Now I believe this was fermented foods from the heavy grain diet I was on and my body not being able to digest well. So the combo helps me. Usually people try to cheat drug testing by three different ways: substituting their urine with synthetic urine or drug-free urine purchased from a clandestine source; drinking a commercially available product to flush out drugs; or adding an adulterant in vitro to the urine specimen after collection. Lowers cholesterol and reduces arterial plaque build-up. Peroxidase activity could also be monitored by using a spectrophotometer (11). A limited number of antibiotics also possess antiprotozoal activity. AP Chemistry Guided Inquiry Activities for the Classroom: Curriculum Module. Ydach chi'n siarad Cymraeg? But simply put, the B helps with my energy and the thyroid drops help me with my moods. You can take radioactive iodine-131 by mouth as a capsule or liquid. Its been three days since I stopped the iodine but I still have the heart palpitations. (I do find temperature monitoring a bit fiddly to be honest, and I'm not always sure I'm doing it right - that's why I'm taking my time over this). apply 45 drops to each nostril. Total T4, total T3, and free T4 levels remain normal. An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria.It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections. 2013-2014 Visiting Lecturer, University of Oregon. Unfortunately, specimen integrity testing doesnt detect all adulterants. ", "Diuretics in Heart Failure.". The uptake is very low (0% to 2%) in patients with thyroiditis and high in patients with Graves disease, a toxic adenoma, or a toxic multinodular goiter.23,24, The thyroid scan shows the distribution of radiotracer in the gland. For Most Lifestyles: Iodine Liquid Drops by MaryRuth's is Free of the 8 Major Allergens. To Gertie who has taken iodine for 40 yrs, I am wondering if you are less hypothyroid than 40 yrs ago. Call your doctor if you gain 3 pounds in one day or 5 pounds in one week. I am not yet on medication as my thyroid reading are still below borderline (hyper), I've had 3 aspirations which have not only kept the goiter size down over the last 5 years but they have all been benign too. With dedication, I hope to be able to report back my improvements in a few months. If you have high copper then the chances are that you will also have low zinc in your body with poor immune system performance as a result of this problem. It gets rid of aluminium, cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic from your cells. Will the Iodine interfere in any way w/this daily intake of thyroid? Moreover, adding a few drops of 3% household hydrogen peroxide solution to approximately 0.5 mL of urine specimen caused immediate development of a dark brown color and dark brown precipitate if PCC was present in the urine. Thanks so much, PS. The presence of chromium in a urine specimen could be confirmed by a chromium colorimetric test or a general test for the presence of oxidant. They were also looking for blind spots, the source said. The main function of the companion nutrients is therefore not to help you detox but to help support the many many metabolic processes involved in the final and successful production of the thyroid hormones. also I read (I'm not sure where because I've read so many different internet pages but I think it was from the book the iodine crisis) that if I am on LI treatment that I don't necessarily need to avoid cruciferous vegetables, can anyone confirm this because as a vegan these veg are pretty important to me? 1 drop 2% LI = 2.5 mgs iodine. DeWane, M. L. and Greenbowe, T. J. Shake well before use. I have 5% strength Lugol's which provides 6.25 mg iodine content per drop (per Bill's table). Flushing and detoxification agents are frequently advertised as effective means of passing drug tests. Eye drops can help relieve dry, gritty, irritated eyes. I had chronic fatigue for very long time .. 5. Most patients develop permanent hypothyroidism between two and six months after radioactive iodine ablation and require thyroid hormone supplementation.1,33 Free T4 and total T3 should be measured four to eight weeks after ablation; if hyperthyroidism persists, these indices should be monitored every four to six weeks and thyroid hormone replacement started in the early stages of hypothyroidism.1, Thyroidectomy. For example, it wont pick up adulteration of urine with Visine eye drops, isopropanol, or other urinary adulterants. I am able to get it from the pharmacy without a prescription. If your eyelids do not fully close, taping them shut at night or wearing an eye mask can help prevent dry eyes. All Rights Reserved. Orthomolecular research is focused on preventing and treating disease by determining how much of a certain natural substance the body needs and then determining the best way to provide it. We can only conclude that we experienced some esophagitis