The California Cancer Registry is California's statewide population-based cancer surveillance system and includes data on incident cancers diagnosed among state residents.21 The California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development inpatient and ambulatory surgery discharge data sets are generated through mandated hospital reporting and contain patient-level demographic, diagnostic, treatment, disposition, and charge data for every inpatient and ambulatory surgery discharge. They have been fully reviewed, revised and edited for Birth outcomes among offspring of adult cancer survivors: a population-based study. ranged right in parentheses. Gynaecology Research at the address below: Editorial Office of The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, c/o Wiley The acceptance criteria for all papers are the quality and originality of the research and These should be placed at the end of the paper, numbered in Roman numerals and How does CDC identify severe maternal morbidity? Information may indicate that it would be better suited as a proper reference or fully article available to non-subscribers on publication, or whose funding agency requires Nichols HB, Schoemaker MJ, Cai J, Xu J, Wright LB, Brook MN, et al. Tables should be numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2010;202:33543. For information on cookies and how you can disable them visit our Privacy and Cookie Policy. Births: final data for 2018. Authors: K. Dana, J. Finik, S. Koenig, J. N. Motter, W. Zhang, M. Authors: Rami A Ballout, Rayan Ghanem, Anwar Nassar, Ali H Hallal, Labib M Ghulmiyyah, Authors: Robin A. Libove, Thomas W. Frazier, Ruth O?Hara, Jennifer M. Phillips, Booil Jo, and Antonio Y. Hardan, Published On: 2022-01-21 Authors: Andrea Jimenez-Zambrano, Kathryn Feller, Claudia Rivera, Angela Marchin, Antonio Guillermo Bolanos, Edwin Asturias, Hector Rodas, Margo S Harrison, Published On: 2022-01-03 Authors: Emily S Himes, Claudia Rivera, Amy S Nacht, Saskia Bunge-Montes, Andrea Jimenez-Zambrano, Gretchen Heinrichs, Antonio Bolanos, Edwin Asturias, Stephen Berman, Margo S Harrison, Published On: 2022-09-30 Authors: Mitsiwat Abebe Gebremichael, Tefera Belachew Lema, Published On: 2022-09-27 Authors: Itamar D. Futterman, Liel Navi, Hae-Young Kim, Roni Mendonca, Michael Girshin, Alexander Shilkrut, Published On: 2022-03-10 Authors: Muneera Ahmed AlKhalifa, Stephanie Hsu, Nusiba ElHassan, Basma AlAnsari, Rehab Ismael, Gulmeen Raza, Hosni Malas, Mahmoud Samy Ismail, Published On: 2022-09-27 Authors: Grace Lim, Emma Nowakowski, Kelsea R. LaSorda, Valeria Altamirano, Madison Morgan, Mutasim Makeen, Stacy Beck, Elizabeth Krans, Jacques E. Chelly, Published On: 2022-03-10 Authors: Habiba Khanom, Bilkis Banu, Md Rabiul Islam, Khurshida Khanom, Sujana Haque Chowdhury, Sharmin Hossain, Published On: 2022-09-20 Authors: Ahmad M Salahat, Adham Abu Taha, Nouraldin Almasri, Essa Sweity and Saed H, Zyoud, Published On: 2022-03-10 Authors: Hosni Malas, Shereen Sultan, Stephanie Hsu, Muneera AlKhalifa, Published On: 2022-09-22 Authors: Amy Beckley, Joshua Klein, John Park, Aimee Eyvazzadeh, Gary Levy, Alexandra Koudele, Published On: 2022-01-31 Authors: Ramkrishna Purohit, Jay Gopal Sharma, Devajani Meher, Published On: 2022-09-20 Authors: Sebastian D Schfer, Moritz Berkenkamp, Martin Gtte, Ralf Schmitz, Ludwig Kiesel, Published On: 2022-01-31 Authors: Jasmeen Kaur, Anil Suri, Manjit Kaur, Published On: 2022-09-14 Authors: Tanveer Shafqat, Laila Zeb, Sumaira Yasmin, Published On: 2022-10-27 Authors: Dandan Zhang,Shuai Wang, Zhenli Li, Tao Cui5, Xiunian Chen, Jingwen Gong, Yatao Du, Yuexin Gan, Xiaoguang Ren, Jinyan Huang, Patrik KE Magnusson, Ping Zhang, Xingping Zhao, Dabao Xu, Wenqiang Yu, Huibo Wang, Gyllensten Ulf, Dan Chen. The main research topics disseminated in this academic venue consist of Pregnancy, Psychiatry, Anxiety, Clinical psychology and Developmental psychology. All statistical tests were 2-sided with thresholds for statistical significance set at P<.05 and a 95% CI not inclusive of the null (1.0). Lastly, we matched for risk factors for adverse obstetric outcomes, including history of pregnancy-induced hypertension, preeclampsia, and eclampsia, thus possibly muting an association seen in higher rates among breast cancer survivors; however, there was overall a low number of individuals in the case group with these risk factors, and baseline characteristics before matching were similar. The journal encourages submissions from the research community where the priority will be on the innovativeness and the practical impact of the reported research. to. Haggar FA, Pereira G, Preen D, Holman CD, Einarsdottir K. Adverse obstetric and perinatal outcomes following treatment of adolescent and young adult cancer: a population-based cohort study. This study represents a large, single-study assessment of obstetric outcomes in patients with breast cancer who had a successful pregnancy with fertilization 12 or more months after diagnosis. also state that the protocol for the research project has been approved by a suitably Birth 2015;42:30918. With OnlineOpen, the author, the author's funding agency, used. The journal publish original study, reviews, case reports, letters to Editor, short communication, journals scan, conference calendars in all issues. 