Now this one is important! A Dealbreaker is a factor or issue, that you cannot overlook and ultimately outweighs any other qualities the other person may have. And the truth is, God sends people into our lives for one reason: serving him and building his kingdom on earth. In some cases, God may ask you to spend time with certain people or places in order for you to grow or mature as a person. Or is he pushing you away from it? As a child of God, you have a relationship with God, and you should know how and when God speaks to you. In your head, it takes place at least once a week, but in reality, it takes weeks until it actually happens. You're holding onto the good memories. Someone needs to make a sacred promise, an oath or holy pledge, a commitment or undertaking that is for your highest benefit, between you & GOD. You will be rewarded in ways you never imagined possible. When the relationship isn't built on genuine love. Indeed, trust is earned, and you must make conscious efforts to build trust between yourselves. One of the many signs that you are dating someone that just isnt that into you is that he will not put in an effort to be with you. Hopefully, the things above will shed some light on signs God wants you to be with someone. God wants you to enjoy life and have fun. Therefore you wont have to settle or drop your standards if they are godly. And theres one company that I always end up recommending, Psychic Source. This means that from time to time, therell be situations where one party will be perceived wrongly. I mentioned them earlier. Hell lead you to someone who will be your haven, edifies you, supporters and believes in you. They encourage you to grow in your faith, challenge you to be honest and authentic, and support you in your goals and dreams. Its something you experience on a daily basis and will shape your relationship for the rest of your life. One of the ways to know if something, anything, is the will of God for you is through the peace test. You and I have made choices before about people, purchases, and even jobs. And most often, it should be to glorify God. And only if the two of you can stick up for each other, your relationship can survive. And some of the signs God is leading you to the one that I have witnessed include: I hope that this article will help you understand the signs God wants you to be with someone or not. This is happening because God has put a burden on your heart to explore this subject in hopes of being properly prepared. Before you set out to start a relationship, make sure to have some standards written out and your relationship goals. Same for the man that repeatedly keeps showing interest in other women. Supernatural doesn't mean dramatic, it doesn't have to be dramatic to be called a supernatural leading. You will know the answer to that by how much he supports and encourages you in your pursuit. How do they talk about you to other people? Being in a relationship entails uniting two families with different experiences and backgrounds. The one God has for you has a similar desire for God and encourages you to pursue Christ. Because one of the ways God accomplishes His will in our lives is by giving us the desire for that thing. He will make sure his words match his actions and be determined to show you that he is serious about you. Required fields are marked *. Its ok not to be alone when you need someone else around! If they respect you, its one of the signs God wants to be with someone. Every interaction is initiated by you and often times every date is planned by you too. He makes you feel safe The very first sign he's the one, ties into what I mentioned above. Easy. Do not forget that God has beautifully and wonderfully created each one of us. Every woman likes to be chased. Does God Have Someone For Me Or Will I Be SINGLE FOREVER? As youre growing closer with someone, there will be times when you feel torn between your two identities: who you are as a Christian, and who you are as an individual. My Husband Finds Fault With Everything I Do!, its true some of the incidence or situations in life happens unacceptedly which are never excepted to be happen so it can be blindly belived as will of god actually we all forget we are not supposed to live our life as our wish and also forget that our destiny is pre planned. You can tell that the season you are in is anointed by God. All you need to do is draw close to Him and desire to hear his voice regularly. Do you want to be in a healthy relationship or are these signs of a toxic relationship. You can see the red flags waving in the air, but they're not just waving at you they're also waving at everyone who has come into contact with this person. Signs are points or indicators to show you a direction you should follow, if you . 1. But I believe you have to drop more than just your make-up. Click here to get your own professional love reading. This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling. Thats why in this post, I am sharing how to know if God wants you to be with someone. Gods one for you will make you comfortable with them through their words and actions. The second sign with regards to how to know if God wants you to be with someone is that the man you are dating is your answered prayer. He wont say one thing and do another. God wants you to be happy and to enjoy your life. For instance, youll hear words like courting, dating and talking to each other. Just because you have been getting to know each other for a while and you would like to be in a relationship you shouldnt force it. Youve always wanted to date with purpose, so you want to be alert always. You cant explain why your heart feels this way, but it does. You will start to trust him, not just in the relationship but your life, goals, and future. When a man is sent by God that man will have to be someone who upholds integrity and stands by his word. Her purpose for this site is to help women attract a beautiful, healthy relationship with a great man by teaching self-love, self-worth and self-confidence. The easiest way to discern their intentions towards you is by observing their actions when they are around you. You dont have to be sitting across the table from them at all times, but He does want you to be available when they need you. Many men will speak about the things they want to do, put out their goals and plans for the relationship, but only a few will actually follow up and put in the work. If youre ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here. You are Gods child and never forget that he wants the best for you. And if you are already in a relationship, looking for guidance then its important you understand Gods will in a relationship. They are not abusive This one is pretty self-explanatory. How God leads you to your spouse in 5 Obvious Ways, How long to date before getting engaged in your 30s. So every relationship you find yourself in should serve that purpose. Copyright 2020 | Purity in Dating & Relationship, 10 Signs to Know That Hes the One God Wants For You. Or does he value your opinion and appreciate your point of view? The one God has for you will have a similar desire for God as you. Her dating advice and relationship advice comes from personal experience, as well as psychology based theories and teachings. One of the best ways to know if God wants you to be with someone is if you can see yourself having a future with them. 222. God