though this has not been proved by further study. The side effects are similar to adults. I can't seem to find info on how this protocol impacts the thyroid. If you eat too much of these products then excess calcium will build up in your blood and this will act to inhibit the transport and absorption of iodine into the thyroid and the body. An antibiotic is a type of antimicrobial substance active against bacteria.It is the most important type of antibacterial agent for fighting bacterial infections, and antibiotic medications are widely used in the treatment and prevention of such infections. Spot tests, specially designed urine dipsticks, as well as more analytically sophisticated methods such as chromatographic methods, are available in the toxicology laboratory to identify these adulterants. Journal of Chemical Education , 92(1), 3238. For about 6-8 weeks I took 20 drops with no ill effects. Gaurab Karki But I feel so well and not "Tired all the time " as I did before, I can't believe it. You can buy clean, dehydrated urine from Byrd Labs. But potassium-sparing diuretics can cause low levels of calcium, which could hurt bone development. Is a Plant-Based Diet Good for Your Heart? You'll need to work closely with your doctor. Kids can safely take them, but they need smaller doses. Parham, T., Cervato, C., Gallus, W., Larsen, M., Hobbs, J., and Greenbowe, T. (2011). To make 1% povidone iodine concentrated solution from 10% povidone iodine solution, one dilution method is as follows: First pour 1 tablespoons (25ml) of 10% povidone/ iodine solution into a nasal irrigation bottle of 250ml. Look for the development of blue color. Their creatinine levels dropped below the cutoff 2 hours after intake of excessive fluid. Beware that they can be dangerous for certain persons, such as diabetics or pregnant women, and can cause problems if taken over extended periods. This produces corrupted proteins in the thyroid which results in an auto-antibody reaction by the immune system and goiter formation. - Not recommended in pregnancy. Therefore, radioactive iodine ablation and thyroidectomy are the main treatment options for these conditions. Antithyroid medications may be used for long-term treatment in select patients who refuse ablation or who have a contraindication to thyroidectomy.35,36, Painless thyroiditis and subacute thyroiditis are self-limiting conditions that usually resolve spontaneously within six months. I am taking the lower dosages of the companion supplements, this is because I recently did a weeks juice detox 4 months ago (horrendous - wish i'd have known about the salt loading and supplements back then! ) What High Blood Pressure Does to Your Body. Since your thyroid problem is undoubtedly caused by a lack of iodine, anti-oxidants and minerals in the diet -- I think that it would be both wise and advisable to continue the protocol after your thyroid problem has resolved. No substance is known to produce a false positive for marijuana. Home test kits are available from companies such as Liberty Research and Instant Diagnostics. Patient information: See related handout on overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), written by the author of this article. I have 2% Lugol's iodine from J. A hair analysis will tell you your mineral and vitamin status and will also reveal any excess heavy metals present in you body. Taking the extra zinc will also automatically help to reduce the copper load in your body. By this time I had already had the symptoms for 3 weeks. A procedure for the detection of Stealth adulterant in urine samples. Each bottle comes with 450 servings. Zinc is also required to maintain healthy thyroid receptors throughout the body. Is this a for life thing? 1990-1998 Associate Professor, Iowa State University, 1988-1990 Associate Professor of Chemistry Each bottle comes with 450 servings. If you don't have enough selenium everyday in your diet then you will not be able to manufacture enough glutathione peroxidase to help protect your thyroid against these free radicals which manifests in goiter formation. Take 1ml of sample in test tube and take 1ml of distilled water in another tube as control. This polysaccharide is exclusive of the reproduction and is only found in the albumen gland from the female snail reproductive system and in the perivitelline fluid of eggs. In no case should you give your first urine of the morning, since drug metabolites tend to build up during your sleep. In rare instances, some labs will reject a sample for being too watery; in this case, however, they will typically give you a second chance. It will also simultaneously help to perk up your immune system as well. Look for the development of blue color. 