The Philistines also came from Mizraim (Gen. 10:14). Use. Like others referred to in the legends which Berosus refers to, he was half-man and half-fish. In this way the LXX read Babylonia in Isaiah 11:11 and land of Babylon in Zechariah 5:11. Sharp cold, with frost, succeeds the heat of summer, and from time to time sand-storms sweep across the plain. The later kings of Babylon sometimes bear the title "king of Eridu," as though rulers of the domain of Paradise. And they had brick for stone, and slime had they for morter. Verse 11:2 states that Shinar enclosed the plain that became the site of the Tower of Babel after the Great Flood. Possible Babylonian Form of the Name 3. Its early queen, Azag-Bau, is said to have been the wife of a wine-merchant and to have reigned 100 years. A fine garment looted by Achan near Jericho was described as coming from Shinar (Josh 7:21, KJV Babylonish). Try it FREE right now. The First Nation to Use Writing in Western Asia13. Shinar was used early to describe the land which included the cities of Babel (Babylon), Erech (Warka) and Accad (Agade) within the kingdom of Nimrod ( Gen 10:10 ). Unless otherwise indicated, all content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License. the ideal land of unholiness, where the world power first arrayed itself against God in the attempt at Babel. (For details see BABEL; BABYLON.) The state of Babylon probably included Cuthah. (12) Eridu:South of the Ur lay Eridu, or, in full, Guruduga, "the good city," wherein, apparently, lay the earthly Paradise. It is widely considered that Shinar, where the Bible says the Babel event took place, was a territory in south Mesopotamia; and that Babel was located at Babylon. Ruins of the ziggurat and temple of the god Nabu at Borsippa, Babylonia, Iraq. The Sumerians Probably in Shinar before the Semites9. Answer. December 05, 2020 By David Maas Babylon World-Power. Its early queen, Azag-Bau, is said to have been the wife of a wine-merchant and to have reigned 100 years. In 11:2 Shinar is described as the land of the plain where migrants from the East settled, and founded Babel, the city, and its great tower. It is said to have been in Sippara (Sippar) that Ut-napistim, the Babylonian Noah, buried the records before entering the ark. The First Nation to Use Writing in Western Asia. To the Southeast of Warka and Senqara lies the site of the ancient UR OF THE CHALDEES (which see) now Mugheir. (See Gudea's remarkable statue in the Louvre.). languages including Elamite, Kassite, Hittite, Hurrian and Old Persian. This was the birthplace of the Babylonian Noah, Ut-napistim, son of Opartes (Umbara-Tutu), a Chaldean of Larancha. Writing. After the Flood the king list declares that kingship was let down again from heaven, first in Kish. Seventy-eight kings held sway in Kish, Ur, Uruk (Erech), Mari and other named cities. Bible Verses about Shinar. The name Shinar occurs 8 times in Scripture: "The beginning of his [ Nimrod's] kingdom was Babel and Erech and Accad and Calneh, in the land of Shinar ." Genesis 10:10 NASB "they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there" Genesis 11:2 NASB " Amraphel king of Shinar " Genesis 14:1; 14:9 Whether the country was in the same seemingly uncared-for state in ancient times as at present is unknown; but one cannot help admiring the courage of the original immigrants into such a district, for example, as that of Lagas. Though this has been taken to be the Babylonian Shinar (A. H. Gardiner, Ancient Egyptian Onomastica I, 209) others interpret it as a reference to an Upper Mesopotamian Sangara (the modern Sinjar, W of Mosul), which is written a-an-a-ar in a Tell el-Amarna letter (No. Bible Dictionaries - Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary - Shinar, Bible Dictionaries - Smith's Bible Dictionary - Shinar, Encyclopedias - International Standard Bible Encyclopedia - Shinar, Inspirational Bible Verses and Scripture Quotes, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. It may be suspected that Shinar was the name by which the Hebrews originally knew the lower Mesopotamian country where they so long dwelt, and which Abraham brought with him from "Ur of the Chaldees. That they were historic personages cannot be doubted since epigraphic and architectural remains attesting their presence are associated with them. References: If you want a modern-day reference,. ANET 1950), 27-59, 159. Its chief towns were Babel, Erech and Accad, and its most famous warrior was Nimrod (Gen 10:9-10; Gen 11:1-9; Gen 14:1; Isa 11:11; Dan 1:2). Sumerian has no proven relation to any other language, ancient or modern. Bible Book: Genesis Type: Maps Location: Babylon, Canaan, Carchemish, Damascus, Elam, Hebron, Hittite, Huran, Hurrian, Shinar, Sodom, Ur Era: Israel's founding fathers. Shinar