40 characters, including spaces) should also be provided. legend, listed at the end of the main article. Uma M. Reddy, MD, MPH. The ClinMed International Library is a research repository and an Open Access Publisher for medical research that covers a wide range of areas in Clinical Medicine. Sensitivity analysis demonstrated an unmeasured confounder would need to be associated with both breast cancer and preterm birth at less than 37 weeks of gestation with a risk ratio of at least 2.47 to shift the OR to 2.0 (previously specified clinically meaningful difference), and by a risk ratio of at least 1.25 to shift the lower confidence level to exclude the null (from 0.95 to 1.01) (Appendix 5, available online at All OnlineOpen articles are treated Include "Special Edition for Racism and Reproductive Health" in the cover letter. doi: 10.1016/s0029-7844(98)00382-2, 25. server immediately after publication. prompting them to login into Wiley's Author Services, where via the Wiley Author Do not use the carriage return (enter) at the end of lines within a paragraph. online). typeset page proof, associated forms and further instructions will be sent by email to the This journal publishes original, peer-reviewed work in all areas of obstetrics, including Obstetrics, Midwifery, Maternal medicine, Fetal medicine, Gynecological urology, Gynecological oncology, Gynecological endocrinology, Infertility, Reproductive medicine, Genitourinary medicine, Sexual medicine, Prenatal diagnosis, Perinatology, Cytopathology, General gynecology, Community gynecology, Family planning, Epidemiology, Reproductive Ethics, Research into medical education, Menopause, Operative gynecology. The linked database used in our study was robust and allowed for assessment of a heterogeneous population, increasing generalizability. be short, informative and contain the major key words. informed consent and patient anonymity should be preserved. Cancer Control 2008;15:5562. Clinical trials, Perinatal epidemiology, Stillbirth, Preterm birth, Neonatal outcomes, Racial disparity in pregnancy outcomes, Labor management, Maternal morbidity and gestational diabetes. paper offprints may be ordered online. stage. Mean FNA increased with CRL from 119.80 at CRL 45 mm to 125.85 at CRL 84 mm. Articles are therefore available as soon as they are Explore the most recently published articles, Registered in England & Wales No. Accessed September 13, 2021. Anderson C, Engel SM, Anders CK, Nichols HB. should be placed on a cover sheet which will be detached before the paper is sent to Fluid and electroytes metabolism in normal and abnormal The journal welcomes submissions from the research community where emphasis will be placed on the originality and the practical impact of the reported research. The risk of preterm birth and growth restriction in pregnancy after cancer. Nass SJ, Beaupin LK, Demark-Wahnefried W, Fasciano K, Ganz PA, Hayes-Lattin B, et al. Magnifications should be indicated using a scale bar on the illustration. NCCN clinical practice guidelines in oncology: breast cancer. All articles submitted to the Journal must comply with these instructions. Please visit this link for further The journal publishes research articles, case reports, reviews, short communications, commentary, hypotheses, ethics reviews, debates, and letters-to-the-editor. common name of a species should be followed by the scientific name (genus, species | The International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics publishes articles on all aspects of basic and clinical research in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology and related subjects, with emphasis . Email: submitted manuscripts and correspondence as material cannot be returned. The source of financial grants and other funding should be acknowledged, including a Lee HM, Kim BW, Park S, Park S, Lee JE, et al. doi: 10.1177/107327480801500107, 11. J Cancer Surviv 2017;11:5863. Authors of OnlineOpen articles are permitted to post the final, published PDF of their Oncologic and reproductive outcomes with progestin therapy in women with endometrial hyperplasia and grade 1 adenocarcinoma: a systematic review. DOIs: Furuya R, Takahashi R, Furuya S, et al. BJOG is the official academic research journal of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG). All data presented in the letter must be fully identified as the formal corresponding author for the paper will receive an email Authors can check Blackburn BE, Ganz PA, Rowe K, Snyder J, Wan Y, Deshmukh V, et al. be submitted together with the article for review; they should not be added at a later reviewed by anonymous reviewers and the Editor. Int J Cancer 2017;141:218796. If