1253 University of Oregon potassium tetraiodo mercurate (K 2 HgI 4) aka "Nesslers Reagent. A nitrite colorimetric test or a general oxidant colorimetric test should be performed to identify nitrite. Follow your doctor's advice, which may include: Let your doctor know what medications (prescription and over-the-counter), supplements, and herbal remedies you use. 1983-1985 Visiting Lecturer and General Chemistry Laboratory Coordinator, Southeastern Massachusetts University. 2006 Visiting Professor, University of Arizona. Large drops in blood pressure can suddenly stop these organs from getting the continuous blood flow and oxygen they need. Theyre more powerful and are very useful in emergencies. I then looked up Iodine poisoning and realized that is what had apparently happened to me. Since you are taking 2% Lugol's Iodine this means that you will have to take a split dose of 20 drops LI per day to achieve the 50 mgs daily dose. In vivo adulteration: Excess fluid ingestion cause false negative marijuana and cocaine urine test results. In some situations, including accidents and roadside sobriety checks, blood tests may be used. A healthy person should be able to eat these foods with no trouble, you don't have to avoid them once your goitre is healed. I saw an article from the Weston A. Should I still supplement with it, or leave it out? The online iodine protocol by Dr Stephanie Buist might be useful to you; it confirms what Bill has been suggesting. Related letter: Hyperthyroidism Caused by Thyroid Hormone Therapy. There can also be other problems if you have low zinc. I have hashimotos and am hypothyroid. Nitrite in urine may arise in vivo When bromine is absorbed by the NIS network, iodine absorption is strongly inhibited and impeded. You explain clearly why this is and so I'm wondering if it would be OK to take it as I was told( after a Bioresonance session last month) that I have copper in my kidneys and should take parsley 'tea' every day to clear it. Independent experiments suggest that it may be water dilution, not the screen itself, that accounts for success. Keep tilted for a few minutes, let drain. Overall, I do feel better than 9 months ago, but would like to continue to improve and ultimately be able to eliminate a lot of unnecessary supplements as well as get any advice on the iodine supplementation which I believe I need. We would also like to set optional cookies to improve our site and bring you more features. If the conclusions are correct, we should expect to hear that other guinea pigs' have experienced something similar. Made from premium ingredients, the iodine used in J.CROW'S Lugol's Solution is derived from mined crystals from 320 million year old natural brine deposits two miles beneath the earth's surface in Western USA (one of the few places in the world where such deposits exist). Both dairy and cruciferous veg contain high amounts of calcium. So the combo helps me. You Need To Replace What Is Missing From Your Food. of interest. The result is moving mercury from belly fat to the brain, not advisable. If it's OK for you, I would increase the this dose by two drops every day. Uptake is the percentage of an iodine 123 (I-123) tracer dose taken up by the thyroid gland, ranging from 15% to 25% at 24 hours. Thanks! We therefore followed Brownstein's recommendation for the iodine/iodide loading test. Nitrite could also be detected by diazotizing sulfanilamide and coupling the product with N-(1-napthyl) ethylenediamine. I also completed some demographic research recently and discovered some interesting facts. Note, I also take this with a B12 2500 mcg tablet as well. I really do need to focus my approach. If you lack selenium, then you will lack the antioxidant protection of glutathione peroxidase in your thyroid cells. They'll probably tell you to follow a low-sodium diet and limit how much salt you eat. The thyroid needs iodine. Nitrite Containing Agents Avoid alcohol and medicines to help you sleep. Your go-to for Pharmacy, Health & Wellness and Photo products. For Most Lifestyles: Iodine Liquid Drops by MaryRuth's is Free of the 8 Major Allergens. Many drug abuse clinics offer urine testing for a fee. To detect glutaraldehyde, laboratories should use a general aldehyde test or the characteristic immunoassay response in one or more drug immunoassay tests for initial screening. Why do some people have such severe problems - heart palpitations, anxiety, skin problems, etc -- supplementing even one drop of Lugol's Iodine? Banking stocks plunged as storm clouds gathered over the UK economy. Some four weeks after discontinuation of the Iodoral, we both continue to experience the same kind of dysphagia, although it is much milder. Result interpretation of Iodine test: Positive iodine test: dark blue color (starch) And funny you should mention uterine fibroids as a few years ago I started to suffer with these, the solution was a mirena coil that distributes a tiny amount of progesterone to the uterus, this worked great, fibroids gone on an ultrasound, however I never liked the idea of it but it was that or surgery, 5 years on and I am due to have this one removed and another out in, but with this information I might not have the new one put in, increase my iodine dose and see how I get on. