London and parliament[28], International strikes by women on 8 March 2017 and 2018, Thirty-sixth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland, "Meet the Organizers Behind the Upcoming Worldwide Women's Strike", "Women to go on strike in Poland in protest at planned abortion law", "Black Monday: Polish women strike against abortion ban", "#NiUnaMenos: el brutal asesinato de Luca Prez en Argentina moviliza a las mujeres del mundo", "Argentina's women joined across South America in marches against violence", "Ni Una Menos Reaches Rio: Is There Hope To End Gender Violence In Brazil? Teachers hired by the state of Sao Paulo also organized a work stoppage on March 8 and went to the protest. In fact, it was the greatest mobilisation for womens right in history, with almost 6 million people overwhelmingly women striking and demonstrating in about 120 cities and towns. Her fellow workers struggled for a contractthat would strengthen the staffs civil rights and labour conditions, she recalled, against vocal resistance from nominally liberal (but profit-minded) bosses. The movement called for the end of violence against women, gender inequality, and different forms of oppression against women. The first global women's strike on March 8th 2017 was an unprecedented experience, with the ability to catalyze a moment of exceptional intensity, synthesizing women's mobilizations against violence and oppression across the world. In Buenos Aires, the Womens Strike march put the working class women fighting austerity front and center. We mobilise because we want to live. Thousands of people marched in Mexico against femicide and poor labor conditions. An unidentified woman protester wearing a Nasty Woman T-shirt was arrested by New York Police during the "Day Without a Woman" on Wednesday. Other labor unions called for a full-day strike. An international wave of demonstrations, protests and strikes swept the world on International Women's Day, March 8th 2018. In Argentina, this year's march marked one of the largest in a year of mobilizations. The strike is partly inspired by the women of Iceland, where in 1975 25,000 women gathered on the streets of Reykjavik and 90% of the female population did not go to work, cook, clean or take. Indigenous organizations as well as other feminist and left organization also attended. Its both fascinating and horrifying to watch, The violent frontline struggle to defend Palawan's forests and waters, AANES condemns Swedish foreign minister for bowing to Turkish pressure. [22] Part of the management accused them of supporting a political strike, but they were not brought to justice. [18], The March 8 movements were stopped in more than 70 countries by multiple national and local organisations, collectives, and activists. This political direction is based on independence from the Democratic Party and the recognition of the need for a womens movement that is anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist, and against all forms of oppression. It is slightly abridged from International Women Strike USA. Under the slogan Lets stop everything, hundreds of thousands of people protested in each major Spanish city. In dozens of cities, preparatory assemblies were held to organise marches and other actions. The International women's strike on March 8, 2017 took place in 50 countries. Because right to strike is a recognised human right and throughout history, strikes have been an effective tactic for harnessing the power of movements to affect change. But for one day, to mark the International Womens Strike, women in dozens of cities in the United States and in more than 50 countries across the world redeployed their productive energies to fighting for gender and economic justice. February 1, 2018. Despite the persistent rain, thousands of women flooded the street of Istanbul demanding womens rights. | The Bubble | Argentina News", "Decades after Iceland's 'day off', our women's strike is stronger than ever | Selma James", "Thousands march against Eighth Amendment in Dublin", "Irish women go on strike over the abortion ban", "#Strike4Repeal: Ireland protests abortion ban on International Women's Day", "Strike4Repeal protests: in quotes and pictures", "Abortion in Ireland: The fight for choice", "Thousands of Strike 4 Repeal protests takeover O'Connell Bridge (VIDEO)", "Kerry For Choice Holds 'Strike 4 Repeal' In The Square", "Strike 4 Repeal actions take place later today", "Why the Repeal the Eighth march will backfire", "Repeal protesters set to picket RT to demand recognition for strike", "UCD students organise RT 'Repeal protest', "Eighth Amendment repealed after bill is signed into law", "Female lawmakers support 'Day Without Women', "Why we're striking for women's rights today", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=International_Women%27s_Strike&oldid=1103360279, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2021, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 August 2022, at 10:02. It was organised in Karachi by the feminist collective Hum Aurtein, with corresponding marches held in other cities across the country. Women's Global Strike. [3], On 3 October 2016, women in Poland organized a nationwide strike following a Polish parliamentary decision to consider a ban on abortion that would criminalize all terminations. The slogans and descriptions of the actions bluntly place these The . Like the article? [1][2] It was supported by over 170 countries and a large number of related local activities. But so many go to the polls reluctantly, for lack of another solution. This demonstrates how the Right exploits feminism for its own purposes. . This international action also had the objective to determine the level of exploitation of women in the workplace, social reproduction, and reproductive labor.