you select the OnlineOpen option and your research is funded by certain funders [e.g. doi: 10.1542/peds.2005-0484, 23. The meta-analysis showed that birth ball exercises provided statistically significant improvements to labor pain (pooled mean difference -0.921; 95% confidence interval -1.28, -0.56; P = 0.0000005; I (2) = 33.7%). Preterm birth. Notification of the URL from where to download a PDF (Portable Document Format) Secondary outcomes were preterm birth at less than 32 weeks of gestation, small for gestational age (SGA), cesarean delivery, severe maternal morbidity, and neonatal morbidity. CCR, California Cancer Registry; OSHPD, California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development. J Clin Oncol 2011;29:16707. A significant association between the FNA and NT thickness was detected, while no significant association was found . Osamu Hiraike, Kaori Koga, Fuminori Taniguchi, Tasuku Harada, Toshiyuki Takeshita, Mitsuru Shiota, Yutaka Osuga, Laparoscopic power morcellator Research Committee in Japan Society of Gynecologic and Obstetric Endoscopy and Minimally Invasive Therapy (JSGOE) First Published: 7 November 2022 Abstract Full text PDF References Request permissions Figures/tables should be up to 3 in Breast Cancer Res Treat 2019;176:41927. After print publication, the DOI remains valid and can continue to A large mesenteric cyst complicating pregnancy. It also includes occasional supplements on clinical symposia. 112, Model Farm Road, Press reports of scheduled Scope Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology represents an established forum for the entire field of obstetrics and gynaecology, publishing a broad range of original, peer-reviewed papers, from scientific and clinical research to reviews relevant to practice. Plante M. Vaginal radical trachelectomy: an update. The aim of this journal to publish research (clinical and translational) that will have an impact on the understanding of health and disease and that has the potential to change the practice of women's health care. The mean age was 27.5 5.8 . Authors should use subheadings to divide the sections of their manuscript: Introduction, Original Research. In the reference list, the references should be numbered and listed in JOGWHR focuses on fundamental and clinical research in the fields of obstetrics and gynecology and related subjects that underpins the female reproductive system and its disorders with emphasis of research advancement and recent indicative methodology in maternal-fetal, pre-birth determination. The Vancouver system of referencing should be used. A list of independent doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2012.01.003, 17. Manuscripts must be submitted online at These procedures established a linked database with both oncologic characteristics and obstetric and neonatal outcomes, as previously reported.20, The reliability of the databases and variables used in this study has been previously demonstrated,22,23 with up to 98% accurate linkage between vital statistics and maternal, neonatal and infant hospital discharge records.2426 Cancer case reporting to the California Cancer Registry is overall accurate, with audits confirming a 99% reporting rate.25 The California Cancer Registry has been linked to California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development data sets for prior studies of pregnancy outcomes in patients with other types of cancers.20. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0057817, 52. will be accepted; however the following reports will not: (i) a rare case that is presented Take care not to use l (ell) for 1 (one), O (capital o) for 0 (zero) or (German esszett) for b (Greek beta). Divide the abstract with the headings Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions. on the preparation and submission of articles and figures. a case report can be accompanied by the written consent of the subject (or We then linked each eligible woman with breast cancer to the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development data set. Main EK, McCain CL, Morton CH, Holtby S, Lawton ES. Popularly known as "The Green Journal," Obstetrics & Gynecology has been published since 1953. 227Issue 5p757.e1 Read full issue Articles in Press Original Research: Obstetrics Perturbations in the kinetics of the thrombin generation assay identify women at risk for preeclampsia in the first trimester and provide a rationale for a preventive approach Erez et al. While the Editorial Board recognizes that it might doi: 10.1016/j.ygyno.2005.10.022, 26. dissemination of their findings outside of scientific presentations at meetings may As articles are reviewed single-blind, material that might identify authorship of the paper Patients with a history of breast cancer had higher odds of undergoing cesarean delivery (OR 1.25; 95% CI 1.031.53); however, their offspring did not have increased odds of neonatal morbidity compared with women in the control group (OR 1.15; 95% CI 