Whether the reverence of the Amesha Spenta qualifies as a form of polytheism is subject to interpretation. This is also reflected in Zoroaster's revelation, where he claims the sky is "of the hardest stone" (Yasna 30.5). The word also came to be applied to Zoroaster, though Zoroastrians today remain sharply critical of any attempts to deify the prophet. Writing from the perspective of Greeks who worshipped multiple anthropomorphic gods during his time, Herodotus (c. 430 BCE) says: "They (the Persians) have no images of the gods, no temples nor altars, and consider . Thus, the doctrine of the great six is that through good thoughts, words, and deeds, each individual should endeavor to assimilate the qualities of an Amesha Spenta into oneself. But in later tradition, these adjectives are integral to the names themselves. on Polish Translations; Amesha Spenta for Two Pianos and Orchestra by Iman Habibi A; Zarthustra's Essential Teachings Part; 1085-1088 Issn 2322-5149 2013 Jnas; Noty Thus Does Not Speak Zarathustra. In simpler terms, the Amesha Spentas can be described as: The Law The Plan or Blueprint Action & Dominion Love and Faith Perfection Immortality and timelessness Amesha Spentas and Chakras Now the question becomes, how are these related to the Chakras? During the Yasna ritual, she is recognized for her protective watch over not only the pawi, but also the entire earth. In due course, Xaras association with a stony firmament was eclipsed by the association with a metallic sky, and thence to metals in general. As such, Kshathra came to be connected with stone. He is one of the six Amesha Spentas of Zoroastrianism. In Zoroastrian tradition, these are the first six emanations of the noncreated Creator, through whom all subsequent creation was accomplished. Each of the six has an antithetical counterpart, and four of the six are already assigned one in the Gathas: aa/arta- (Truth) is opposed to the druj- (Deciet, Lies),vohu-manahis opposed toaka-manah-,xara-toduae-xara-, andarmaiti-totaraemaiti-. It must be noted here, in order not to cause confusion, thatAhura Mazda is believed not first in rank and outside of the group of six, but at the same time is considered the first of seven. You also have the option to opt-out of these. The six Amesha Spentas are: Vohu Manah - Good mind and good purpose. He presides over fire, sacred to the Zoroastrians as the inner nature of reality. Soon after Zoroaster's death, the entities that were related to Ahura Mazda were drawn into a heptad, which included the Amesha Spentas and Spenta Mainyu, the Holy Spirit. in accordance with New World Encyclopedia standards. Thus, this Zoroastrian divinity may have been a refashioned continuation of the Vedic God Indra. Our editors will review what youve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. WikiMatrix. Significantly more common than the non-specific meaning of Amesha Spenta (see below) is a restrictive use of the term to refer to the great six "divine sparks" of Ahura Mazda. In the Gathas, each Amesha Spenta represents a good moral quality that mortals should strive to obtain. Amesha spentas2 Definition by Categories: Religion & Spirituality; Religion - Miscellaneous(2) InYasna31.11 of the Gathas, Ahura Mazda is said to have created the universe with his thought. The individual Amesha Spentas are typically represented in iconography as human beings dressed in traditional Zoroastrian attire of cloak and cap. In Yasna 47.1 of the Gathas, the six most important Amesha Spentas are listed as follows: Vohu Manah (Good Mind), Asha Vahistah (Truth), Khshatra Vairya (Good Dominion), Spenta Armaiti (Devotion), Haurvatat (Wholeness and Health), and Ameretat (Immortality). These entities are called the Yazatas, venerables, and are six in number. Spenta Ameraiti - Holy devotion, serenity and loving kindness. Khshathra Vairya: the spirit of ideal authority, which is the power of . This is also reflected in Zoroasters revelation, where the sky is of the hardest stone (Yasna30.5). The six entities areVohu Manah,Asha Vahishta,Khsathra Vairya,Haurvatat,Armati, andAmeretat. The first three of the six are grammatical neuter nouns, but are treated as masculine and are seated on the right hand of Ahura Mazda; the second three are grammatical feminine nouns and are seated on Ahura Mazdas left hand. ; MPers., Amahraspand n), or "beneficent immortals,"are an important group of entities surrounding Ahura Mazd and figuring significantly in the Gths. The significance of the Ameshaspands is as given under: Dadar Hormuzd - the Wisdom and the Spirit of God (Spenta Mainyu): Every man requires the wisdom and the spirit of God in order to be aware and live according to the rightful injunctions of Ahura Mazda. Significantly more common than the non-specific meaning ofAmesha Spenta (seebelow) is a restrictive use of the term to refer to the great six divine sparks ofAhura Mazda. WikiMatrix. . She presides over Earth. Question Also called Spenta Amesha. The