Large-scale agrifood companies, which dominate the modern food supply chains, have more access to capital and resources. Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. 16. FAO. In: Commission on Ecosystem Management [online]. In principle, it is most economic to supply food where it is produced. Bn, C., Bakker, D., Chavarro, M.J., Even, B., Melo, J. World Bank. Together Against Trafficking in Human Beings - Migration and Assessing local and regional economic impacts of climatic extremes and feasibility of adaptation measures in Dutch arable farming systems. 16 pp. The DSFI considers any crop or animal product processed in a country to be produced in that country, even if the raw input was imported. The pandemic also sparked changes in many countries output markets, such as a switch from reliance on exports to serving domestic markets, as was the case with Kenyas coffee industry.49. Interpreting the DSFI The DSFI measures the redundancy of sources by capturing multiple pathways for sourcing a food unit. Definitions of indicators. By alleviating constraints to credit, savings and liquidity and providing cash and in-kind support, it reduces the vulnerability of rural households. Transforming food systems for food security, improved nutrition and affordable healthy diets for all. Agricultural Systems, 157: 216229. FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP & WHO. (also available at Japan, Jordan, Norway, Republic of Korea and United Arab Emirates). This raises the question of a potential trade-off between building resilience through diversification on the one hand and efficiency on the other. Nature, 562: 519525. The State of Food and Agriculture 2015. J. Ruane, ed. [Cited 17 June 2021]. Since 2018, UNICEF has broadened its health programming for adolescent girls, particularly in pregnancy and maternal care, HPV prevention, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and anaemia prevention. It also requires embedding the principles of gender equality and economic and social responsibility into normative and operational capacity development. Understanding these processes is essential to design effective interventions to manage multiple risks and build the resilience of agrifood systems by strengthening their capacities to prevent, anticipate, absorb, adapt and transform. [Cited 12 July 2021]. Devereux, S. 2016. The same shock or stress may have different impacts across different components. Consortia and clusters are also excellent facilitators of human development programmes and the diffusion of digital technologies. The remainder live in Northern Africa and Western Asia (60 million). UNICEF and Stayfree are working in several states across India to dispel misconceptions and challenge taboos about menstruation to improve outcomes for girls, including reducing school dropout rates. However, due to intra-household distributional issues, even within food-secure households, individuals, particularly women of reproductive age, adolescent girls and young children, may be food insecure. Reflection about the potentials and limits of the concept of resilience in relation to vulnerability reduction programmes. Chapter 2 examines the absorptive capacity of agrifood systems through four indicators that measure the robustness of primary production, the availability of food, physical access to food and economic access to food. The situation that exists when all people, at all times, have physical, social, and economic access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food that meets their dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life. Logistics Research, 8(1): 5. A key characteristic of agrifood systems resilience is its capacity to ensure access to sufficient nutritious food. Thanks to milestones such as the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1989, children are now on global and national policy agendas in ways that were not possible. Washington, DC, World Bank. Journal of Ecology, 100(3): 742749. (also available at [Cited 5 May 2021]. London. (also available at A countrys development level is also important where redundant and robust infrastructure is essential to absorb shocks. The goal is to help these households build assets that can sustain them through future crises, while contributing to building rural infrastructure.49 Results from the RIMA analysis in Chapter 4 show that access to timely social protection helped women and girls in particular cope with shocks, allowing them to avoid negative coping mechanisms. Alvar-Beltrn, J., Elbaroudi, I., Gialletti, A., Heureux, A., Neretin, L. & Soldan, R. 2021. Their financial strength enables them to buffer against shocks for long periods. Rome. Springer International Publishing. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(2): 171176. Information on threats whether objective or perceived could be included to derive a risk-adjusted set of indicators. These risks are unacceptable in a world that produces enough food to feed its entire population. The PPFI uses both factors to measure the diversity of production across commodities and the potential to produce for domestic or export markets based on the share of each commodity and its final destination (domestic or export). 