0.811.62). Pregnancy-related mortality in California: causes, characteristics, and improvement opportunities. will result in return of the manuscript and possible delay in publication. Jose Alejandro Rauh-Hain received payment from the NIH, Guidepoint, and the Schlesinger Group. OnlineOpen - Wiley's Open Access Option: OnlineOpen is available to authors of articles In subgroup analyses among patients in the breast cancer case group who received chemotherapy compared with patients in the breast cancer case group who did not receive chemotherapy, we did not find a statistically significant difference in adverse obstetric or neonatal outcomes after controlling for stage. Hong Kong Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (eISSN 2663-8088) is a peer reviewed open access journal committed to the dissemination of high-quality research related to the Obstetrics and Gynaecology research. Diagnosis and procedure codes in the California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development data sets are based on the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification. process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit. Each figure and table file should not be Please try again soon. Statistical measures Covariates examined in this study (Table 1) included: age (continuous), education (less than 12 years, 12 years or more, or missing), insurance status (public, private, uninsured, or missing), race and ethnicity (Asian or Pacific Islander, Black, Hispanic, non-Hispanic White, or none of the above), annual income (in quartiles), year of delivery, parity (nulliparous or multiparous), trimester of entry to prenatal care, fetal number per gestation (singleton, twin, or triplet or more), and the presence of maternal comorbidities as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, including hypertension (none, chronic, gestational, preeclampsia, or severe preeclampsia or eclampsia), diabetes mellitus (none, pregestational, or gestational), renal disease, and abnormal placentation. 2016-2022, Copyrights Fortune Journals. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research publishes scholarly documents exploring new fundamental contributions in the areas of Gynecology and Obstetrics. Before propensity-score matching, there were significant differences between the groups. *Impact Factor mentioned on our website is provided by Cosmos Foundation, Germany. Gynecol Oncol 2006;101:31521. contained in the text. Published online: 12 May 2009;DOI:10.1111/j.1442-2042.2009.02314.x. are in final form, no changes can be madeafter online publication. Formerly known as Journal de Gyncologie Obsttrique et Biologie de la Reproduction, Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics and Human Reproduction is the official Academic publication of the French College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (Collge National des Gyncologues et Obsttriciens Franais / CNGOF).. J Gynecol Obstet Hum Reprod publishes monthly, in English, research papers and . 33. Alterations to the text and figures (other than the essential California Cancer Registry records were linked to California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development records for patients diagnosed between January 2000 and December 2012. Additionally, this study was underpowered due to an overall small number of outcomes, despite being a large database cohort study. Often, infants with, Midwifery is the science and health profession that is related to pregnancy, labor, and the postpartum period (counting care of the newborn), notwithstanding the sexual and regenerative health of women all through their lives. Hospital differences in cesarean deliveries in Massachusetts (US) 20042006: the case against case-mix artifact. at The selected Green Journal articles are free through the end of the calendar year.,,, And below Editors choice article from the same issue is free for an indefinite period, as per Wileys policy on COVID-19 related articles. Obstet Gynecol 1999;93:914. Sabeti Rad Z, Friberg B, Henic E, Rylander L, Sthl O, Klln B, et al. (MeSH) browser list ( corresponding author. Outcomes of fertility-sparing surgery for stage I epithelial ovarian cancer: a proposal for patient selection. parent/guardian) prior to publication; this is particularly important where photographs (including 150 words abstract, up to 15 references). Peate M, Meiser B, Friedlander M, Zorbas H, Rovelli S, Sansom-Daly U, et al. For assistance, please contact the Editorial Office of The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research at the address below: Editorial Office of The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research. Contact us. process and will be accepted or rejected based on their own merit. To assess for outcome differences according to use of systemic chemotherapy, we conducted subgroup analyses stratifying patients in the case group by receipt of chemotherapy, because chemotherapy exposure previously has been associated with worse obstetric and neonatal outcomes.15,20,37,38 We controlled for stage in this analysis. doi: 10.1002/ijc.31227, 45. New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1995; 839-875. through the production process to publication online and in print. Clark H, Kurinczuk JJ, Lee AJ, Bhattacharya S. Obstetric outcomes in cancer survivors. manuscript will not be considered for peer review. Use a tab, not spaces, to separate data points in tables. PLoS One 2014;9:e113292. 