Taurus is known to be passionate people who are majorly driven by their emotions. In other words you are demonstrative about your love. Try to be a little less ruthless and insensitive to those you become personally associated with as some people possessing your type of eyes do end up pushing others away. The deceased Princess Diana of Wales and Michael Jackson both share a feature that you possess, and that is eyes which have three-sided whites. Both your practical and bedroom affairs will be highlighted by your skillful and creative approach much to the pleasure of those who choose to share your bed with you. This will at least give people a chance to understand that you are not necessarily as angry or mad as you appear all the time. Your chocolate brown eyes reveal some of the genetic traits of the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern races and indicate you are an extremely passionate character who loves social life and meeting many different people. This again is usually a temporary state of affairs, but nevertheless gives you a keen insight into the fact youre walking an emotional tightrope. Droopy eyes generally slant or bent downward. Your golden brown eyes are a shade lighter than chocolate and show that you are particularly sensitive and loving but also reasonably passionate when aroused. Besides the color and the shape of the eyes, the planetary position also plays a huge and crucial role in deciding the characteristics of different ascendants. It wont feel like Scorpios intense probing that hits lower down. That is what you find in a moon-mars aspect person. Overall complete beauty package with all mannerism and etiquette. This is a combo for ruthlessness. Hasta spans in Kanya.The symbol is a closed hand or fist. But once they make up their mind to destroy someone, they destroy them. You have a special blend of selective magnanimity and that is hinted at with your large eyes and small iris. Gemini: I once visited a friend in Seattle, a male Gemini. Ideally, there should be at least one eye width between both eyes. Just kidding. I dont anger easily. Emotionally your unevenly set eyes tell us that you have an overreaction to even the smallest things that occur and you should relegate these instances to the level they deserve, i.e. The eyes resembles the shape of lotus petal. It has been said that both men and women of the caliber of genius often possess your green coloured eyes. There may also at times be a certain gullibility regarding your associations with others. Your sensitivity is unusually marked and very evident to those who meet you. The look of the eye and its internal expression is something that cannot be taught in words but doesnt necessarily require years of experience to learn. Individualize your forecast report for your specific date, time and place of birth. After telling me about the script he was working on for the local alt-newspapers annual amateur porn contest over a bowl of vegetarian Chinese food, we went outside and I took a picture of him. Your glassy-eyed look will be noticeable to those people you come in contact with and indicates that you are undergoing stressful circumstances in your life. At times these types possess too broad and superficial an opinion. Grey eyes reveal a high degree of intelligence and imagination but passion may be less pronounced in this type as reasoning may subdue a part of their initiative. You should take precautions to check out this condition with your health practitioner to make sure this is not a serious medical condition. As per Vedic Astrology, there are 12 different ascendants (Zodiac Signs) and each sign have a particular set of physical feature assigned to each of them individually. Of course, there are different degrees to which the eye may bulge and if this is only slight, it shows you are amenable to meeting many new people in a social context and have a spirit of adventure as part and parcel of your character. Your intense, possessive yet observant nature is shown by your deep-set eyes. People can play emotionally with them for fulfilling their own desires. In case of pictures, I often have red eye, which is one of the various reasons I consider myself not photogenic. This will be manifest in the earlier part of life up to your mid 30s when certain experiences will teach you that it is not at all a comfortable thing to feel that you are at the mercy of others. They are deeply sexual. No its not the signs, the planets aspecting the moon is what reflects in the eyes and the eye shape and Im surpriced this very crusial and also basic information is left out if thise kind of posts? Aries is called the sign of sacrifice. Unless you are careful in developing a wholesome view of yourself in relation to others in the world, you may end up developing narcissism and coming across as a vain individual. Taurus people loves beauty and pleasure. When a Leo is displeased, you will know it because you will never see their eyes. Unless you prefer a casual and uncommitted worker or relationship next, please. has been one of the important needs for any person beyond time whether the person Mischevious? Apart from being a mere organ, eyes also are the gateway to the soul of a person. Often you will be amazed at the impromptu insights that they offer. In this manner you can make some headway and finally stop treading water. Though they are generally large in shape yet set back give the viewer an illusion of a very prominent brow bone. Remember, dont jump to conclusions in any of your assessments. Scorpio: Ever feel like someone was in your space? They are also capable administrators and have good judgement skills. For men, the eyes are compared with eagle while for women it is compared with cat. I have brown eyes btw. In western astrology, the appearance is sourced