[8][9]. [6] Similar demonstrations took place in other Latin American countries including Mexico,El Salvador, Chile, and others. Donate today . On March 8, 2017, the International Women's Strike was coordinated between more than fifty countries, drawing on the momentum that had been building since the Latin American women's strike on October 19, 2016. By withholding her labour for a day, we get the chance to not only show up, but we get to show out speak up and speak out, and build awareness of the importance of coming together. Organiser and Arab-American Palestinian rights activist Suzanne Adely said the rally upheld a tradition of women using their economic power to build a social movement that declares that the liberation of women can only come when we stop wars, when we stop violence against black women and black people, [and] come together to learn how to work together towards building real liberation for women and for all people. The International Women's Strike, or the Feminist Strike, is a label that can be filled with content by the people who claim it. The huge demonstrations against femicides under the rallying cry Not One More (#NiUnaMenos), which took place on June 3 in 2015 and 2016 in Argentina, had demonstrated a strong mobilising power. Thousands of Women Marched for International Women's Day On Sunday, women around the world took to the streets to protest femicide, fascism, and discriminatory labor practices. Others took part in local direct actions. In an article below, translated by Liz Mason-Deese, the group explains how its strike against gender violence last year has evolved into the call for an International Womens Strike on March 8, International Womens Day. [17][18][19], The campaign was criticised by some anti-abortion writers. The strike will take place in at least forty countries the first internationally coordinated day of protest on such a large scale in years . A women's strike in Mexico. Due to the success of the strike call, the issues that were raised gained attention importance in the media and press. On March 8, women organized the second International Women's Strike in more than 150 countries. ***. We strike for women's rights, reproductive justice and a life free of violence. Green Left needs your support. 2 November; Brazil: Lula narrowly wins presidency - the fight against Bolsonarismo continues! They also showed that,contrary to dismissive claims that taking action for womens rights is just for the privileged, activists in 2017 come from all walks of life including nannies, fast-food and retail workers, teachers, and unorganised microtaskers. One of the slogans at the march was: If our lives are worthless, try to produce []. Defy back-to-work legislation! The inspiration came from Iceland and Poland and it was created by women from different countries during the autumn of 2016 as a response to the current social, legal, political, moral, and verbal violence experienced by contemporary women at various latitudes. On 8 March 2017, International Women's Day, Oxfam will lend its voice to thousands of women and women's organizations around the world that are coming together to say enough. In turn, now Iceland has one of the most generous and. One of the largest labor unions, PIT-CNT, called a strike after 4 p.m. so that workers could attend the mobilizations. 55,000 education workers walked off the job in defiance of a bill that made striking illegal. [10], On March 8, 2000, the Campaa Internacional por un Salario para el Trabajo en el Hogar called the first International Women's Strike, demanding the women's right to justice for their unrecognised contribution to the workforce. This is because Trump has emboldened conservative political factions on the island. Statement: Women's Global Strike 2021. Our goal is not only to expose the lies, hypocrisy and bias of the billionaire class and their media: we seek to help the organising efforts of all those actively resisting the increasingly authoritarian rule of the corporate rich, here and overseas. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Boss feminism is denial, it is deception, it is self-interest over solidarity, Kohner told the crowd at Washington Square Park. Since then, the International Women's Strike has been staged in at least fifty countries around the world. Strikes have fostered, revived and strengthened solidarity across issues and movements to change structural oppression, whether it be patriarchy, neoliberalism, globalisation, militarism, fundamentalisms or environmental . At a time when even Ivanka Trump calls herself a feminist, these women were showing that working women still cant get a break. (Optional) Enter your postcode for local activist event updates. UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka said: "We need women's . Here's Why", "Fotogalera del 8M en el mundo; el da en que las mujeres hicieron temblar la tierra", "#8MPy: Mujeres marcharon por un sistema justo y humano para todos", "Miles, de cara al 8 de marzo | Segundo da de la Women's March y convocatorias hacia el Paro Internacional", "3a Conferencia Mundial de Mujeres de la CSI/Asamblea de Organizacin de Mujeres - Confederacin Sindical Internacional", "Un feminismo para el 99%: por eso las mujeres haremos huelga este ao", "La Women's March 2018 | Protesta mundial a un ao de gobierno Trump", "S, hay huelga general el 8 de marzo y es legal", "UGT y CCOO registran la convocatoria de huelga general para el 8 de marzo", "USO registra la convocatoria de huelga para el 8 de marzo", "5.200 mujeres periodistas respaldan la huelga del 8 de marzo", "Ms de 5.300 mujeres periodistas firman un manifiesto por la huelga del 8M", "4.000 mujeres periodistas firman contra el machismo y apoyan la huelga del 8M", "Las periodistas se concentran en Callao", "Diez medidas que se pueden poner en marcha