See Details Add to Shopping List. And I would highly caution anyone that has asked me to be just as wary. Please consider your comment. As I stared at it an incoming wave gently deposited part of its body on one of my feet. I do think youd have gotten some useful responses if youd mentioned you were a dude in your initial letter, but on the other hand its kind of fun to see the assumptions that the commentariat make. Arent his titles awesome? Books do fly uner the radar more. I honestly WRITE fic on my phone during my lunch break and some of it is definitely in the category of weird kinky stuff. Not because Im hot (Im really not) but no-reason boners are a thing (theres even a song about it!) O'Keeffe's Body Lotion. Im in the minority here. But I feel like reading erotica on ones phone I mean, the chance that a creep specifically is going to find out what youre reading and then use it as an excuse to creep is there, but it seems verryyyy low to me that theres going to be that much conflation of events. So I searched on the name. Im of the mind of read what you want on your break as long as nobody can accidentally see it and it doesnt affect your ability to do your work professionally. We passed it around and that did happen at school. But shes smiling at him.. Or the Outlander novels, which have quite a bit of sex? Definitely part of the appeal for a teenager, although I didnt know what I was getting into at the beginning, I just wanted to read about ancient humans and Ayla, The Woman Who Invented Everything and tamed cave lions, horses, and wolves. I usually read PWP fic with absolutely no reaction other than wow, thats well-written PWP or hmm, not a fan of this PWP. I wonder how many faux-casual asking-for-a-friend enquiries a large IT department fields in a typical week. I totally dug that age gap. If youre risking worrying your colleagues, they would be the ones who loosing out. If someone knows what OP is reading because theyre invading their space to read from her screen, over her shoulder, without telling her that theyre there I dont really think I could muster up too much righteous indignation. The OP doesnt appear to be a creeper predator so the blanket ban on arousing reading seems like an overstep. If its really just the written word, I think OP should do want she wants. Nobody cares. I also think its different from watching videos on your phone, which would naturally be more eye-catching to passerby than colleague reading some wall of text on their phone. Load More Show Less Tube is kind of small; Eczema can cause the feet to be rough, dry, and itchy. I enjoy it in the same way I enjoy non-smutty romance (I tend to prefer smut thats all about the emotional connection between the characters). I know this is a stretch, but if its not appropriate for you to talk about how *insert porns cliche* here is interesting to you (turned on or otherwise), its not appropriate for you to be consuming media related to that in the workplace. A point of clarification about my answer: Im not talking about romance books or books with a few graphic scenes in them. One day, I was reading Outlander while keeping an eye on some kids who wanted to study in my room over lunch. I can read AAM (thank God!) And even so, theres no way to tell from a single scene whether its an incidental plot point or whether graphic sex is the whole point of the story. My grandmother gave me the Clan of the Cave Bear series when I was in 9th grade! Shit happens, humans are humans. Thats what I used to do at surprise sex scenes which really helped mitigate the awkward feeling. Im talking about stories where the entire point is graphic sexual content. Detective stories. O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet Foot Cream - 3oz $10.49 CeraVe Healing Ointment Skin Protectant, Soothes Dry, Cracked and Chafed Skin, Non-Greasy and Fragrance Free - 3oz Huh, I didnt even think about podcasts. Why do I have it? I dont think thats a very good idea, but it reminds me of Allison Janneys guidance counselor/romance novelist Ms. Perky from 10 Things I Hate About You. Bratwurst? Youre allowed to read erotica, youre allowed to read fan-fic, youre allowed to watch superhero movies. Important information. and no one has ever noticed. For the record I do understand the type of material that OP is referencing and how its different from a book where theres just a couple of sex things. I think a better comparison would be something like watching a mainstream movie with nudity and sex scenes. hydration, Beauty Fluid Lotion, 177 ml. Watch five minutes of porn or do your banking or finish an Amazon order or play a game on your phone or read or write or stand on your head. $9 AT AMAZON. Its literally instantaneous. O'Keeffe's Variety pack with Working Hands, Healthy Feet, Skin Repair, Unscented and Cooling Relief Lip Repair Product Description O'Keeffe's Lip Repair Lip Balm provides the same incredible results customers have come to expect from O'Keeffe's moisturizers now in a lip balm! Men suck. Eh. Also couldnt get to the library regularly). This foot cream works extremely quickly to heal and soften ultra-cracked feet. Example: look up The Angel Wore Fangs. If Chuck Tingle didnt exist wed have to invent him. It said in the intro to the site that they chose such a salacious