11. It is key to reducing the adverse impacts of climate-related hazards, such as drought, floods and storms. Hooper, D.U., Adair, E.C., Cardinale, B.J., Byrnes, J.E.K., Hungate, B.A., Matulich, K.L., Gonzalez, A., Duffy, J.E., Gamfeldt, L. & OConnor, M.I. The 2021 Annual Report to Parliament on Immigration focuses on immigration results that were achieved in 2020, although publication takes place in the following calendar year to allow Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) the opportunity to obtain final information from the preceding calendar year. This chapter complements the analysis so far by focusing on rural livelihoods and household resilience capacities. Alderman, H., Hoddinott, J. Agricultural Systems, 190: 103101. The quiet revolution in the aquaculture value chain in Bangladesh. Khalil, C.A., Conforti, P. & Gennari, P. 2017. Report. (also available at Annual 2020. Together Against Trafficking in Human Beings - Migration and Mother-to-mother peer support system to tackle HIV. Becoming increasingly interconnected and interdependent with other agrifood systems, they may be more vulnerable to shocks transmitted from elsewhere. %PDF-1.6 % Rome. Lifting subsidies on fuel directly affects the energy-intensive stages of the food supply chain, such as processing and transport, triggering a series of further impacts affecting both primary producers and consumers. UNICEF emphasizes strategic partnerships with coordinated interventions and targeted, large-scale investment to tackle gender-based violence across diverse contexts within the humanitarian-development nexus. COVID-19 and international food assistance: Policy proposals to keep food flowing. Those most at risk include the millions who are forced from their homes, scarred by conflict and serious adversity, and deprived of access to schooling, protection and support. Choosing the most effective diversification strategy will enhance the gains from increased resilience. Dercon, S. & Hoddinott, J. Their private objective is to maximize profits, improve livelihoods and reduce risks. Bn, C., Bakker, D., Rodriguez, M.C., Even, B., Melo, J. The unemployment rate in the OECD area fell for the sixth consecutive month to 5.7% in October 2021, from 5.8% in September but at a slower pace than in previous months. 35. (also available at World Bank. For a detailed description of the B3 methodology, see Alkema, L. and New, J.R. (2014). This chapter analysed what drives the resilience of rural households. FAO. In framing policies to build the resilience capacities of small-scale producers and vulnerable households, policymakers should seek to facilitate risk management and enable household resilience capacities. 10. Investments in risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection and insurance programmes, diversified supply chains and farming systems, and flexible logistics are examples of essential interventions to build or enhance these capacities. The figure in this box illustrates the domestic food distribution network in three countries: Bolivia (Plurinational State of), Ethiopia and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. (also available at Food supply chains during the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, risk management strategies that reduce exposure and vulnerability to a specific shock such as drought preparedness in drought-prone areas will be a key measure to build resilience. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. To better understand this time, we asked hundreds of young people in 13 different countries to talk to us about their greatest emotional and behavioural challenges. Glvez Nogales, E. 2010. Due to the products high nutritional and cultural value, the producers were able to increase the price of the beans by more than 25 percent and they now sell in national supermarkets; there has been a major increase in sales with production scaled up four times in three years. Social protection programmes may be needed to improve household resilience in the event of a shock. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 68(2): 171176. [Cited 1 June 2021]. (also available at The indicators are uncorrelated with one another but deliver a more comprehensive picture of transport network resilience and its vulnerabilities when analysed together. 2012. Because it is unlikely that all pathways in a country are readily available during disruptions, the risk-adjusted set of indicators will be lower than the values presented in this report. For producers, if all agricultural production goes to the domestic market without the option to export, the value of the PPFI is equal to the contribution of domestic demand (red in the figure). This is 18 times the number in 2017, and an expansion from 43 countries. Abu Hatab, A., Lagerkvist, C. & Esmat, A. Palgrave Studies in Cross-disciplinary Business Research, in association with EuroMed Academy of Business. 