Behold me cleaving fast to Thy Name, the All-Possessing. O Lord! From the crystal springs of Thy love suffer me to quaff, O my Glory, and beneath the shadow of Thine everlasting providence let me abide, O my Light! Fill our hearts with divine virtues. I implore Thee, by Thy Most Great Name through which Thou didst stir up Thy servants and build up Thy cities, and by Thy most excellent titles, and Thy most august attributes, to assist Thy people to turn in the direction of Thy manifold bounties, and set their faces towards the Tabernacle of Thy wisdom. But then comes the body. I am one of Thy servants, who hath believed on Thee and on Thy signs. I am Thy servant and in Thy hands. happiness. Write down, then, for me the good of this world and of the world to come. No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, Whose help is implored by all men. in Thee, the supreme Lord. Attract me through Thy fragrances of holiness. The limbs of my body testify to Thy unity, and the hair of my head declareth the power of Thy sovereignty and might. What a great privilege it is to take Mountain of Fire (MFM) midnight prayers against demonic forces. A beloved who disappears by declining or setting is not beautiful, for one that is doomed to decline cannot be truly beautiful. Verily, they are married in obedience to Thy command. Cheer our hearts through the potency of Thy love and good-pleasure, and bestow upon us steadfastness that we may willingly submit to Thy Will and Thy Decree. In the meadows of truth they are as sweet-singing nightingales, and in the flower garden of guidance they are even as brightly-colored blossoms. Unto Thee have they turned themselves, speaking together of Thee, seeking out Thy dwelling, and thirsting for the waterbrooks of Thy heavenly realm. Verily, Thou art the Giver, the Forgiver and the Kind! Salutation of the manifestor of knowledge in all. Glory be to Thee, O Lord my God! I beseech Thee that Thou wilt fortify both myself and them that love me in our love for Thee, and wilt keep us firm in Thy Cause. O Lord! Supreme God, transcendental and omniscient, is the creator of universe. He is the most powerful, omniscient and all-wise being. By Thy sovereignty, O Thou Who art glorified in the hearts of men! For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. Exalt the station of them that have truly believed, and forgive them with Thy gracious forgiveness. I am earthly, make me heavenly; I am of the world below, let me belong to the realm above; gloomy, suffer me to become radiant; material, make me spiritual, and grant that I may manifest Thine infinite bounties. Blessed is he who with all his affections hath turned to the Dawning-Place of Thy Revelation and the Fountainhead of Thine inspiration. I am lowly, honor me through admitting me into Thy kingdom. I beseech Thee, moreover, O my God, to ordain for me what will make me rich enough to dispense with any one save Thee. I call on Thee O Glory, O Beauty, O Bountiful One! You the root cause of bad habits, together with your branches, die, in the name of Jesus. I have found no contentment save in Thy love, no exultation except in Thy remembrance, no eagerness but in obedience to Thee, no joy save in Thy nearness, and no tranquillity except in reunion with Thee, notwithstanding that I am conscious that all created things are debarred from Thy sublime Essence and the entire creation is denied access to Thine inmost Being. You can throw away without pity their meaningless shells, their outer coverings, into the flood of mortality. O God, my God! Bestow wealth upon the poor and give peace and security to the fearful. Aid me, O my Lord, to set myself towards Thee, and to hearken unto the voice of Thy loved ones, whom the powers of the earth have failed to weaken, and the dominion of the nations has been powerless to withhold from Thee, and who, advancing towards Thee, have said: God is our Lord, the Lord of all who are in heaven and all who are on earth.. Thou art, in truth, the Almighty, the All-Glorious, the Most Bountiful. It is an institution established by God for the purpose Read On, SHORT BIBLE VERSES TO MEMORIZE FOR THIS MONTH OF THE YEAR Memorizing bible verses is one of the most important spiritual exercise in the Christian Read On, SHORT BIBLE MEMORY VERSES FOR THE MONTH OF OCTOBER, NOVEMBER & DECEMBER Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy Read On, PSALMS FOR PRAYERS BEFORE GOING TO SLEEP 1 Samuel 2:10,The adversaries of the LORD shall be broken to pieces; out of heaven shall he thunder Read On, Dream Dictionary Of Body Parts 1. Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One! When we have peace in our heart, the Holy spirit nurtures and comforts us. Thou art the God Who hath existed before all things, Who will exist after all things and will last beyond all things. There is no one, O my Lord, who can deal bountifully with me to whom I can turn my face, and none who can have compassion on me that I may crave his mercy. Ordain for us such good as Thine all-embracing knowledge can measure. Allh-u-Abh is said once; then the first of the six verses is recited nineteen times. Whoever sets out on a teaching journey to any place, let him recite this prayer day and night during his travels in foreign lands. No God is there but Thee, the Almighty, the All-Wise. Guides are they, make them to speak out with arguments and proofs. Thou seest these children who are the twigs of the tree of life, the birds of the meads of salvation, the pearls of the ocean of Thy grace, the roses of the garden of Thy guidance. Make manifest in Thy lands humble and submissive souls, their faces illumined with the rays of guidance, severed from the world, extolling Thy Name, uttering Thy praise, and diffusing the fragrance of Thy holiness amongst mankind. I call on Thee O Mightiest One, O Sustaining One, O Potent One! With tearful eyes she fixed her gaze on the Kingdom of Mysteries. mine. I have returned to Thee, and verily Thou art the Ever-Forgiving, the Gracious. The God divine. Matthew 7:7-11 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: Matthew 26:41 Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. Brihadarnyakopanishad V, 1, 1. He hath abandoned this mortal life and hath flown to the kingdom of immortality, yearning for the favor of meeting Thee. But for the tribulations which are sustained in Thy path, how could Thy true lovers be recognized; and were it not for the trials which are borne for love of Thee, how could the station of such as yearn for Thee be revealed? No God is there beside Thee, the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Bountiful. Lauded be Thy Name, O Lord our God! I am Thy servant and the son of Thy servant, O my God! These souls have hearkened to the summons of the Kingdom, and have gazed upon the glory of the Sun of Truth. Hebrews 4:16 Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Award me victory and give me laughter. My Lord! He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth and whatever lieth between them, and He truly is a witness over all things. Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One! Publications are available in the following formats for download anduse: Copyright and terms of use information for these downloads can be found on the Legal Information page. that holds the rope that drags thee on. Thou art the Sovereign, the Eternal Truth, the Lord of invincible might. Psalms 91:1-16 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. O Almighty! Send down, then, upon me, O my Beloved, that which will enable me to be steadfast in Thy Cause, so that the doubts of the infidels may not hinder me from turning towards Thee. May all things be a source of peace to all and to me. Praise be unto Thee, O my God, that we have wakened to the splendors of the light of Thy knowledge. The way leading from this world to permanence passes through self-annihilation. Glorified art Thou, O Lord my God! MFM MUSIC MINISTRY; DKO E-books; Dr. D.K. Thou hast shown me the right way and caused me to enter the ark of deliverance. There is none other God but Thee, the One, the Mighty, the Glorified. I call on Thee O Sovereign, O Upraiser, O Judge! Thou art my Hope and my Beloved, my highest Aim and Desire! I beseech Thee by Thy name, whereby everyone is enabled to attain the object of his desire, to grant that this child may become a more mature soul amongst Thy servants; cause him to shine forth through the power of Thy name, enable him to utter Thy praise, to set his face towards Thee and to draw nigh unto Thee. Thou art, truly, the Lord and King of all men, and art potent over all things. I raise my suppliant hands to Thee, tearfully beseeching the court of Thy divine Essence to forgive, through Thy grace and clemency, Thy handmaiden who hath ascended unto the seat of truth. Verily, Thou art the Lord of Great Favor! He is God! Thou art He Who changeth through His bidding abasement into glory, and weakness into strength, and powerlessness into might, and fear into calm, and doubt into certainty. Cause him to become a brilliant lamp, shining out with the light of Thy wisdom in the midst of Thy people. Grant then, O Lord, such goodly gifts as would enable them to gain admittance into Thy blissful Paradise. Glory be to Thee, O my God! Amen! A decade of testimonies attests to the transformative impact of these Summits. O my Lord! Make them radiant lamps, merciful signs, fruitful trees and shining stars. This is My bidding unto you; hold fast to it as an assistance to yourselves., O peerless Lord! Deliverance Prayers to Break Stubborn Curses. Verily, Thou art the Lord of all worlds. Praise be to Thee, O Lord, my Best Beloved! Verily, Thou art the Confirmer, the Assister, the Powerful, the Generous, the Loving. O God! Such contributions must come from all centers and all believers . Write down, then, for me with Thy pen of glory that which will exalt me through Thy Name in the world of creation., Kindly report anyone plagiarizing our contents on the net. On the frontiers of the mind I give the mind a job to explore that which lies beyond its own frontiers, that which is not accessible to