name basically to drive up hits. This is where I fall on the issue too. But I have Miles Vorkosigan in my bag right now, Steven Brusts Jherig last week, and Bellairs _House With A Clock In Its Walls_ the week before. I usually predownload the stories, but if I dont I bring them up on a phone data connection since theres not convenient wifi where I work, and these sites arent likely vectors of malware like most porn sites (curated content with basic HTML, no external links, and no ads). Point still stands; hes even oddly respected). I love Elizabeth Peters so much! O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet 3 oz. (I kid!). Ive developed frameworks for social interaction that rival Sheldon Coopers friendship algorithm, and I dont care about the smell of microwaved fish (as an example). Cracked heels? One good litmus test is: Would you be embarrassed if your boss caught you reading it at work? If I were to be reading that book at work and that scene came up and someone read it over my shoulder, they could presumably think I was reading erotica. I think its not just that you shouldnt be aroused, but you need plausible deniability that you arent being aroused. Worked in car sales. Forever had a scene where the boyfriend names his penis Ralph, and talks about him like hes a third person in the room. I eat at my desk in my private office, and I wouldnt think twice if I was reading something (on my phone, off wifi) that turned explicit, because the odds of someone figuring out what Im reading are very slim. $7.49. But then, Im a very morbid and pessimistic person. Pounded in the butt by my resume and cover letter The new Tingler with advice from AAM? If this blogs taught me anything, is that some people are into some weird sh*t. But thats far from this topic. Yeeeah, I shop online at work all the time. I sent my manager a very eloquent text explaining that Id clearly sent those other messages to the wrong recipient and apologizing for any inconvenience. 84 % 4 stars. Healthy Feet Foot Cream O'Keeffe's. Stop. $9.99. The sex isnt really a huge part of the plot (most of the time). Ive been told my mind works like a bad slasher film. Its fundamentally different. My very existence in this office, typing away, doing math and physics while breasts are attached to the front of my body, is an affront to some people. (Ill let the curious knock themselves out for that.) Do you wanna include some of those while youre on your sex/rape shame tirade? 84 % 4 stars. There are plenty of books that were originally written as fanfiction of something else, but 50SOG is the most famous. Okay, maybe sure. I can also be clueless about social expectations and am not personally bothered by many things others are (though I trust others when they say its a problem). My employer and others Ive worked at block sites that are related to nudity or porn. Neither did any of the dudes casually watching porn with their backs to the wall and their hands nowhere near their junk. With people that are reading text based erotica, I think most could easily stop if they had to or were told to, so its not a compulsion. But it still happens. If I have a fantastic date, Im gonna be poking that memory like a sore tooth the next day, whether Im at work or not. OMG! And maybe not realizing this opens the door to gross Fergus watching porn in his office during lunch. Guaranteed relief or your money back. cracked, or calloused feet. (my answer is no, men shouldnt be doing it either). I think those litmus tests trump the other factors you asked about, like being in a semi-public area vs a bathroom stall, or being a particular gender. So its over the line at work but not on the way to work? But not because I was told to read them by the school! I cant even listen to MDWaP in public any more after I snort-laughed my way up a Tube station escalator listening to it. So do my friends. As I stared at it an incoming wave gently deposited part of its body on one of my feet. Teenagers today are so lucky to have such a huge selection to choose from.). over an hour) to read several chapters in one sitting. should I tell an employee that the new hire sitting right across from him all day is unvaccinated? Cut about 40 strands of yarn about 3 feet long, knot at one end leaving a several inches of slack, and divide into two sections. She can just say Oh, personal messages. or even Nothing much. Its her private phone; not the companies. Andrews books when I was in elementary school. If youre in a position to call them out on it, you absolutely wouldnt be overreacting to do so. O'Keeffe's Working Hands Hand Cream is a concentrated hand cream that heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry, cracked hands. There is no such thing as a guaranteed private space at work except the bathroom stall. I dont think it matters. For my own part, Ive intentionally read smutty fic on a break before. I read explicit fanfiction at work all the time. Unless you have a good relationship with IT, in which case you might be able to causally ask them, your best bet to find out would be to download an app that tells you where the nearest towers are. $9.99. But, if thats not the case, and you just read this stuff because you like it (but you dont have a physical reaction to it) then I personally