2019. But few countries do, and the limited availability of high-quality data over time for many countries makes generating accurate estimates of child mortality a considerable challenge. (also available at 2020. Farm resilience in the face of the unexpected: lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. The relative detour cost (right column) highlights how, for some countries, closure of critical links can be incredibly costly. However, some large countries, such as China and Nigeria, have made their food production and distribution more compatible with short supply chains and if transport costs increase, they can easily readjust. Being one of the main components of agrifood systems, this chapters focus is on food supply chains. Another way of encouraging coordination and enhancing relational capital among SMAEs is through territorial development tools such as clusters. Lele, U., Masters, W.A., Kinabo, J., Meenakshi, J.V., Ramaswami, B., Tagwireyi, J., Bell, W.F.L. The resilience of national agrifood systems also depends on how supply chains function. (also available at 6182. (also available at A manual for decision-makers. For example, a recent worldwide FAO assessment showed that the shortage of labour in agriculture and food-related activities caused by COVID-19 mobility restrictions varied greatly by size of urban agglomeration. 1. 29. Washington, DC, World Bank. (also available at & Sharma, R., eds. Weiss, R.A. & McMichael, A.J. The Journal of Development Studies, 37(2): 147176. The COVID-19 pandemic has created space for new narratives about resilience in agrifood systems. 2019. The following chapter analyses the livelihoods of these households and how they shape their access to sufficient and nutritious food. Citi, Citi and Arc Design and other marks used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates, used and registered throughout the world. 12. As they lack labour contracts or access to unemployment insurance and rely on day-to-day work that cannot be carried out from home, these workers are especially vulnerable to income fluctuations following shocks, such as with the COVID-19 pandemic.41. Snchez, M.V., Cicowiez, M. & Ortega, A. One Health. Does receiving food aid influence the adoption of climate-adaptive agricultural practices? 20. 197206. Communication means breaking the silence surrounding mental health, addressing stigmas, improving mental health literacy, and ensuring children, young people and people with lived experience have a voice. Although individual producers may be protected in the short to medium term, this may be at the cost of making entire agrifood systems less resilient, with negative impacts reverting back to individual producers. 60. Short supply chains still dominate in highly perishable product markets, such as dairy and leafy vegetables. Information entropy is the only function to satisfy all three properties. 2021. Shock transmission in the international food trade network. Rome. FAO Statistics Working Paper Series. 58. The selected crops represent, globally, 66 percent of food supply, 60 percent of calories and 58 percent of protein. Modern food supply chains. 20. 2020. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was not on track to meet the shared commitment to end global hunger and malnutrition in all its forms by 2030, but the pandemic has sent us even further off track. The key actors in agrifood systems are producers, input providers, those providing post-harvest services, such as storage, transportation, food processing, food distribution and marketing (wholesaling and retailing), and the final consumers. While it is widely acknowledged that redundancy and diversification improve resilience, there can be trade-offs with efficiency and even equity. Miralles-Wilhelm, F. 2021. AGRIFOOD SYSTEMS RESILIENCE AT NATIONAL AND SUBNATIONAL LEVELS. 2021. Nicole Becker, 19 years old, and an environmental activist, champion for the Escaz Agreement and one of the founders of Jvenes por el Clima Argentina. Lowder, S.K., Bertini, R. & Croppenstedt, A. (forthcoming). Digital Object Identifier System The linkage between academia and industry needs to be strengthened to foster entrepreneurship as well as capacities for prevention, anticipation, absorption, adaptation and transformation. The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World is an annual flagship report jointly prepared by FAO, IFAD, UNICEF, WFP and WHO to inform on progress towards ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition and to provide in depth analysis on key challenges for achieving this goal in the context of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The consequences can be highly adverse: factors of production are underused, productivity is low, food and non-food agricultural output is lost, and access to lucrative markets is blocked. SOURCES: FAO. 2017. The Logistics Centre is an example of successful unification within one programme of measures in the fields of agriculture, nutrition and social protection. During a crisis, it is essential to their coping strategies of last resort, allowing them to buffer against shocks by selling off productive and non-productive assets. The Philippines. The DSFI thus measures flexibility in sourcing a specific food unit. Leveraging social protection to advance climate-smart agriculture: evidence from Malawi. The DSFI uses FAOs food balance sheets and trade data to plot the pathways through which a unit of food is available to consumers with external stock data complementing FAO data. Building agrifood systems resilience begins by identifying systems characteristics, their components and actors, understanding the linkages and interactions between them and broader economic, social and environmental contexts, to assess specific risks, vulnerabilities and responsive capacities. High on a long list of misgivings around mental health is the failure to understand that just like physical health mental health is positive. Laboratory assessment: Aquagenx Gel EC CFU Kit PDF English 2.28 MB. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers - Unlocking the potential of agricultural innovation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. As extreme climatic events become more frequent and more pronounced, producers will face increasing risks. UNICEF assisted governments to support families to better care for their children, including through family-friendly policies like parental leave; quality childcare; and child benefits. When designed to be sensitive to gender equality and improved nutrition, as well as responsive to multiple risks and shocks, social protection programmes can provide support not only to routine beneficiaries such as pensioners, but also to at-risk and crisis-prone populations before, during and after a shock. Innovative mechanisms to reduce climate-related risks, widespread adoption of climate-smart production techniques, and the conservation and rehabilitation of natural environments can strengthen the sustainability and resilience of agrifood systems against increased climate variability and extremes.12, Globalization has altered the set of risks agrifood systems face. 21. Handayati, Y., Simatupang, T.M. The PPFI does not differentiate between sales to processors (intermediate demand) and consumers (final demand). This entails the expense of incentivizing suppliers to make asset-specific investments and organize supply chain infrastructure in each zone. Moltedo, A., Troubat, N., Lokshin, M. & Sajaia, Z. (also available at 8 Resilience capacities of rural low-income households, in particular small-scale producers whose livelihoods are increasingly vulnerable to climate shocks and depletion of natural resources, can be significantly strengthened through education, non-farm employment and cash transfers. Since live animals were reported as head counts, the number of animals was transformed first to approximate weights, applying country-, animal- and year-specific yields per animal using livestock primary data, and then to value or tonnes of protein using food balance sheets nutritional component contents for the parent product. This report highlights the achievements made possible by the generous contributions of softly earmarked thematic funding received from various partners. FAO. UNICEF & Struik, P.C. Sections 405(c) and (d) of the Child Soldiers Prevention Act (CSPA) of 2008 (22 U.S.C. [Cited 12 July 2021]. Similarly, detours will on average be smaller for small countries, but relative detours will on average be larger. (2021),31 as well as the reference year of 2019 income distribution available from the World Bank PovcalNet database.38 Percentages are then multiplied by the 2019 population in each country using the World Development Indicators of the World Bank to calculate the number of people who cannot afford a reference healthy diet this year.39, A healthy diet is considered unaffordable when its cost exceeds 63 percent of a persons income. 7. Such dynamics will always entail winners and losers some actors may grow and others may perish. Some components may be more resilient than others and the impacts of shocks may be component or actor specific. In: FAO [online]. The bottom row presents the final supply map for those crops. Building absorptive capacity is about guaranteeing diversity and being prepared for disruption in agrifood systems; it does not target a specific event, but provides options once a disruptive event occurs. Citi, Citi and Arc Design and other marks used herein are service marks of Citigroup Inc. or its affiliates, used and registered throughout the world. Laboratory assessment: Aquagenx CBT EC+TC MPN Kit PDF English 2.25 MB. 60. Under-five mortality rate: Probability of dying between birth and exactly 5 years of age, expressed per 1,000 live births. To capture the structural vulnerabilities of food transport networks around the world, FAO analysed their resilience in 90 countries, by examining how transport networks connect food demand nodes to where food is produced. But as agrifood systems are affected by climate shocks and stresses, they are themselves a major driver of climate change. Diogo, V., Reidsma, P., Schaap, B., Andree, B.P.J. Unfortunately, it is precisely in these areas that timely and accurate data are most often unavailable. This report examines the challenge of building more resilient agrifood systems. Risk management strategies including multi-risk assessments, timely forecasts, early warning systems and early action plans complement absorptive capacity by helping all agrifood systems actors prevent and anticipate major disruptions. Then there is reality. 