Best Resources on Zechariah. Eight visions 1:7-6:8 1. Spiritual Murder. The vision of the horsemen 1:7-17 2. The horseman among the myrtle trees (1:7-17): Zechariah sees a man and horses among the trees. The Vision of the Horses. Anthony Petterson is a lecturer in Old Testament and Hebrew at Morling College in New South Wales, Australia. Its length is twenty cubits and its width ten cubits." a. allowing the Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. He is the author of Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi in the Apollos Old Testament Commentary series. Then I turned and raised my eyes, and saw there a flying scroll. The container and its contents are then carried away to the distant land of Babylon. Only Zechariah was in that land when he wrote his apocalyptic visions. Zechariah's Eight Night Visions. The lampstand, of course, is a symbol of light. Zechariah 3 is the third of the total 14 chapters in the Book of Zechariah in the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament of the Christian Bible. This classic work on the Book of Zechariah explains the great Messianic prophecies and the prophetic events that center around the land and people of Israel. 12:4, 16; Ezra 5:1; 6:14 ), therefore, although the name was a common one, it is possible that he was a priest 2. The Vision of the Horses and Riders, 1:7-17 B. Zechariah 1:7-17 (First Vision: Horsemen and the Myrtle Trees) Summary: Zechariah sees a man riding a red horse. 2 Zechariah knew that the Jews who moved to Jerusalem were men and women of faith. This council later developed into the ruling elders of the nation, called the Sanhedrin. (New American Commentary - Zechariah) John Hartley - "Various aspects of the refining process are vividly used for judgment on and purification from sin; e.g. Zechariah 4 Contemporary English Version (CEV) Fifth Vision: A Lampstand and Olive Trees. . . Most of the following visions seem . Behind him, there are tons of men in the myrtle trees. 8 And he said, This is wickedness. (1) The prophet and his times. For some, Zechariah's night visions have become a source of encouragement, especially in days that are difficult for the testimony. They were speckled because they were in the shadow of myrtle trees. Zechariah 1:2 The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers. Zechariah 9-14. The olive trees pour their oil into a central bowl on top of the lampstand. It is a big scroll twenty by ten cubits, or thirty by fifteen feet unrolled. This month corresponded with the latter end of January and the beginning of February. Zechariah - Eight Visions of a Young Man or: Constructive Answers to Anxious Questions Michael Hardt For some, Zechariah's night visions have become a source of encouragement, especially in days that are difficult for the testimony. About the Prophet Zechariah: 1. a blazing . They prophesied at the same time (see Ezra 5:1; Ezra 6:14 ). 4 The angel who explained the visions woke me from what seemed like sleep. Then, there were two olive trees standing on each side of the lampstand with two gold pipes that continually supplied golden oil to the bowl. ( Zechariah 8:14, Zechariah 8:15 .) Zechariah makes much use of symbolic visions, seeing in them a connection between the visionary and real objects, by blurring the time and location. The vision of the man with the measuring line 2:1-5 4. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Zechariah: A Commentary on His Visions & Prophecies. 1. A vision of the high priest (see Zechariah 3 ), which symbolizes how Judah can overcome Satan and be cleansed through the power of Jesus Christ ("the Branch" in v. 8) A vision of a lampstand and olive trees (see Zechariah 4 ), which symbolizes how the Lord would give power to His people by His Holy Spirit The first part of the book of Zechariah, chapters 1-8, has a carefully nested structure of eight paired visions, followed by a set of prophetic speeches - "the word of YHWH.". 1. Author and Date. Visions: The Branch: Four Messages: Two Oracles or Burdens: Zechariah 1-6: Zechariah 7-8. Zec 1:10. It was then Prophet Zechariah told them about t. The point of this vision isn't to discourage us; it's just the opposite. 12:12-16) According to tradition, he was a member of the Great Synagogue, a council of 120 originated by Nehemiah and presided over by Ezra. He was a contemporary of Haggai, with whom . Many interpret the others standing here to be angels, tying back to the previous visions. Language: English. And the design of the lampstand is to express the fact that Israel is the light of the world, through Jesus Christ, in the power of the Holy Spirit. For many others, they have always been somewhat obscure or even mysterious. Zechariah. In the book of Daniel God let's us see the Gentile government control of world . (1-2) What Zechariah saw. Zechariah 12:10. Zechariah 1:4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the LORD . Luther calls Zechariah Ausbund der Prophetenthe quintessence of Old Testament Although the messages address a specific situation, they also are timeless. In verse six with reference to this vision Zechariah had asked, "What is it?" Online Reading - The Conquest of Fear. Learn from this, when things, as at present, are different, to rely on the stone steadfastness on my part. Our Sages explained [this phrase as] they explained [it] in the Aggadah of the chapter entitled " Helek " (Sanh . The vision of the flying scroll. under the leadership of Zerubbabel and Joshua (his grandfather Iddo is named among the returnees in Ne 12:4 ). 