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; This Dose Works For Me Your doctor can recommend steps you can take to manage your low blood pressure. Pentosses ( such as ribose sugar) form furfural in acidic medium which condense with orcinol in presence of ferric ion to give blue green colored complex which is soluble in butyl alcohol. Copyright 2022 American Academy of Family Physicians. However I still feel food coming up, have gall pain, and a slow digestion. This was particularly marked with hot fluids, a totally new experience for me. I could feel that it went this way. If you are worried about this then perhaps a hair analysis will help. Refill prescriptions online, order items for delivery or store pickup, and create Photo Gifts. Three of us, two MDs and our Laboratory Director, then proceeded to take the 50 mg of Iodoral a day with the intention of repeating the iodine/iodide loading test after three months of treatment. How the detox mechanism for the other mentioned metals work I would like to know too. and since the detox I have only eaten a vegan plant based diet with no processed food and 2 meals of the day have been raw plus I have a green juice everyday too, suffice to say I have only had mild detox symptoms so far. But every body is different. Banking stocks plunged as storm clouds gathered over the UK economy. And my pH is usually between 7 and 7.5 so I feel very happy. Stop using potassium iodide and call your doctor at once if you have: Our investigation showed that if a few drops of a urine specimen adulterated with Stealth were added to potassium dichromate followed by a few drops of 2N hydrochloric acid, a deep blue color developed immediately, which usually faded with time. Reading Guide and Sample AP Chemistry Test Questions for N. Tros Chemistry (3rd Edition). Pearson Education, Inc.: Upper Saddle River, NJ. But if this isn't working well for you then I would simply take all the minerals and vitamins that are recommended as companion nutrients for iodine. So the combo helps me. While hair tests are highly sensitive to cocaine, their sensitivity to pot is not well established. The daily dose for 5% LI would be 8 drops per day. 600mg a day is absolutely ample (400mg is enough on a low-sodium diet, but you aren't doing that), compared with 1000mg for a meat eater. Bials test is useful in distinguishing pentoses sugar from hexoses sugars. I knew I had to lower my sodium intake, says Pritikin one alumnus from Connecticut, but before coming to Pritikin, I didnt really know how to do it. Radioactive iodine ablation is the most widely used treatment in the United States. I have been using the Iodine Protocol now for approximately 4 weeks and all has been well until I started using the salt loading (I have been using the vitamins too). A systematic review of the evidence. After those months I began having extreme throat burning - the doctor diagnosed this as GERD, but it was unlike anything I had ever felt. At the same time, most drug tests totally disregard alcohol, the nations leading drug of abuse. Approximately 1200 vertical drops per 2 oz. Note, I also take this with a B12 2500 mcg tablet as well. So what was considered the great saviour for us baby boomers in the 1970s, is causing health headaches in later life. If Selenium is Missing From the Soil, It's Missing From Your Food 2013-2014 Visiting Lecturer, University of Oregon. Antithyroid medications are thionamides; they inhibit thyroid peroxidase, blocking the synthesis of T3 and T4. And that's why people from earlier medical history and from these less developed regions of the world had little or no problems with higher orthomolecular dosages of Lugol's Iodine. The author thanks Dr. Harold E. Carlson and Dr. Marie C. Gelato for reviewing this manuscript. Add 5 drops of iodine solution to all the tubes. Hi WendyIf you have high zinc then you could have low copper which competes directly with zinc for absorption into the body and cells. Diuretics can be detected in urine, but are rarely checked except for athletes. 