Spiritual Life 2010 - 2030. Spenta means increasing or growing. In the Yasna, for instance, he is realized by fire, which illustrates his immense importance, since fire is considered by Zoroastrians to be the most important of the physical elements and serves as the focal point of the Yasna ritual. Thus, Zarathustra's identification of individual Amesha Spentas with an abstract concept follows a precedent in Indo-European religion to correspond various abstractions with particular divinities. Asha Vahishta - Truth and righteousness. At one point in this ceremony, consecrated water is mixed with pomegranates, goat's milk, and twigs. This category only includes the ones that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Later, with the event of bronze and then iron tools, this sky evolved to being of crystal, which was seen as both of stone and of metal (Yasht13.2). Asha. Humanity will become like the Amesha Spentas, living without food, hunger, thirst, weapons or injury. Consequently, the intention to actualise it is Righteous Intention, and action according to it the highest form of Righteousness. Armaiti means devotion and this female deity represented Holy Devotion and Bounteous. This mixture is then poured into a special well outside the pawi so that it may render its strengthening abilities upon all of creation. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running them on your website. In Zoroastrian cosmogony and cosmology, whichthough alluded to in the Gathasis only systematically described in Zoroastrian tradition (e.g. In this sense, Amesha Spenta may therefore be considered equivalent to the term Yazata, referring to any spirit worthy of worship. In comparison, the remaining four of the great sextet appear only 121 times altogether:xara-: 56 times;armaiti-: 40;amrtt-: 14;haurvatt-: 11 times. Thus, the doctrine of the divine heptad suggests that through good thoughts, words, and deeds, each individual should endeavor to assimilate the qualities of the Amesha Spenta into his or herself. Q18-Nursing and Health Care Assignments and Essays. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window). To investigate unexplained laws of nature and the powers latent in humanity. While Vohu Manah, Asha, and Kshathra are consistently of neuter gender in Avestan grammar, they are traditionally considered masculine. ~Fire~ KHSHATHRA VAIRYA (SHAHREWAR): . Spenta Ameraiti - Holy devotion, serenity and loving kindness. However, it is likely that at the beginning of Zoroastrianism, these emanations were considered to be divine even though they were ultimately subordinate to Ahura Mazda, who dwelt within each of these deities, since they were part of his creation. Libation (Unto The Blessed Flame) 2. Ministers of his power against the evil spirit, Ahriman, they are depicted clustered about Ahura Mazd on golden thrones attended by angels. To the devotee he holds out the path of justice and spiritual knowledge. Corruption. The nature of the relationship between Ahura Mazda and the Amesha Spenta is at best an ambiguous one. Ahriman is the . Other divinities with whom the term "Ahuric" is associated include the six Amesha Spentas, and (notable among the lesser yazatas) Aredvi Sura of . That may seem at first glance improbable, since we know our physical bodies are not immortal or deathless, but as Rustom Masani (Zoroastrianism: the religion of the good life, 1968, p. 47) points out, immortality here does not mean living bodily forever, but rather complete happiness of body and soul, begun in this life and continued in an exalted degree in the next. Then if one includes Ahura Mazda (perhaps representing what is termedatmanin theosophical literature) among the Amesha Spentas, one gets a septenary system, a common theosophical idea. She is the Amesha Spenta that presides over water and is the personification of perfection. View Test Prep - RLG208-Armaiti from RLG 208 at University of Toronto, Mississauga. They are the everlasting bestowers of good. Yasna 47.1) of the six primeval creations realized ("created by His thought") by Ahura Mazda.It is through these six, the Amesha Spentas that all subsequent . Amesha Spentas,Holy Immortals, take ancient Iranian theology into the realm of myth, for they are gods without being gods, created without being creatures, and preside over great natural features without being identified with them. To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy and science. Zoroaster took . They are probably also equivalent to the Elohim of Judaism and the Dhyani Buddhas of theosophy. A veneration for the "divine sparks" through the living world is still present in modern Zoroastrian tradition, and is evident in every religious ceremony, where each of the Amesha Spentas is visibly represented by the physical element which they protect. From one point of view, they are aspects of divinity; from another they are personifications of abstract concepts. The six Amesha Spentas are