ya para responder a las demandas del feminismo", "Cierre del multitudinario acto del 8M frente al Congreso: "No nos callamos ms", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=International_Women%27s_Strike_2018&oldid=1120947611, CS1 European Spanish-language sources (es-es), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 9 November 2022, at 17:55. [1] The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. This International Women's Day, Thursday 8 March, workers at four Picturehouse cinemas in London will strike for the Living Wage, company maternity and paternity pay, sick pay, and union recognition. Executive Director at ESCR-Net - International Network for Economic, Social & Cultural Rights From this perspective, men should support the women by taking on the work and care tasks that were left unattended, and participating in other types of actions that would contribute to making the importance of women visible. The International Women's Strike, also known as Paro Internacional de Mujeres, was a global movement coordinated across over 50 countries and coinciding with International Women's Day, on 8 March 2017 and 2018. [8], Women's groups in Poland, including the All-Poland Women's Strike, who had organised the Black Protests against proposed legislation that would have tightened Polish abortion law in 2016, together with the Argentinian women's rights activists launched the International Women's Strike in 2017. 5, 2020. Another large protest took place on October 3, 2016 in Poland, known as Black Monday, against plans to criminalize abortion, including miscarriage, and the termination of a pregnancy as a result of rape. We strike for equal pay, a living wage and against the exploitation of women's labor. In the Spanish State alone, five million people mobilized. It was created in late October 2016. Real climate action meansNO NEW FOSSIL FUELS. On October 19, 2016, in Argentina, members of the movement Ni Una Menos and other feminist organizations, called for an hour-long strike and various demonstrations, after a week with 7 femicides. Our goal is not only to expose the lies, hypocrisy and bias of the billionaire class and their media: we seek to help the organising efforts of all those actively resisting the increasingly authoritarian rule of the corporate rich, here and overseas. fashion Mar. The United Nations announced the theme of "Women in the Changing World of Work: Planet 50-50 by 2030", calling for gender equality around the globe. Trade unions supported the strike in some countries, although the form of this support took was a matter of debate. On March 8, women around the world gave themselves a day off from the system. The International Women's Strike is a global grassroots movement utilizing the power of the working class to demonstrate against various forms of oppression. Thus, as part of human rights, reproductive rights (access to family planning and birth control methods and abortion-rights), sexual freedom (sexual diversity, LGBT), etc. You can add Brie Larson to the list of celebrities who wore red in support of Wednesday's "A Day Without a Woman" strike, organized by the folks at the Women's March in conjunction with International Women's Day. Over 300 trains stopped running, and major cities came a halt. The unions estimate that over 5 million people participated in the work stoppages. Since providers have often campaigned for reproductive rights reforms, the administration couldnow effectively punish their advocacy with billions in funding cuts. IWS US continues to be a national organizing center by and for women who have been marginalized and silenced by decades of . Reproductive labor (domestic work and care work), which is fundamental to sustaining the lives of human beings and is carried out mainly by women and is not recognized. 9, 2020. We honour that history, reclaim the day and revive women's collective power to demand our human rights. By the old Russian calendar, March 8 fell in February. In Spain, CNT (National Confederation of Labour), CGT (General Confederation of Labour), CIG (Galician Unions Confederacy), CoBas (Union of broad-based commissions of Catalonia) and other non-majority unions called a 24-hour general strike,[20] providing legal coverage to be able to strike in all work centers throughout the day. In Argentina, this year's march marked one of the largest in a year of mobilizations. We strike for full social provision and for equal rights for undocumented immigrants. The two groups asked that women not work that day to protest the policies of the administration of Donald Trump, encouraging women to refrain from working, spending money (or, alternatively, electing to shop only at "small, women- and minority-owned businesses"), and to wear red as a sign of solidarity. The first historical example of a national strike lead by a women's movement took place in Iceland, on October 24, 1975, with paid workers and housewives taking part. Photo credits: Reuters In the Spanish State alone, five million people mobilized. This is a win for abortion rights, but the movement for reproductive justice must demand more than what Michigan had under Roe. At that time, in St. Petersburg, women went on strike for "Bread and Peace" demanding the end to World War I, Czarism, and the shortage of food in Russia. Women's Strike organisers Magally A. Miranda Alcazar and Kate D. Griffiths have noted working women of colour and low socioeconomic women have long been striking for equality. Slightly abridged from International women 's strike. [ 12 ] in work stoppages on 25 October 2017 Brazil! For lack of another solution protests were also held on January 20, the! Large scale in years the persistent rain, thousands took to the protest their lives the burden of care.. 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