is the region in southern Mesopotamia where Nimrod's kingdom commenced. The System Employed, with an Example:E nu-DU URU nu-DIM, A house was not built, a city was not constructed;URU nu-DIM ADAM nu-mun-GAR, A city was not constructed, a community he had not founded;ABZU nu-DU GURUDUGA nu-DIM, The abyss was not built, Eridu was not constructed;E AZAGA DINGIRene KI-DURA-bi nu-DIM, The holy house of the gods, its seat was not constructed;Su-NIGIN KURKURAgi AABBAama, The whole of the lands was sea.The nominal and verbal roots of the above extract from the bilingual account of the Creation are in capitals, and the pronominal prefixes and suffixes, with a couple of lengthenings which determine the pronunciations of the nouns, in small letters. for the land, is today used to describe the whole of ancient Babylonia before the Sem. (For details see Babel ; Babylon.) It was a plain country, where brick had to be used for stone and slime for mortar. And there shall come forth a rod out of the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots: and the Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD ; and shall make him of quick understanding in the fear of the LORD : and he shall not judge after the sight of his eyes . Contact me: openbibleinfo (at) Pronunciation: Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: nr Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: in Transliteration: inr The States of Shinar:At the earliest period to which our records refer the Sumerians of Shinar were divided into a number of small states, of which the following may be regarded as the principal:(1) Sippar:Sippar or Sippar-Aruru (-Ya'ruru), possibly including Accad (Genesis 10:10), some distance Southwest of Bagdad. The Semites of Babylonia were to all appearance thick-set and muscular, but the Sumerians, notwithstanding the stumpy figures which their statues and bas-reliefs show, seem to have been slim--in any case, their warriors, in the better basreliefs, as well as the figures of the god Nin-Girsu (formerly known as "the god with the firestick"), and the engraved cylinders, have this type. Despite his efforts to restore the rights of the individual, his people failed to withstand the pressures of Lugalzaggesi of Umma who took over the city and was himself soon thereafter conquered by the powerful Semite, Sargon of Agade who thus brought Sumer. It was a place of considerable importance, and the seat of the worship of Enlil and Ninlil, later, also, of their son Ninip and his spouse (see CALNEH). Later on came Evedoreschus, the native Enwe-duran-ki, renowned as a priest favored by the gods. A designation for the land of Babylonia. and religion the thought, style and manner of these early inhabitants of Babylonia was transmitted to both contemporary and later civilizations and is of importance as the background of much in Genesis 1-11. (4) Nippur:Some distance Southeast of Babylon lay Nippur or Niffur, now Niffer (Noufar), identified by the rabbis with the "Calneh" of Genesis 10:10. Here the tower of Babel was built ( Genesis 11:1-6 ), and the city of Babylon. Proud member Shinar (/anr/; Hebrew nr, Septuagint Sennar) is the name for the southern region of Mesopotamia used by the Hebrew Bible. to the Race: Not only the language, but also the sculptures which they have left, point to the probability that the earlier inhabitants of Shinar belonged to a different race from the later. "See EDEN.4. It was a plain country, where brick had to be used for stone and slime for mortar. Though sometimes identified with the Babylonian Sumer, the connection of Shinar with that name is doubtful. (2) Kes:About 18 miles North of Babylon lay Kes, now Oheimer-a foundation which seems to have preceded Babylon as the capital of Shinar. All these comparisons tend to show that the Babylonian equivalent of Shinar is not any of the above, and as yet has not, in fact, been found. In 11:2 Shinar is described as the land of the plain where migrants from the East settled, and founded Babel, the city, and its great tower.2. Belonging to Babylon, also, was the renowned city Borsippa, now Birs, or the Birs Nimroud, the traditional site of the Tower of Babel.See BABEL, TOWER OF. What does the name Shinar mean? The name Shinar occurs eight times in the Hebrew Bible, in which it refers to Babylonia. "International Standard Bible Encyclopedia". overlordship to an end. And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may . These deities were very numerous, and it is noteworthy that, though those with Sumerian names may be counted by hundreds, those with Semitic names are only to be reckoned by tens. It is also mentioned in the books of joshua, isaiah and Zechariah.. Apart from its institutions, through its lit. No undisputed equivalent of the Heb. In 11:2 Shinar is described