the word, to the speech, as well as to the mind. O God, my God! O Thou forgiving God! Unloose his tongue to make mention of Thee and gladden his heart to celebrate Thy praise. My Shield and my Shelter in my woes! Thou art, verily, He Who, through the power of His might, doeth whatsoever He desireth, and commandeth, through the potency of His will, whatsoever He chooseth. May my mind become pure. We are as plants, and Thy bounty is as the rain; refresh and cause these plants to grow through Thy bestowal. Thou art, verily, the Most Exalted, the All-Glorious, the All-Highest. Transmute, O my Lord, their abasement into glory, their poverty into wealth, and their weakness into a strength born of Thee. May the Vedic Law propagate peace all through the world. After they are gone, do not concern and occupy yourself with them any more. O Thou King of Kings! Deliver me, O Lord, from the fire of ignorance and of selfish desire, suffer me to be admitted into the precincts of Thy transcendent mercy and send down upon me that which Thou hast ordained for Thy chosen ones. O Lord! He maketh victorious whomsoever He pleaseth, through the potency of His behest. My great confidence in Thy bounty, however, reviveth my hope in Thee, and my certitude that Thou wilt bountifully deal with me emboldeneth me to extol Thee, and to ask of Thee the things Thou dost possess. Heroes are they, O my Lord, lead them to the field of battle. Attire, O my Lord, both my inner and outer being with the raiment of Thy favors and Thy loving-kindness. Verily, they are naked; robe them in the garments of learning and knowledge. James 1:6-8: But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is O Lord, Thou possessor of infinite mercy! Thou art the Powerful. Glorified art Thou, O Lord! O my God! Potent art Thou to do what pleaseth Thee. Cast me not as one disappointed out of Thy door, O my God, and withhold not from me Thy grace, for Thee alone do I seek. Thou art the Powerful, the Omnipotent, the Merciful, and Thou art the Generous, the Beneficent, the Lord of grace abounding. O Thou Forgiver of sins! Thou art the Powerful, the Gracious, the Self-Subsisting, the Bestower, the Compassionate, the Almighty, the All-Bountiful. O Thou, at Whose dreadful majesty all things have trembled, in Whose grasp are the affairs of all men, towards Whose grace and mercy are set the faces of all Thy creatures! It affects ones financial purse. Confer upon them Thy heavenly bounty and render the outpourings of Thy grace and favor copious and abundant. Verily, Thou art the Lord of righteousness, the Most Exalted. Within the meadows of Thy nearness, before Thy presence, make me able to roam, O my Beloved, and at the right hand of the throne of Thy mercy, seat me, O my Desire! from war to peace. O my Lord! Do Thou destine for me, O my God, what will set me, at all times, towards Thee, and enable me to cleave continually to the cord of Thy grace, and to proclaim Thy name, and to look for whatsoever may flow down from Thy pen. Enable all the peoples of the earth to gain admittance into the Paradise of Thy Faith, so that no created being may remain beyond the bounds of Thy good-pleasure. OTHER MFM SITES. Heavenly Lord, please make me your good steward who satisfies your heart desires at all time. May the waters flow peacefully; may the herbs and plants grow peacefully; 15:13 INSTRUCTIONS: Have faith in God and pray aggressively. Assist him through Thy strengthening grace which proceedeth from Thine invisible Kingdom, aid him with such hosts as are hidden from the eyes of Thy servants and grant that he may have a sure footing in Thy presence. Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One! May I realize myself as the light divine. O God! Thou art in truth the Knower of things unseen. I beseech Thee, by the potency of Thy will and the compelling power of Thy purpose, to make of what Thou didst reveal unto me in my sleep the surest foundation for the mansions of Thy love that are within the hearts of Thy loved ones, and the best instrument for the revelation of the tokens of Thy grace and Thy loving-kindness. To find this peace we must repent. Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One! let him sing psalms. May the rivers carry happiness to us. "The holding will call into question many other regulations that protect consumers with respect to credit cards, bank accounts, mortgage loans, debt collection, credit reports, and identity theft," tweeted Chris Peterson, a former enforcement attorney at the CFPB who is now a law Great is the blessedness of those whose blood Thou hast chosen wherewith to water the Tree of Thine affirmation, and thus to exalt Thy holy and immutable Word. Reveal and unfold the virtues which Thou hast made latent and concealed in these human realities. Heal us with Thy mercy. Send forth, O God, such hosts as would render Thy faithful servants victorious. The Killing of the Aghasura Demon; 13. Unite and bind together the hearts, join in accord all the souls, and exhilarate the spirits through the signs of Thy sanctity and oneness. Thou art Satchidananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Absolute). Protect us from what lieth in front of us and behind us, above our heads, on our right, on our left, below our feet and every other side to which we are exposed. Verily, Thou art the Help in Peril, the Self-Subsisting. Pardon all my sins, and restore me to health from all illnesses, and be pleased with me for all eternity! Make Thy beauty to be my food, and Thy presence my drink, and Thy pleasure my hope, and praise of Thee my action, and remembrance of Thee my companion, and the power of Thy sovereignty my succorer, and Thy habitation my home, and my dwelling-place the seat Thou hast sanctified from the limitations imposed upon them who are shut out as by a veil from Thee. Thou art the Almighty and the Loving and the Provider of all mankind. An ebook (short for electronic book), also known as an e-book or eBook, is a book publication made available in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on the flat-panel display of computers or other electronic devices. There is no shelter and asylum for him except under the wing of Thy protection, preservation, guard and custody. Thou hast guided the distracted out of the death of unbelief, and hast brought those who draw nigh unto Thee to the journeys goal, and hast rejoiced the assured among Thy servants by granting them their most cherished desires, and hast, from Thy Kingdom of beauty, opened before the faces of those who yearn after Thee the gates of reunion, and hast rescued them from the fires of deprivation and lossso that they hastened unto Thee and gained Thy presence, and arrived at Thy welcoming door, and received of gifts an abundant share. Confirm me with the Holy Spirit, so that I may call in Thy Name amongst the nations and give the glad tidings of the manifestation of Thy kingdom amongst mankind. beyond the highest, the very highest heavens. All Christians should strive to live perfect days blessed with Christian acts. Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One! Have mercy on these poor souls, and do not leave them to the excesses of their own desires. Fill up for me the cup of detachment from all things, and in the assembly of Thy splendors and bestowals, rejoice me with the wine of loving Thee. O God! CHANNEL 1 CHANNEL 2 CHANNEL 3 FRENCH BROADCAST FACEBOOK FACEBOOK INSTAGRAM AUDIO ONLY. O my God! Grant us heavenly confirmation. O Lord! Mahalakshmyashtaka 4. None else exists, and thou art that, I am sore afflicted by the grief of my separation from Thee, in the days when the Daystar of Thy presence hath shed its radiance upon Thy people. May we sing praise to ye and enjoy with strong limbs O God, my God! Natures beauty is an art of God. For indeed, the almighty Lord is pleased with the Shield them within the stronghold of Thy protection and safety, preserve them in Thy watchful care, look upon them with the eyes of Thy providence and mercy, make them the signs of Thy divine unity that are manifest throughout all regions, the standards of Thy might that wave above Thy mansions of grandeur, the shining lamps that burn with the oil of Thy wisdom in the globes of Thy guidance, the birds of the garden of Thy knowledge that warble upon the topmost boughs in Thy sheltering paradise, and the leviathans of the ocean of Thy bounty that plunge by Thy supreme mercy in the fathomless deeps. Religion is a program of self-enhancement by imbibing noble virtues, which are explained and expounded by the wisdom-filled sages and seers over a long period of time. Thou art the Mighty, the Powerful, and Thou art the God of strength, the Omnipotent, the All-Seeing. And I ask my body to expose itself to that darkness dispelling sun ask it to find out how that sun enters into the body through the doors of the eyes, and through the pores of all the veins and nerves, every pore of my being. Enable me, then, to return to my home by Thy power and Thy might. When a Christian is on fire, the devil cannot manipulate his life and blessings. Lord, make me so pure and strong Grant to us every benefit and every food. Make them signs and tokens of the Kingdom, luminous stars above the horizons of this nether life. For in the name of Jesus Christ I pray. miseries of devotees. None can withstand the power of Thy sovereign might. O God, my God! Dream about hospital indicate the spirit of sickness at work. O Thou, my God, Who guidest the seeker to the pathway that leadeth aright, Who deliverest the lost and blinded soul out of the wastes of perdition, Thou Who bestowest upon the sincere great bounties and favors, Who guardest the frightened within Thine impregnable refuge, Who answerest, from Thine all-highest horizon, the cry of those who cry out unto Thee. Thou art the imperishable, the Supreme Being, the one to be Let us speak in harmony; Thou the Sufficing, Thou the Healing, Thou the Abiding, O Thou Abiding One! Svetasvataropanishad IV, I. Should the breath of the Holy Spirit confirm the weakest of creatures, he would attain all to which he aspireth and would possess anything he desireth.