0000008982 00000 n Landscape of emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases in China: impact of ecology, climate, and behavior. Gender rights. Due to lack of data, the analysis is limited to crops (except oil crops) and does not include transport of other agricultural commodities, including non-food commodities. Small-scale agricultural households face constraints that weaken their livelihoods and narrow their opportunities for growth, thus undermining their resilience and that of agrifood systems; their three weaknesses small scale, limited access to resources, and weak market power may create a vicious circle. Rome, FAO (unpublished). FAO. 23. Sustainable food systems: concept and framework. Similarly, shocks and stresses may have disastrous impacts on some actors in the supply chain while creating opportunities for others to transform and improve. The risks of high import dependency can be mitigated by diversifying import sources from countries and regions with different climatic profiles, combined with building food stocks to deal with supply uncertainties in times of crisis. Eds. redundancy of demand channels) and thus a higher capacity to absorb shocks. New report shows 85 per cent of all permanent Olympic venues still in use. Geneva. The analyses do not differentiate between these destinations. UNICEF continued to expand support for gender-responsive social protection programmes, particularly addressing the gender norms that create barriers, preventing women and girls from benefiting from such programmes. While the problem of limited incomes for many people is not due only to what happens in agrifood systems, on the other hand, the cost drivers of a healthy diet are evident throughout the food supply chain, within the food environment and in the political economy that shapes trade, public expenditure and investment policies. Connectivity to international markets through infrastructure, as well as strong commercial relations, are part and parcel of this. ANNEXESThe annexes were prepared by Ahmad Sadiddin and Sara Vaz. 2018. [Cited 12 July 2021]. The relative detour cost indicator measures systems sensitivity to closure of critical transport links due to shocks or stresses (e.g. Food is produced, processed and distributed by various types of supply chains that differ in composition, technology and products. Efforts in 2021 continued to be framed in the context of COVID-19, which heightened stressors disproportionately on female caregivers. 0000009935 00000 n Social protection policies in developing countries emerged initially to help groups of people harmed by structural adjustment programmes in the 1980s and early 1990s. Risk-informed and shock-responsive social protection systems are designed to provide support not only to routine beneficiaries, such as pensioners, but also at-risk and crisis-prone populations before, during and after disruptions. Such experiences demonstrate the effectiveness of social protection programmes in supporting households following shocks and during emergencies. To ensure climate resilience, it is essential to assess and address the infrastructures physical vulnerabilities. annual report. Resilient and sustainable agrifood systems need to balance their dual objectives of providing food for all and generating income through non-food production, while preserving the natural resource base. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Technical Paper No. UNICEF calls for commitment, communication and action to promote good mental health for every child, protect vulnerable children and care for children facing the greatest challenges. 2021.39, Growing concern over the resilience of agrifood systems is driven by increases in the frequency and intensity of adverse shocks, from climate-related disasters, and animal and crop diseases, to sudden price hikes. 25. Including the DSFI for fruits and vegetables is informative because they are essential to a healthy diet and, if availability is limited, they are likely to have an impact on the affordability of a healthy diet. Broadly speaking, agrifood systems can be classified into three types: traditional, mostly located in rural and coastal areas and serving local populations; modern, focused on serving urban populations from diversified sources, including global markets; and transitional, in a phase of transition from the former towards the latter, possibly co-existing with them.26 Classifying agrifood systems into discrete types should not, however, hide the huge diversity within each type. (also available at [Cited 12 July 2021]. 35. Education plays a key role in strengthening womens resilience capacity, underscoring the importance of expanding access to education for all, especially for girls. 8. In A. Maybeck, J. Lankoski, S. Redfern, N. Azzu & V. Gitz, eds. Martin [NAME CHANGED], 13, touches a window in the special protection room of a holding centre for women and children in South Sudan. FAO. 2. & Kothakota, A. making agrifood systems more resilient to shocks and stresses. When several governing bodies on different levels work well together, they enable coordinated actions in the face of risks and uncertainty, and provide flexibility to deal with issues at the appropriate level.36 One example is the city-region food systems approach, which recognizes the connection between urban centres and rural areas, while acknowledging the linkages between economic, environmental and social sustainability and the need to adopt a multisectoral view (see FAO. The impacts of shocks and stresses on those livelihoods, and consequently on peoples food security and nutrition, play out essentially within households. 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