1990-1998 Associate Professor, Iowa State University, 1988-1990 Associate Professor of Chemistry (2010). I would also take the upper dosages of Selenium, magnesium and the B vitamins(including higher dose niacin). also described a simple spot test using 1,5-diphenylcarbazide in methanol (10 gm/L) to detect the presence of PCC in urine, in which a reddish purple color developed in the presence of PCC (6). Reasons for your hyper reaction are described below: * Iodine is wonderful for heavy metal detoxing. On the other hand, if you're taking a potassium-sparing diuretic, such as amiloride (Midamar), spironolactone (Aldactone), or triamterene (Dyrenium), they may want you to avoid potassium-rich foods, salt substitutes, low-sodium milk, and other sources of potassium. Container. You can start with a two drop dose of iodine per day. Accid Anal Prev 2014;71:15465. The Intect 7 test strip for checking adulteration in urine is composed of seven different pads to test for creatinine, nitrite, glutaraldehyde, pH, specific gravity, bleach, and PCC. Do not take Iodine if you have Hashimoto's. Your own protocol seems to be bits and pieces from other protocols. To detox mercury with Lugols there are three steps as far as I can put the pieces together afterI did a detox myself. * Niacin and the B Vitamins. Galactogen is a polysaccharide of galactose that functions as energy storage in pulmonate snails and some Caenogastropoda. This bottle will last you: a little goes a long way! Any thoughts? Dr. George Lundberg of the American Medical Association has called them Chemical McCarthyism (editorial, Journal of the American Medical Association, Dec. 5 1986). In this respect, the companion minerals and vitamins act like important cogs in a machine. 1. Treatment of thyroid storm is summarized in eTable C. Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis can be classified as type 1 (thyroid hormone overproduction, treated with antithyroid medications) or type 2 (thyroid tissue destruction, treated with steroids). You mentioned taking Iodine with Vitamin C; everything I have read says the Iodine and Vitamin C should not be taken together as they neutralize each other. The recommended Lugol's Iodine daily dose is 50 mgs per day. Ethical issues aside, tampering is risky since subjects may be observed or made to disrobe beforehand, and cheating isnt forgiven. This can help avoid dehydration. The purpose of this is to color your urine yellow, since otherwise you are likely to produce clear, watery urine, which makes some collectors suspicious (contrary to rumor, vitamin C wont help). 11. Container. Covered with medical paper tape or band-aids placed in a criss-cross fashion. Wu A, Schmalz J, Bennett W. Identification of Urin-Aid adulterated urine specimens by fluorometric analysis [Letter]. My stomach does not take too kindly to so many. While youre taking these, have your blood pressure and kidney strength tested regularly. Take 3000 mgs Vitamin C in 3 split doses of 1000 mgs per day. Although strong diuretics, such as furosemide (Lasix), are available only on prescription in the U.S., they can be had over-the-counter in Mexico and other foreign countries. Regarding your thyroid issues -- If you get checked again I would advise that you get the proper labwork from your doc. I'm going to have a hair analysis- done in the US where they have better resources it seems in this area, along with a full iron panel blood test. I describe all the companion nutrients and more in this Google doc. Search dates: December 26, 2014, and August 24, 2015. described a simple fluorometric method for the detection of glutaraldehyde in urine. Clin Chem 1999;45:10517. Mass drug screening violates the privacy of the majority of responsible employees in order to spot a minority of alleged drug abusers, many of whom are in fact not drug abusers at all. In all footage, the FBI agents were conspicuously glancing up at the cameras. A host of commercial adulterants are on the market (for advertisements, see High Times). 1998-2013 Professor of Chemistry, Iowa State University. Do not take calcium supplements if you are taking the iodine protocol to recover your thyroid. If you want to supplement calcium, there are supplements made from seaweeds that naturally are extremely rich in calcium. ; Larsen, M.; Hobbs, J.; Stelling, P.; Greenbowe, T.J.; Gupta, T.; Knox, J.A. 1998-2013 Professor of Chemistry, Iowa State University. To remedy your cravings you should drink Gymnema sylvestre tea 3 or 4 times a day. Stop using potassium iodide and call your doctor at once if you have: All rights reserved. Date: FEB.1.2015 Supplementing the full range of B vitamins also acts synergistically to increase the beneficial effects of niacin. (the first 2 listed are not realistic to eat 100g - more like 10g. Do not have the doc's TSH/T4 test -- this is highly inaccurate. Sending you earth blessings. I don't feel I have water retention but I have put on a large amount of weight in the last week and a half. They may want to regularly check your blood pressure as well as test your blood and urine for levels of specific minerals and to see how well your kidneys are working. Weak diuretics include coffee, cranberry juice, certain health food products and over-the-counter pills for pre-menstrual water retention. I am aware that vitamin C should be taken at a different time from the iodine. ). We would also like to set optional cookies to improve our site and bring you more features. It has been suggested on theoretical grounds that lecithin, a food emulsifier, might also be useful if taken over extended periods, but this hasnt been proven. That