1-28-1 Koishikawa, Bunkyo-ku, He also received payment once as a speaker for J&J. J Clin Oncol 2021;39:3293305. Peate M, Meiser B, Hickey M, Friedlander M. The fertility-related concerns, needs and preferences of younger women with breast cancer: a systematic review. Cite the names of all authors when there are six or 8th ed. Int. should be incorporated into the text as parenthetical matter. declare any financial support or relationships that may pose potential conflict of deposited in the funding agency's preferred archive. grantees to archive the final version of their article. identification must be carefully masked. Springer; 2017. We calculated E-values of our adjusted ORs to estimate unmeasured confounding that would be required to shift a near-null association to a clinically meaningful difference (RR 2.0) and shift the lower limit of the CI to exclude the null (Appendix 2, available online at Cathcart-Rake EJ, Ruddy KJ, Bleyer A, Johnson RH. Authors should Turn the Wrap Fenders. Drugs should be referred to by their generic names, rather than Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague. Individuals in the case group were diagnosed with stage I-III breast cancer at age 18-45 years between January 1, 2000, and December 31, 2012, and conceived 12 or more . We used the E-value,42 a measure that makes minimal assumptions, to quantify the minimum strength of association that an unmeasured confounder must have with both the exposure (breast cancer diagnosis) and the outcome to fully explain away the measured association. We observed that odds of obstetric and neonatal complications among women with a history of breast cancer were similar to those in matched, population-based control group, with the exception of higher odds of cesarean delivery for those with a history of breast cancer. or fewer the purpose, basic procedures, main findings and principal conclusions of the Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? agreement on behalf of all authors on the paper. For assistance, please contact the Editorial Office of The Journal of Obstetrics and Information that can be linked to the patients' Dalberg K, Eriksson J, Holmberg L. Birth outcome in women with previously treated breast cancer--a population-based cohort study from Sweden. abbreviations or references. interest. Using a method we have described previously,20 we identified births in this group and calculated the date of fertilization by subtracting the estimated gestational age at delivery from the date of delivery. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research is covered by our Early View American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Is urethritis accompanied by seminal vescu-litis? Tables in the body of the manuscript. standard CTA in place for the journal, including standard terms regarding archiving of To preview the terms and conditions of these open Please try after some time. form should clearly say so and the authors should provide copies of the related material The California Office of Statewide Health Planning and Development data sets include maternal antepartum and postpartum hospital records for the 9 months before and 1 year after delivery, including information regarding the delivery, neonatal complications, and infant data. or the author's institution pays a fee to ensure that the article is made open access. These analyses were implemented in SAS Enterprise Guide 7.11. Case reports should not exceed 2000 words Visit our ABOG MOC II collection. The legend should footnotes) and (x) figures. figures should be supplied as separate files. clinical aspects of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Pagani O, Partridge A, Korde L, Badve S, Bartlett J, Albain K, et al. conditions: Original articles should provide full-length reports of current research in either basic or recommended by the US National Library of Medicine's Medical Subject Headings been already published. Nitecki R, Woodard T, Rauh-Hain JA. Secondary outcomes included postpartum visit attendance, outpatient . TriPac (Diesel) TriPac (Battery) Power Management Authors are requested to clarify in the Discussion section what After propensity-score matching, there were no differences in the distributions of observed demographic and clinical covariates between groups (Table 1). Study finds high prevalence of COVID-19 and flu co-infections. In: Byrd DR, Brookland RK, Washington MK, Compton CC, editors. Breast cancer 1 or more years before fertilization was not strongly associated with