think its fine. Particularly those humans with higher testosterone. Actually, MILF was being used on the internet long before American Pie. Its not something I could easily stop doing. I think one rule of thumb may be to determine, if someone asked you what you were reading, how comfortable youd be with disclosing the contents to a coworker or your boss. Lots of people in this thread are talking about having sexual thoughts at work as if youre breaking some sort of law. TUBE. But shes a sex worker. Fellow health educator here. OKeeffes for Healthy Feet Foot Cream is a concentrated foot cream that heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry, cracked feet. The person who is aroused is still in sex mode. Maybe Blerpblorp has a boring job, or one that alternates busy periods and downtime? Maybe, but it depends on the details. Arent OKeeffes paintings primarily flowers and objects? I come down on the side of read what you want, so long as theres no physical evidence of your arousal if it happens. Also, Id say this isnt just about sex. To be fair, I read romance novels because right now my brain cant handle a story I really have to pay attention to, and some of them are downright hilarious. So thats another way it could draw attention the way text cant.) $8.99. Probably not appropriate for work, but otherwise? I worked at a pool. Seriously. True but a lot of people couldnt see it from across the room on a phone if it were a porn video either so Im starting from the presumption it can be seen. I do skirt the line with what I read on my own phone during breaks and I totally hear ya that it would be better if I only looked at wholesome/work related stuff all day long, but its my own device and my own breaks and I guess Ill take my chances. Yeah, Jacqueline Careys stuff is very sexual and is a celebration of sex as a driving part of life. I am not, however, a supervisor or a manager (at least in my current position). Im not ace, I just dont react to written erotica unless Im actively trying to. Very little sex in those and that was offstage. And correct me if Im wrong, but it seemed like that situation didnt matter if it was seen or heard, boners = nope? At which point I would save it for later and pick something else to read because Id like to not be worried about getting interrupted, so. I get to work Monday and he cracks a joke about whether Im sending bizarre texts to everyone I know, or hes just special. If Im in public and what Im reading does does have explicit sex, Id skip it until I was alone. OKeeffes for Healthy Feet Foot Cream is a concentrated foot cream that heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry, cracked feet. For this particular OP, the distinction sex as regular, repeated part of the book, which is written with the goal of titillation seems to me to be the relevant distinction. Is this shocking? It isnt just about discovery, its about what it does to one emotionally and cognitively. You have to really be up in someones business to see them react in a way that indicates arousalif they are squirming or moaning or something, yeah, thats too much. The fourth book is honestly about 1/3 erotica. Not even a little. I remember a couple of months ago I was dealing with a super boring project at work that required a lot of mindless review literally picking up document after document and checking each item off against a template. it isnt. He said he didnt click the links because he had no idea what I was going on about, and decided he didnt want to know. I think we can presume OPs workplace doesnt have this rule about cell phones. Its just historical romance. INSTANT MOISTURE: O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet instantly boosts moisture levels and locks the moisture in, helping your feet looking and feeling great for longer. Or like YA lit? I was a claims adjuster at a large insurance company when I started my career and we all used to listen to audio books while adjusting claims. But reading a book that no one can see the title of and having a private moment of arousal that is not made known to anyone else is not violating anyone elses comfort! Read some of his Reddit AMAs. That said, I agree with AAM that it also depends on the purpose of the reading material. Where I work the same sites are blocked on wi-fi and network. With skin care products designed to restore and sustain healthy-looking skin, families everywhere look to Eucerin to enhance outer beauty and self-confidence. I think youre fine. Its all just stuff in your head. Otherwise youre just perpetuating an opression. Look for ingredients like zinc, coconut oil, neem oil and tea tree oil. Just look at chick lit and YA novels. Especially if youre doing it on a phone where theres no visible cover and presumably someone would have to seriously be on your shoulder to catch a glimpse of the words. Its really bizarre to me that the comment section that is completely against normal office things like potlucks, awards at work, occasional happy hours, coming in on time, or sharing something about your weekend, is broadly in favour of reading erotica and watching porn at work. Our team is available Mon-Sat 10:00-19:00 to answer your questions in French, Italian or English. If that, tbh. One friend during my teen years would blush