stuff had to come aut asap. Dr Probst found that in an an ancient textbook. Radioactive iodine ablation is the most widely used treatment in the United States. Since you are taking 2% Lugol's Iodine this means that you will have to take a split dose of 20 drops LI per day to achieve the 50 mgs daily dose. Diuretics can change your blood potassium and magnesium levels. The choice of treatment depends on the benefits vs. risks in a specific clinical situation and on the patient's preference25 (eTable A). Sorry for so many questions, but as you are probably aware thyroid patients rarely got support from mainstream medics, I'm just looking for a nod to say I'm heading in the right direction. +EMail: [emailprotected]. Beware: drug urine levels can fluctuate up and down during the day. Drop size is the same for both and so is irrelevant. Urine testing is thus an inherently flawed technology: it rules out the most innocent off-the-job marijuana use, while permitting flagrant on-the-job alcoholism. If a urine specimen is adulterated it must be documented and reported, but no further testing is necessary. I am now absolutely fine with eating cruciferous vegetables and soya beans, as is my brother. Computer Simulations and Animations for Electrolysis. Pidd K, Roche AM. The daily dose for 5% LI would be 8 drops per day. In contrast to subclinical hyperthyroidism, the T3 level is usually low and the reverse T3 level is elevated. Does anyone know if you can do both protocols at the same time? This can lead to a stroke or permanent brain damage as well as other organ and tissue damage. * Vitamin C is necessary to help clear the NIS (Sodium-Iodide Symporters) of bromine corruption. evaluated the effect of excess fluid ingestion on false-negative marijuana and cocaine urine test results by studying the ability of Naturally Clean Herbal Tea, goldenseal root, and hydrochlorothiazide to cause false negative results. Radioactive Iodine Ablation. thanks so much for all the info, you don't know how much it means to get some guidance on this matter, here in the UK it impossible to get an NHS doctor to take anything you want to try seriously, unless of course it's meds or surgery, and then it leaves you wondering if you are really doing the right thing by self medicating, so I really do appreciate this correspondence. J Forensci Sci 1995;40:6148. Pros Radioiodine therapy slowly destroys the cells of the thyroid gland that produce thyroid hormone. Prospective employees have no legal right to challenge pre-employment drug screens. Then excrete via liver and bile. Glutaraldehyde in urine can also be estimated using a fluorometer (14). To use as a water purifier add 3-6 drops per liter of water. Look for the development of blue color. Both copper and zinc must be in proper balance in your body and each of these minerals effects the other's mineral concentration in the body. What if I have high zinc? He was a pioneer in orthomolecular dosages of Niacin (usually along with Vitamin C), for many aspects of health, e.g. Urry F, Komaromy-Hiller G, Staley B, et al. so I have worked my way up to 5 drops of 15% LI (supplier confirms that 1 drop is 7.6 elemental iodine, so by my calculation I'm up to approx 45mg and this is in week 1), I am planning on more increases in the coming weeks. 1/2 teaspoon at a time in nebulizer pot. A confirmatory test should be performed using multi-wavelength spectrophotometry, ion chromatography, atomic absorption spectrophotometry, capillary electrophoresis, or inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. 12. Price Foundation that may be useful to you. While youre loading up on water before the test, you may also want to take a large dose (50-100 milligrams) of vitamin B2, available in B-complex multivitamins. Author disclosure: No relevant financial affiliations. Xanthoproteic test: Objective, Principle, Reagents, Procedure and Result, Qualitative Tests for amino acids and Proteins, Copyright 2022 | WordPress Theme by MH Themes, result interpretation of seliwanoff's test. It may still be legal to buy it in 1 ounce bottles at the l5% dosages. However, recognizing that many of you may face drug testing on short notice, we offer the following advice for emergencies with our best wishes (but no promises!). To help lower those odds, ask your doctor when during the day you should take each medication. And 8 drops of 5% LI (50 mgs iodine) is equivalent 20 drops (50/2.5) of 2% LI. There is a test to see if you need iodine and that is by putting iodine on the skin and if it absorbs within a certain time Google "skin test for deficiency" if you are interested in checking this out. Synthetic urine is difficult to detect because it has similar pH, creatinine, and specific gravity to normal urine. Call your doctor if you're very thirsty or have a very dry mouth, your pee is a deep yellow, you aren't peeing much or get constipated, or you have a bad headache.