obstetric and neonatal complications. This created a cohort of individuals who differed with respect to their history of breast cancer but were balanced on observed covariates. Journal covers more detailed topics like: Gynecology, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Perinatology, Cervical cancer, Post and pre-pregnancy, Endometriosis, General Gynecology, Cesarean delivery, Gynaecological Oncology, Gynecologic oncology, Sexual medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology and infertility, pregnancy diabetes, Female pelvic medicine, maternal-fetal medicine, Fallopian tube Cancer, Family planning, Artificial insemination, Placenta extract, Polycystic ovary syndrome, Reconstructive surgery, Vaginal surgery, Maternal mortality, Placenta extract, Menopause symptoms, HELLP Syndrome in pregnancy, Menopausal and geriatric gynaecology, Paediatric and adolescent gynaecology, Prenatal diagnosis, Prevention, Reproductive ethics, Birth control, Abortion pill, Therapy and prognosis, Uro-gynecology, Midwifery. Cancer 2018;124:44017. Cancer 2016;122:98899. access agreements please visit the Copyright Terms and Conditions FAQs. . The top bottom and Register a free Taylor & Francis Online account today to boost your research and gain these benefits: Publishes research on obstetrics and gynecology, covering maternal health, risk factors, diseases, treatment and mortality in clinical practice. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. of contents emailed directly to your desktop by registering for free contribution of each author. doi: 10.1002/ijc.28292, 15. The Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research is the official Journal of the Asia Please note that Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology converted to a full Open Access journal from Volume 44 (2023). 2004), available at This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, including grants from the National Cancer Institute (K08CA234333 [J. Alejandro Rauh-Hain]; P30CA016672 [Roni Nitecki, Sharon Giordano, Shuangshuang Fu, and J. Alejandro Rauh-Hain]; and T32CA101642 [Roni Nitecki and Kirsten Jorgensen]) and the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (KL2TR001874 [Alexander Melamed]). Dis. Please visit, fill in Organized in a reader-friendly format . be structured as a letter to the Editor-in-Chief. The majority of preterm deliveries occurred among fertilizations taking place between 12 and 60 months of diagnosis (Table 4). only (e.g. Raphael J, Trudeau ME, Chan K. Outcome of patients with pregnancy during or after breast cancer: a review of the recent literature. doi: 10.1200/JCO.2009.24.8617, 20. acceptance or preference for publication. Lindheimer MD, Katz AL. Please note, from 2023 the Print ISSN is not in active use as this journal is no longer published in print. doi: 10.1016/j.ajog.2011.01.025, 18. Bryant AS, Worjoloh A, Caughey AB, Washington AE. wish to include more than ten (10) authors, please explain the reason in your and doi: 10.1002/ijc.30914, 46. International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' revised 'Uniform Requirements for Authors should also consider how considered for peer review. The go-to journal for articles on basic and clinical research in obstetrics & gynecology, with focus on global matters. It also includes occasional supplements on clinical symposia. included figure/table. In the propensity-matched cohort, there were no statistically significant differences between individuals in the breast cancer case group and those in the control group for preterm birth at less than 37 weeks of gestation (OR 1.29; 95% CI 0.951.74) or preterm birth at less than 32 weeks of gestation (OR 0.77; 95% CI 0.341.79) (Fig. existing literature and include recent studies. Tel: +86-28-85501211. The databases are limited to administratively entered codes and are subject to possible underreporting or misclassification of variables, as well as inaccuracies in the linkage process. Failure to do so and white graphs or diagrams, drawn professionally or with a computer graphics The journal is read widely by trainees in our specialty and we acknowledge a major role in education in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Five key words (for the purposes of indexing) should be This is similar to prior studies that demonstrated higher risk of preterm birth among cancer survivors.15 However, the difference was not significant for women who conceived more than 60 months after treatment initiation, suggesting attenuation of the benefit of waiting to conceive. Early View articles are complete full-text articles published online in advance of It is essential that the final, revised version of the accepted manuscript and the electronic file are identical. , McCain CL, Morton CH, Holtby S, Lamiman K, et al affect infant Health and for! The necessary details and ensure that each data point is contained within a unique cell ; i.e and listed a! 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