by the sun and the ascendant, however, in Vedic astrology, the appearance is sourced by the moon and the ascendant. Nervous? Jyoti means light, and Jyotia is the sacred art and science of the lights in the sky, as well as the light of awareness within. Your round eyes also show a compassionate aspect to your character and you therefore often find yourself playing nursemaid or counselor to those in need. 146 comments. The other term to describe your beautiful eyes is the bedroom look. Interesting about AquariusI had noticed this about Paul Newman, too. By redirecting your energies you will avoid the pain of separation and also guilt that arises as a consequence. According to Vedic Astrology, if the planet Moon, Saturn, Venus, Mars or Sun is badly placed in the 2nd and 12th house, it gives rise to eye problems. Other famous people sharing these same features historically were Martin Luther King and Abraham Lincoln. Hooded eyes are those that have a slight bulge on the top of their upper eyelids right after the crease. Theres a special blend of selective magnanimity that is also hinted at in your case. (I understand its free). You love intelligent conversation and witty discussions and will never settle for someone who doesnt have a similar degree of intelligence and intellectual rapport with you. They have a one-track mind and hence love the following life according to straight they have drawn in their mind and never want to deviate from the same. Goitre is another possibility. Is this only heredity that makes the person beautiful? The color of your iris is also an important determinant in the appraising of character. But, if the lord of the 2nd house is in a weak position or if it is posited with the Trik . Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! They will look into the distance, at the ceiling, their watch anything but you. Vedic horoscope or Kundali tells the exact position of stars and planet at the time of childbirth. Gemini is extremely helpful in nature. Unfortunately, astrology is an objective pursuit that requires lots of memorization and study, and your interpretations are only as clear as your head. Governing the head and face, the higher attributes being intuition and reason. They are good observant as well as sexual and their partner can dominate over them. Libra: Libras eyes look like nothing other than M&Ms! This conveys to us that you have one side of your character which is outward-looking and keenly interested in the ways of the world, whereas another side which is introverted and perhaps even self-seeking at times. In your relationships as well, you may need that same type of independence or freedom that may not always sit well with the partner of your choice. Anything related to beauty and softness in astrology is always connected to two planets. Shallow or deep eyes are deep within face with jutting bones around eyes. These eyes signifies good knowledge , scholars, learners for men. People suffering some type of imbalance in their thyroid or parathyroid glands, and who have an iodine deficiency, often exhibit bulging eyes. Sometimes though, the shy and discouraged will also reflect a similar eye. A sleepy or drunken look is one that is seen in both men and women. Hence, they get a lot of help from others. beautiful? All of these factors add even more detail to the character reading. The grey ring is unmistakable, if looking. (You will never see a Libras true feelings in their eyes, by the way. Naturally, they tend toward a strong, athletic build. Find out! All the latest News and offers for your well-being. There is a difference between sleepy eyes and trance eyes as these eyes are not heavy lidded like sleepy and drunk eyes. In the long run, this may present you with a situation in which you have very few friends or people upon whom you can rely. slanting downwards, the person may be a little self-deprecating and at the mercy of others. You will need to carefully assess your romantic partners to see if this is a demand which will cause troubles for you later on after youve made a commitment. Are your eyes light brown or dark brown? Some philosophers also display deep-set eyes. You can read every single thing they are thinking or feeling (and woe betide you if you are in trouble, believe me my mother is a Cancer rising!). As the label describes, your eyes are full of desire, love and sensuality. As of my Leo asc. You like the idea of a committed life with one partner if they reciprocate your demonstrative nature and look forward to happy family life as a result. Lotus eyes. Notwithstanding these difficult attributes of your character, you are known to be a spiritual person and can actually, in truth, be a far more evolved person that even you consider yourself to be. Your standards are very high and others may not meet your expectations. Aries is set to have almond-shaped eyes which are considered to be numinous and exotic in their appearance. There is a haunting rainbow quality about the color, like the inside of an oyster shell, shifting and changing with every passing second. Your passion is also tied in with loyalty, however, that loyalty must be found in the partner of your choice as well, otherwise, your eye may become a wandering one at that. You will need to carefully analyze and balance the other facial features to see whether this type is scattered and impractical. Venus in the 1st house in a Watery Sign also makes a native have a beautiful and attractive face. The planets, Sun, Moon, Venus and Saturn, if negatively related with second and/or twelfth house(s) of a horoscope, can cause health issues related with eyes. Leo ascendant has Close-Set Eyes that is Brown in color. You still, however, will not wish to speak as much as you listen. Sometimes you remain aloof or appear apathetic and use this to