1. Zechariah had extraordinary visions of things to come at the end of time. The book of Zechariah the Prophet has a strong focus on the ideal future world, which promises a day of glory for Zion. Paperback. Commentary on Zechariah 1:7-17. Let's go to the book of Zechariah (chapters 1 through 6) and learn about these eight visions: #1 of Zechariah's Eight Visions "The rider on the red horse" While some commentaries understand this vision as strictly symbolic with no historical or prophetic meaning attached to the specific nature and identity of the four horns (compare the Broadman Bible Commentary), most commentaries agree that the four horns represent four kingdoms or powers (compare Daniel 7:7, 8, 24; Revelation 17:12) which . Meaning "Yahweh remembers," Zechariah's name was appropriate to the purpose of his prophecies. For, though in former ages there was one Iddo a prophet (2 Chr. God WILL remember modern Babylon's iniquities (Revelation 18:5). Following the vision in chapter 5 of the future captivity of Israel and Judah by Babylon, and the vision earlier in chapter 6 of Babylon's coming punishment, the newly returned group represents, in the context of the visions, the returning captives from end-time Babylon. Zechariah 1:3 Therefore say thou unto them, Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Turn ye unto me, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will turn unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. Chapter 4. It is generally assumed that the prophet Zechariah is identical with the man of the same name mentioned in Nehemiah 12:16. Zechariah's sixth vision, of a flying scroll, is a vision of God's law, the letter, and the spirit. There the woman will be at home among the . Luther calls Zechariah Ausbund der Prophetenthe quintessence of Old Testament Jehovah is about to interfere on behalf of Jerusalem (verses: Zechariah 1:16, Zechariah 1:17. The prophecy: of Zechariah is extremely enigmatic, because it contains visions resembling a dream that requires an interpretation. In this first of the eight visions (Zechariah 1:8 - Zechariah 6:15) Israel is in dispersion; the Gentiles are in possession at the time of the end. The Three Great Feasts: A Picture of God's Plan of Salvation. The vision of Joshua standing before God 3:1-10 6. And these nations are the ones that are now at ease, as the horsemen just attested to. One amillennialist took the myrtle trees as typifying "the Jewish Church." [Note: Charles L. Feinberg, "Zechariah," in The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, p. Ancient readers of Zechariah noticed many . The vision of the gold lampstand and the olive trees . The eight visions communicate the basic message in a dramatic way through what Zechariah sees. In Zechariah's fourth vision he is shown the high priest Joshua standing in dirty clothes. Brand new Book. He was born in Babylonia and was among those who returned to Judah in 538/537 b.c. Firstbecause of the clear and striking manner in which it testifies of our Lord Jesus. But he continued longer, soared higher in visions and revelations, wrote more, and prophesied more particularly concerning Christ, than Haggai had done; so the last shall be first : the last in time sometimes proves first in dignity. He understood the pressures they faced as they were surrounded by enemies. The name and family of the prophet to whom the word of the Lord came; He was Zechariah, the son of Barachiah, the son of Iddo, and he was the prophet, as Haggai is called the prophet, Hag. Zechariah 1:7-8. Hence Zechariah was prophet and priest at the same time as . Zechariah's Fourth Vision Zechariah 3:1-5, "The interpreting angel [William Branham] showed me Joshua the high priest standing . They were the ones "whose spirit the true God had stirred" to leave behind the security of their homes and businesses. 1. This article is intended to help the second group in the following way: we suggest that Zechariah and other faithful Jews were troubled by . T HIS second short vision is in a sense a continuation of the comforting message contained in the first, for it shows how the Gentile nations against whom Jehovah is " very sore displeased," because they have each in turn " helped forward the affliction " by scattering Israel and treading down Jerusalem, shall themselves be broken and dissipated. The study guides for the two lessons on Zechariah will focus on two significant passages, the story of Joshua and the Angel in Zechariah 3:1-10, and the sketch of last day events in the last chapter of the book, Zechariah 14, a sketch that differs dramatically from the view of the New Testament . Apocalyptic: Ethical Prophecy. The prophet Zechariah received eight visions in one night in the fall of 520 B.C. Basically, the book is divided into two partsseveral visions which Zechariah received (chapters 1-6), and subsequent prophecies pertaining mainly to end-time events (chapters 7-14). This means that the lamps do not need anyone to look after them. Like Jeremiah ( 1:1) and Ezekiel ( 1:3 ), Zechariah was not only a prophet ( 1:1) but also a member of a priestly family. . 