if she looked at somebody she thought was cute (the poor girl she had the kind of skin that goes shiny tomato, too, she hated blushing so much). Personally, I wouldnt think reading something that just happens to have a sex scene in it would be too much for a break at work, but I agree that if the point of the book as a whole is to get you sexually aroused, its probably not work appropriate. Should it? Establish a new healthy habit and consciously improve your life. Thats my point, you dont know whether or not a coworker will be able to tell what text is on your screen. I did NOT see it coming (at least not in that much detail!) Yeah I agree, I just dont think creeps might creep on you is a reason to not do a thing. A couple of years ago I came across a hilarious blog post, and follow-up comments, on the subject called Wont anyone think of the goldfish?. I was really glad that I didnt drop the phone in the middle of one of those dialogues where the f-bombs were flying left and right. Just have a good/non awkward answer to the what are you reading? type questions. Now husband and I save it for Monday evening listening while we make dinner. When really the standard should be no. They tightened the reigns on us recently and some of my go-to sources are now blocked. I doubt it. I was just known to read sexy books about cavemen and occasionally teased for it. SquooshemsUnblacked games 66OKeeffes for Healthy Feet Foot Cream is a concentrated foot cream that heals, relieves and repairs extremely dry, cracked feet OKeeffes for Healthy Feet Foot Cream works fast; Most people start seeing improvements in their dry cracked feet in only a few daysPosey offers a range of silk fibre magnetic eyelashes & innovative magnetic eyeliner No one has ever demanded to know what I was reading or been the slightest bit interested, nor have they had any awareness. And of course, by throwback I mean about seven years ago. Plus at least some people would think you have weird taste for enjoying chic lit. Sometimes arousal just happens. My mum hadnt read them, but my stepdad had what was he thinking?! I like to say that I developed algorithms for personal interactions and appropriateness litmus testing. I was worried about you for a second. No more internetting for me today. Were cases of weird vibes higher for this group than for the general population there? To me, its about making sure youre not inadvertently exposing your unconsenting coworkers to either your erotica or your aroused state, not about banning a certain genre entirely. O'Keeffe's Healthy Feet Jar 2.7oz. Foot creams and lotions often , Harris Teeter Supermarkets, Inc., also known as Harris Teeter Neighborhood Food & Pharmacy, is an American supermarket chain based in Matthews, North Carolina, a suburb of Charlotte.As of November 2021, the chain operates 261 stores in seven South Atlantic states (North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Delaware, Maryland) and the District of Columbia.Buy PINPLUS Folding Storage Ottoman Cube with Rivet Tray,Small Velvet Tuffed Foot Rest Stool, Padded Seat for Living Room,Shoes Box Toy Chest Beige (15.7"x15.7"x15.7"): Ottomans - FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible purchases, Hello, sign in. Victorias Secret was blocked and it literally just said Reason: Sex. Its not like, getting me all hot and bothered. The kind of possible arousal that a book being casually read on a work break is a far cry from teetering on the edge of orgasm (THAT would be a problem!) (Honestly, I often skip the sex scenes in fanfic any more. I read a book (completely off the companys network it was already downloaded to my ereader) at work that had a stand alone plot completely free of sex, but then there was one scene that could probably at best be called a touch gratuitous. Not that you had to explain yourself but I think thats the way a lot of people read since fan fic stories and/or a lot of the short erotic novels on Amazon are fast, easy reads versus a literary novel or even a traditional length romance novel that is more satisfying in longer reading chunks. Yeah, especially if youre in a discreet location/have your own office. I am wanting to replace the tube that arrived broken with the lotion all over the envelope. Oh my goodness, thank you! But if you choose to continue reading these books, you should have a prepared answer if anyone asks what youre reading! None of this is voluntary. And its not a personal blog. But the next year my sophomore biology teacher saw one of the books on my desk, stopped class, looked me dead in the eye, and said, LizardLady, why are you reading softcore porn in my class? SO EMBARRASSING. (Ive been binging The Greatest Generation which is a Star Trek podcast by two guys who are a little bit embarrassed to have a Star Trek Podcast, and irreverent and great, but Im almost all caught up and was wondering what I would do when I was too tired for Serious Audiobooks or NPR podcasts!). Movie with nudity and sex scenes is very different from reading them for/to.... Am getting used to treat fungal skin infections and discussing the BSC books are popular with women while it be! Your Subscribe-and-Save list creeper predator so the blanket ban on arousing reading seems an! 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