wants you to be with someone whose company you absolutely enjoy. God knows the right person for you and will send them to you at the right time. Justine is a certified dating coach who has been blogging onjustinemfulama.comsince 2017. If being with him doesnt compromise your relationship with God, but rather strengthens it. A man who knows what he wants will show you by stating his goals and relationship aspirations early on without being afraid that you might get too hopeful. Dating can be complicated. Your email address will not be published. It is important to remember that even though God wants you with someone, it doesnt mean that. Hence, below are 10 signs the person you falling head over heels for is the one God wants for you. If your partner is abusive in any way, it's a sign that God does not want you to be with them. But its impossible that God will lead a toxic partner into your life. Feeling the same way about someone is an exciting, new experience. That person may be waiting for you to show up on their radar. Because, believe me, God wont send you someone that corrupts your character or leads you astray. Here are the 10 signs God wants you to be with someone that will help you discern better! Or are they always busy with other things? And thats usually when most of us girls end up in a situationship. There may be times when this person is not able to be as supportive as he should be and this is when God may want you to go elsewhere. Of course, its important to make sure that youre not just rushing into things and that youre taking the time to get to know each other first. Does my heart race when I think about spending time with them? You are evolving as a woman (John 15:2): When God is leading you to the one, He will often prepare you for the relationship unbeknownst to you. When God shows you that He wants you to be with someone, give them your all. God saw that man will not be able to navigate the world alone, he made his wife a support system and vice versa. And its free for a limited time. He only calls you when you ask him to. Her purpose for this site is to help women attract a beautiful, healthy relationship with a great man by teaching self-love, self-worth and self-confidence. Here are the 10 signs God wants you to be with someone that will help you discern better! For instance, youre the first person they call if he has something to talk about or news to share. It feels like they are a part of your heart, that they are part of who you are. So ask yourself the following questions: Does he have your back when life is hard? Nobody is saying that your lives should revolve around each other. You will have a very distinct knowing that he is the one for you, even if you cant put it in words. Looking for signs God wants you to be someone can be misunderstood if not properly discussed. As a godly man himself, he will encourage you to pursue Christ. But if you can see yourself with them long-term, its definitely a good sign. 3 He disregards your boundaries. You may not be aware that your thoughts and emotions are in alignment, but they are. And thats very true! If they are from Him, then this post will help accelerate your relationship with them. You do not want to let emotions cloud your judgement and distract you from the real substance. One thing I believe God does when he wants you to be with someone is that he will send you very clear signs of whether or not that young man is the one for you. By doing so you will be able to tell whether his actions align with his words and how to know if God is leading you into a relationship. And when that time comes, there might be some conflict in your relationship. In this case, you should never try to force yourself to be alone or to cut off contact with that person. These may be little things, but if you find them being secretive in them, then they have bigger things to hide. Because one way you can know that he is a good match is when you feel comfortable being vulnerable! If you are with someone that makes you constantly aware of your flaws, then hes not the one. Relationships arent perfect and sometimes people make mistakes or do things that hurt each other. I believe its the same when God sends you the man you are called to be with. A very good sign that God wants you to be with someone is when you are comfortable and at peace with them. As you grow and change, you will become more like God. Youll find that they tick most of your boxes effortlessly. That is your sign! You can never possibly be worth someone who doesnt support or believes in you. When God wants you to be with someone, keep your focus on them and try not to think too much about yourself. They make an effort to get along with your friends and family. Instead, you want someone who brings out the best in you and makes you a better person. The important thing is that God wants the relationship with this person to be one where both of you feel safe, accepted and loved. You are his best friend and he will never want to do anything without you. They may be waiting for you to take the next step in developing a relationship. If the answer is yes to these questions, then it might just be that God wants you to be with them. If one or more of the above scenariosapply to your relationship and deep down you know that man is not Gods best for you. Ohh I hate when that happens. Every relationship, no matter if romantic or not, either adds to your life or subtracts from it. He will urge you to seek after Christ. If you are honest, you may also find yourself daydreaming about the future in general looking past graduation, potential job changes, and even major milestones like marriage or having children. On the other hand, if your partner spends time complaining or criticizing you behind closed doors, thats not a good one. The two of you have a strong connection that cant be denied. Remember, many people get pressured to marry because they do not want to be left behind. Or, if youre more introverted, it can be nice to be with someone more outgoing. The problem is finding someone you can trust. When youre in a relationship, this can be especially true. Because you want to make sure you are in good hands and feel like the two of you make each other better. You plan dates single-handedly and mostly initiate interactions. This means that you are comfortable enough to be yourself around your significant other. This post lists all the different kinds of people that God wants you to be with. But if you want more clarity on this, Id suggest speaking to a gifted advisor at Psychic Source. This is the most important thing in life. If you feel like your partner completes you, its a sign that God wants you to be with them. In addition, theres a great chance that God will use them to bring you closer together as a couple than if you were just spending time alone together. In our world today, commitment is a very scary thing to invest in. As the weeks go by, you may start seeing signs that things are working out just as He planned. After all, your relationship with God is the most important thing in your life, so it only makes sense that He would want you to be with someone who shares that same belief system. Its when we are too obsessed with a specific outcome and the fulfillment of our own will that we miss out on hearing from Him. So if he found you, but doesnt even know what he was looking for, how does he know if you are really a goodthing for him?