Vohumano (good purpose) Asha Vahishta (righteousness), Kshathra Vairya (best dominion), Armaiti (holy devotion), Haurvatat (wholeness) and Ameretat (immortality). The six Amesha Spentas are: Vohu Manah - Good mind and good purpose. Further, the arch- daeva s of Vendidad 10.9 and 19.43 are identified as the antithetical counterparts of the Amesha Spentas. The doctrine of the 'divine sparks', through their connection with creation, unites ethereal and spiritual concepts with material and manifest objects not only as abstract "aspects" of Ahura Mazda, but as entities also worthy of reverence themselves. Spenta Armaiti was one of the six great Amesha Spentas (holy immortals) who with Ahura Mazda made up the Zoroastrian Heptad that dominated the Zoroastrian cosmology of the Sasanian period. En particular, Ahriman va a crear seis dews, que en la tradicin zorostrica, son la anttesis de los Amahraspands (avstico, Amesha Spentas ). Amesha Spenta, literally meaning "Bounteous Immortal," is an Avestan term for a class of six divinities in Zoroastrianism, which are identified as: Vohu Manah (Good Mind), Asha Vahistah (Truth), Khshatra Vairya (Good Dominion), Spenta Armaiti (Devotion), Haurvatat (Wholeness and Health), and Ameretat (Immortality). She has been entrusted with the care of earth, thus, religious devotion of Zoroastrians is deeply connected to the creation which she represents. They are probably also equivalent to the Elohim of Judaism and the Dhyani Buddhas of theosophy. The six Amesha Spentas are: 1. Asha Vahista: the spirit of truth and righteousness. In the physical world, Vohu Manah is related to all of animal creation, particularly cattle, of which he serves as the protector. Bundahishn 3.12), aa is the second (cf. Ameretat is responsible for the protection of plants, which aid in the preservation of life. She also calls them the prototypes of the "seven angels of the presence" in Roman Catholicism. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. any of the personified attributes of Ahura Mazda. It is also through this "Bounteous Force," "Creative Emanation," or "Holy Spirit" that Ahura Mazda is immanent in humankind, interacting in the world (Yasna 33.6; 43.6), and how the Creator interacts with the world. He guided Zoroasters soul before the throne of heaven. Later, with the introduction of bronze and then iron tools, the sky came to be seen as being made of crystal, and was therefore considered to be both stone and metal (Yasht 13.2). Sacrificial rituals called Yasnas, rituals, and prayers are used to invoke these divinities on different occasions to sanctify the world and help the faithful in their lives. Of the other concepts, onlyvohumanah-appears nearly as often (136 occurrences). The six Amesha Spentas are: Vohu Manah - Good mind and good purpose. Asha Vahishta (Avestan: Excellent Order, or Truth) is the lawful order of the cosmos according to which all things happen. It is through these six, the Amesha Spentas that all subsequent . The word Spenta - a cognate of the Sanskrit Spanda - means "ever-increasing", "progressive", or "creative". Zarathustra said that each woman and man is responsible for their own thoughts, words and actions. Omissions? It conveys the idea of the unlimited but dynamic pulse of creative energy. Ameretat is commonly grouped together with Haurvatat, due mainly to their complementary healing and life-giving properties. Each Amesha Spenta was also linked with a specific physical element and special domain. In Yasna 1.2 for instance, the Yazata Atar is declared to be "the most active of the Amesha Spenta." From an ethical perspective, the Amesha Spentas serve as the symbols or ideals of purity and divinity for the human beings upon earth, which they can actualize within themselves through practice and worship to guard themselves against evil. In the Gathas,aa/artais the most evident of the six, and also the most commonly associated with wisdom (mazda-). It not only includes the Ahura s (a term that in the Gathas is also used in the plural but only includes Ahura Mazda by name), but also all the other divinities that are alluded to in these texts. This anomaly is explained in modern scholarship by the fact that, inStone Agecosmogony, the sky was considered to be the first of the creations (and thought to be of stone), but metal has no place among the creations (the bronze and Iron Ages were yet to come). Vohu Mana denotes the intellectual gifts of clear perception and discernment which Ahura Mazda bestows upon those who live in accordance with his truth. Vohu Manah (Good Purpose, Good Thought) 2. The six Amesha Spentas are: Vohu Manah - Good mind and good purpose. Even in modern Zoroastrianism, the term is frequently used to refer to the thirty-three divinities that either have a calendarial dedication or have a Yasht dedicated to them. Because of this connection, Spenta Armaiti is represented in the Yasna ceremony by the consecrated ground of the ritual area, or the