your advantage. Flirting and teasing others to satisfy your harmless vanity will be evident from your light blue coloured eyes. Venus in the ascendant which is also the house of appearance, or in its own house, in its own sign like Taurus and Libra or its exaltation sign Pisces lends beauty to a person. Eyes are considered to be one of the most complicated and vital organs of the human body. Trance/ Bull's eyes. Moon aspecting Uranus gives eyes a special shape aswell Henry Cavill with moon in aqua aspecting uranus is one of the exemples of the type of uranian shape in eyes I have seen in people around me. During eye contact, Im more likely to feel an angry face or a child-like/vulnerable one. Should You Date Or Marry Your Astro-Twin? It is the look and also other eye settings which can override an otherwise attractive face. This will be accentuated, particularly if your eyes are round and large as well. Firstly, the person is capable of seeing things from a different perspective and applying lateral thought processes to resolving problems. They can reach power and position at the age of 31 to 40. Beautiful eyes and the wheatish fair complexion will make your spouse more charming. Chinese face readers call them wolves eyes. trivia bin. Their eyelids sit very heavily over the eyes. However, they have ill fortunes and they can be belittled by others for no reason. So, science or research related subject suits them. When Ive looked at celebrity charts, Ive noticed that celebrities with the most beautiful eyes have either a water sign in the sun, moon, or ascendant. Intense? On a more personal note, you have a tendency to be more self-deprecating and less than self-confident in your own abilities. Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic Astrology. Dont let your childlike innocence get the better of you and keep your wits about you when dealing with individuals who are more calculative and shrewd. You must put others to the test before believing what is presented to you. These people become invaluable assets to a company looking for ingenuity in its approach. Charles Manson exhibited these eyes. A little more astuteness on your part in your personal relationships wouldnt go astray. Your pupils also react to different emotional and chemical stimuli within your body. They are Venus and Moon; both these planets are very sweet and tender. It is quite clear the overload red light is flashing so you need to take note of that and also take adequate time to recharge your emotional batteries. . Theres no doubt with these character traits you can achieve a tremendous amount in a short space of time and become a forerunner in your field of choice. Im a Gemini Sun, Pisces moon, Cancer ascendant my eyes are hazel I guess, they look green to me but, a man once told me that he saw my change from blue as his to green while he was looking at them. One of your main lessons in life will be to learn the art of keeping secrets as you do have a tendency to want to share all the latest and hottest of gossip that comes your way. If you are like many of your round-eyed brothers and sisters, you take great pleasure in artistic pursuits and even if you yourself dont produce works of art or music as such, you will develop into a connoisseur of cultural interests over time. Libra lets his or imagination flow freely in order to create something extraordinary out of it. They can judge and perceive situations through different angles. Here we will discuss different types of eyes and the qualities associated with those eyes in face reading. They are highly sensitive and extremely emotional people. square, and although this is not all that common, it does indicate your high degree of intelligence and skilful observation. People with lotus eyes can be excellent scientists, poets, storytellers, politicians, businessman, musician, actors, filmmakers. These eyes are larger and bigger. You have a strong aspiration to produce work of great excellence and you are, as a result, a highly valued worker in any organization in which you find yourself. (Please, no one use this trick on me.). These people remain amenable to people, information, and emotions. Color of the Eyes: Hazel or Light Colored. Just kidding! Try it! Gemini sun w/ Scorpio moon here.. People compliment my eyes alot. Many models like Elle McPherson and Claudia Schiffer possess these eyes. Pisces: Pisces people are, without a doubt, the easiest to identify off-hand if you remember to look them in the eyes! The word Zodiac literally means animals and refers to the patterns or configurations of creatures as seen in the twinkling stars at night. You may be frustrated if you dont follow your hearts desire though and sometime down the track could feel very despondent if you turn away opportunities that are presented to you. Cancer is famous for being extremely sensitive and warm-hearted individuals. When you are confronted by these almost uncontrollable urges you must do your best to redirect them through such activities as sports and other physical exercises. Taurus is known to be passionate people who are majorly driven by their emotions. Your upward slanting or what are otherwise known as cats eyes are opportunistic eyes which tell the world, and those who are able to read you, that you never waste an opportunity and in fact can sometimes be ruthlessly driven to take advantage of others, even when you know this may not be exactly appropriate. My sister is a Pisces and has hazel eyes. I also have the thought wrinkle lol, I always look like Im fiercely concentrating. Its almost as if just like these famous people, your eyes also act like a magnet to draw those people into your orb that will bring you good fortune and the opportunities by which to make it happen.
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