7 On the twenty-fourth day of the eleventh month, the month of Shebat, a in the second year of Darius, the word of the LORD came to the prophet Zechariah son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo. Zec 1:8-11 In the vision Zechariah sees a man on a red horse with other red horses behind him. Zechariah was born outside of the land down by the canals of Babylon, but he wrote in the land. Zechariah 1:4 Be ye not as your fathers, unto whom the former prophets have cried, saying, Thus saith the LORD . The "man riding upon a red horse" is "the angel of the LORD" in Zec 1:9 and Zec 1:11. These men are patrolling the Earth, and they say that it is at peace (v.11). The vision of the four horns and the four craftsmen 1:18-21 3. He was standing among the myrtle trees in the hollow, and behind . 2 Then he asked, "What do you see?" "A solid gold lampstand with an oil container above it," I answered. Condition: New. This classic work on the Book of Zechariah explains the great Messianic prophecies and the prophetic events that center around the land and people of Israel. They told of happenings that no one had ever experienced; they put the familiar upside down and doubtlessly created astonishment among his listeners. From similar visions in the words of other prophets we have explained that this too is a prophecy of Christ and the deliverance of His people Israel from captivity: that the many nations joined to Yahweh are the nations which the children of Israel were prophesied to become in the . Others take them as representing the church or God's people . In the dark day of discouragement which blanketed the remnant, he saw the glory in all of . . The location of the gates in Jerusalem required no commentary, and Sukkot and its water festival were as much part of . The prophet had probably been absorbed in . . 12:15), yet we have no reason to think that Zechariah was of his progeny, or should . Yet we are not left alone to try to understand these visions: the Lord sent an interpreting angel to Zechariah (and to us), and we can find the meaning of the visions . It is only Israel that had the lampstand as a symbol. In this vision, Zechariah saw a gold lampstand with a bowl of oil at the top, from which seven channels continually supplied the seven lights on the lampstand. In this vision, Zechariah beholds a roll of a book, or scroll, flying through the air. OUTLINE OF ZECHARIAH I. We now come to visions and revelations of the Lord; for in that way God chose to speak by Zechariah, to awaken the people's attention, and to engage their humble reverence of the word and their humble enquiries into it, and to fix it the more in their minds and memories. Zechariah's visions were of divine origin and just as authoritative as any other mode of communication. Audio . The Broadman Bible Commentary explains: "In contrast to most of the Minor Prophets, both Haggai and Zechariah are mentioned outside their own books. Zechariah 5 Commentary. We also see that despite their failures, Jehovah did not give up on the Israelites. Zechariah was the son of Berechiah and the grandson of Iddo (Zechariah 1:1, 7). Bookstore. . At the beginning of this verse, He tells "those who stood before Him" to take away Joshua's filthy garments. Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible agrees: . That nation alone possessed the tabernacle. Zechariah's Vision of the Candlestick and The Olive Trees. The steadfastness of God's purposes. assuring him that Israel had a future even though they had been in Babylon since 586 B.C. The Book of Zechariah was written around 520 B.C. We cannot ascertain the truth of its interpretation until the teacher of righteousness comes. Intermezzo - Admonition to return to Jerusalem 2:6:13 5. And what Zechariah goes on to relate in this second vision is that the horns - probably looking to him like literal animal horns - that they represent the nations that have oppressed God's people the Jews. 5. . He was born in Babylon and had returned to Jerusalem in the group led by Zerubbabel sixteen years previous to the time of his ministry (Nehemiah 12:4, 16). In this chapter we have another comfortable vision, which, as it was explained to the prophet, had much in it for the encouragement of the people of God in their present straits, which were so great that they thought their case helpless, that . Visions declaring that God was going to deal with the nations that oppressed Israel, that God would cleanse and accept once more their civil leadership and religious leadership, and that best of all one day the Lord himself would literally dwell among his people. Zechariah 1:2 The LORD hath been sore displeased with your fathers. Zechariah's prophecy begins with a cycle of vivid and complex visions, and it would be easy to get lost trying to explain all of the intricate details. First vision (Zechariah 1:7-17) While the pagan nations of the world are "at ease," God declares His purpose to restore the Temple as His "house." The Lord "chooses Jerusalem" as the tool through which His plan for the salvation of men shall be done. 13 Zechariah's sixth vision has helped us to see that lovers of Jehovah should not engage in any kind of stealing or make false oaths. "A red horse" is a picture of war. In Zechariah 3:4, the Angel of the Lord (see verse 3)again evidently the One who would become Jesus Christremoves Joshua's iniquity. Introduction. The arrangement of the visions emphasizes God's plans for the peaceful future of Jerusalem, and hinges on the visions of the high priest Joshua [ chapter 3] and . Encouragement to Zerubbabel (4:1-14) The next vision is of a seven-headed lampstand standing between two olive trees.