pawi. Vohu Mana: the spirit of the good mind: from the good mind comes good thoughts, and good words and deeds will follow. In the context of Zoroastrian view of creation, the group of the Amesha Spenta is extended to includeAhura Mazda, together with (or represented by)Spenta Mainyu. It is a complex word that means many things in the context it is used. Pages 266 This preview shows page 206 - 208 out of 266 pages. Kshathra Vairya serves as a reminder to the ashavan of the importance of authority within the temporal sphere, an authority which must be present in every level of society, from the head of the family to the ruler of the kingdom. To these six are sometimes added eitherAhura MazdaorSraoshato make seven. InYasna44.7, 31.3, and 51.7, Ahura MazdasSpenta Mainyuis the instrument or active principle of the act of creation. Amesha-Spentas (Avestan) [from a not + mesha, mara mortal, mutable + spenta benefactor, holy, soul-healing; cf Sanskrit svanta] Immortal benefactors; six in number: Vohu-Manah, Asha-Vahishta, Khshathra-Vayria, Spenta-Armaiti (love), Haurvatat (perfection), and Ameretat (immortality). In later Zoroastrianism each is opposed by a specific archfiend. Nevertheless, a later eleventh or twelfth century Persian text, the Bundahishn (3.12), recounts the Zoroastrian view of creation where the Amesha Spenta is extended to include Ahura Mazda, together with (or represented by) Spenta Mainyu. He presides over domestic animals. Zaenher argues that the doctrine professing the existence of Amesha Spentas can be likened to the Christian trinity: In the second half of the 19th century, Martin Haug proposed an alternative explanation of the doctrine of Amesha Spentas. In non-specific usage, the term Amesha Spenta denotes all the divinities that furthered or strengthened creation and all that are bounteous and holy. Astiwihad-Zohr by DAKHMA, released 18 December 2015 1. Amesha Spentas are the class of seven divine entities emanating from Ahura Mazda, the highest divinity of the religion and the equivalent to the Archangels of Abrahamic religions. Kshathra Vairya (or Shahrevar) represents the Good Dominion of Ahura Mazda, embodying the ideals of social order and proper kingship. Mazda controls destiny and would not have allowed things to come to pass which did not. A.G.H. Three are male, three female. Spenta Ameraiti - Holy devotion, serenity and loving kindness. Each Amesha Spenta stands for a different positive attribute: good mind and good purpose, truth and righteousness, holy devotion, power and just rule, health, and long life. In particular, the relationship between Ahura Mazda andSpenta Mainyu is multifaceted and complex and as hard to define as that ofYahwehand theHoly Spiritin Judaism and Christianity.. Amesha Spenta ( Ama Spnta) is an Avestan language term for a class of divinity/divine concepts in Zoroastrianism, and literally means "Bounteous Immortal" (in reverse word order) [1] [n 1] Later middle Persian variations of the term include Ameshspand and the specifically Zoroastrian Mahrspand and Amahrspand. Amesha spenta, (Avestan: "beneficent immortal") Pahlavi amshaspend, in Zoroastrianism, any of the six divine beings or archangels created by Ahura Mazd, the Wise Lord, to help govern creation. The reverence of the Amesha Spenta has been frequently attacked as de facto polytheism, not only in modern times but also the Sassanid era. . WikiZero zgr Ansiklopedi - Wikipedia Okumann En Kolay Yolu . Proceedings of the XXIX International Congress of Orientalists, 1975. Ahura Mazda imparts his wisdom through Vohu Manu by either choosing to endow an individual with knowledge or specific aptitudes, or to augment the insight or virtue an individual has already accumulated through their own personal efforts. Answer: He was a prophet per the traditions. Just as Varuna upheld rta, the cosmic order of morality and truth, Asha Vahista protects asha, a virtually identical cosmic principle. Spentais a characteristic word of his revelation, meaning furthering, strengthening, bounteous, holy. The oldest attested use of the term is inYasna39.3, which is part of theYasna Haptanghaitiand in which the two elements of the name occur in reverse order, that is, asSpenta Amesha. She was the fourth Amesha Spenta created. Asha Vahishta - Truth and righteousness. ; Ameretat and Haurvatat are the only two Amesha . From a theosophical point of view, Vohu Manah could be equivalent to the buddhic plane, sincevohu manahalso means paradise.. In the Yasna, Vohu Manah was at one point represented by a sacrificed animal. Khshathra Vairya (Desirable Dominion), who presides over metal, is the power of Ahura Mazds kingdom. Applications Archangel Physiology Good Embodiment Virtue Embodiment Added eitherAhura MazdaorSraoshato make seven sacrificed animal Spentas < /a > the six, the term `` Kshatriya (... Indra the six amesha spentas to be associated with wisdom ( mazda- ) members of the,! 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