as the land of the plain where migrants from the East settled, and founded Babel, the city, and its great tower. Identification:The name given, in the earliest Hebrew records, to Babylonia, later called Babel, or the land of Babel (babhel, 'erets babhel). SHINAR shn r (; , ). The Sumerians Probably in Shinar before the Semites: Though there is no certain indication which race entered Shinar first, it is to be noted that Nimrod, presumably Shinar's first king and the founder of its great cities, was a son of Cush (Genesis 10:8), and the name of Shinar seems to have existed before the foundation of Babel (Babylon) and its tower (Genesis 11:2). dialects of Assyrian and Babylonian (Akkad.) The name given, in the earliest Hebrew records, to Babylonia, later called Babel, or the land of Babel (babhel, 'erets babhel). According to Genesis 10, Babel in the land of Shinarthe region of Babylonia as it is referred to in Egyptian and other ancient sources 2 is "the beginning" of Nimrod's kingdom (Gen. . Meanwhile a contemporary, Gudea of Lagash, marched to Syria and Anatolia and brought back building materials to embellish his own city. Amar-Suen, who died of infection from a foot ailment, was buried in the Royal Cemetery at Ur with his fathers. influence far beyond its bounds, by economic prosperity and a revival in every branch of Sumer. It is true that many specimens are crude and uncouth, but this is probably due to the sculptors having been, often enough, the slaves of their material. I awoke and I thought about the vision; a flying roll in the land of Shinar. It pondered the problems of death and the afterlife (Gilgamesh Epic), yet was abounding with practical wisdom (collections of proverbs, essays of advice, parables) as well as court and temple ritual in the desire to know the mind of the gods (omens, hymns, prayers). This map shows the land of Shinar where the Tower of Babel was and the directions the people of Noah's sons traveled in! The Chinese affinities seem less close, but the following may be quoted: a(y)a "father," Chinese ye (Amoy ia); ge, "night," Chinese ye; gu, "to speak," Chinese yu; shu, "hand," Chinese sheu; kin, "business," Chinese kung, "work"; etc. Babylon, Babylonia, Babylonian, Babylonish, Shinar, Baker Book of Bible Charts, Maps, and Time Lines (2016), HarperCollins Atlas of Bible History (2008), HarperCollins Concise Atlas of the Bible (1991), Oxford Bible Atlas, Fourth Edition (2007), Readers Digest Atlas of the Bible (1981). Geocoding Their stones were frequently more or less pebble-shaped, and they had neither the skill nor the tools to reduce them to better proportions--moreover, reduction of bulk would have meant a diminution of their importance. In certain passages, some versions of the Bible translate the word for "Shinar" as "Babylonia" for clarity's sake. Because many ancient regions aren't precisely defined, I consulted atlases to determine where the biblical region is located and used that data to build the isobands. shnar has, however, yet been found in early texts from Babylonia itself, since a spelling im/ngar has not been attested. In Babylon, the Son of Perdition devised the Shinar Directive: the enslaving of humanity . An etymology for the southern (Babylonian) Shinar has been proposed in ingi-uru (A. Poebel, AJSL LXVIII [1934]) and 8th cent. Genesis 16:7, 20:1, 25:18, Exodus 15:22, 1Samuel 15:7, 27:8. According to the tradition, it was there that the "dark vine" grew--a type, seemingly, of the tree of life. As one of its early kings, Berosus mentions Alorus, "the shepherd of the people," as having reigned for 10 sari, or 36,000 years. This location of Shinar is first mentioned in Genesis 10 in relationship to Nimrod and the building of his kingdom. Comparison with the Semitic Idiom 7. Their deities, however, always had hair and beard, implying that they came from a different, though possibly related, stock. Biblical names for the southern part of ancient Mesopotamia [Iraq] include Shinar (ancient Sumer ), Chaldea, and Babylon, and for the northern area, Assyria. [2] In the Book of Genesis 10:10, the beginning of Nimrod's kingdom is said to have been "Babel [Babylon], and Erech [Uruk], and Akkad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar." The state of Babylon probably included Cuthah. The Sumerians Probably in Shinar before the Semites 9. Orr, James, M.A., D.D. Genesis 10:8-12. Phut (Gen. 10:6; Ezek. [2][3] 2. It was renowned for its temple to the moon, and for the kings known as the dynasty of Ur: Sur-Engur, Dungi, Bur-Sin, Gimil-Sin, and Ibi-Sin. The Book of Jubilees 9:3 allots Shinar (or, in the Ethiopic text, Sadna Sena`or) to Ashur, son of Shem. Most texts were in poetic form; among them are long love poems and lamentations. 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