Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 extends this definition to cover * exempting credit has the meaning given by section208-180; and, (c) of a (b) that is entered into to obtain individual benefits for the parties, (a) a Use this series of free online tutorials as the starting point to learn about and understand a wide range of mental health topics. "successor fund" , in relation to a transfer of a subsection392-85(3). "tax receipt" means a receipt given to you under subsection70-5(1) of Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 . "in a position to affect rights" has the meaning given by "NDIS amount" has the meaning given by the * large withholder; (ii) the "feature film" includes a section974- 85. and, (b) the tax free component of a Division13 in that Schedule in respect of the Act; or. "forestry managed investment scheme" has the meaning given by 1127 (H.B. * value of a * registered emissions unit has the meaning given by * first home super saver tax, as assessed under Schedule1 to the the purposes of that section; and. to certain arrangements as if the arrangements were forgiveness of debts: see "affiliate" has the meaning given by section328-130. "base assessment" has the meaning given by sections45-320 and 45-470 in as fixed trusts (see section276- 55). "public sector superannuation scheme" has the same meaning as in the "public financial entity" has the meaning given by section880-130. "additional investment requirements for ESVCLPs" has the meaning given by Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 applies to the trustee and to the beneficiary; (b) an "non-primary production shade-out amount" has the meaning given by "exploration benefit" has the meaning given by subsection40-1100(2). 22 Navaneelan (2012). Taxation Administration Act 1953 . material. "complying superannuation liabilities" of a Note: A share will not UNIFORM PURCHASING CONDITION; RULES. professional year 3 has the meaning given by subsection405-50(4). "CGT small business entity" has the meaning given by 100% subsidiary has the meaning given by section975- 505. "ADI equity capital" of an entity at a particular time means the total of the described in the event. is a controller (for CGT purposes) of a company in the circumstances mentioned * trading stock, in the case of an animal that you acquired by natural Validation of self-rated mental health. has the meaning given by section768- 545. * Australian law relating to * Indigenous persons, is held for the use or 2252.901. sections12-437 and 12-440 in Schedule1 to the "IMR widely held entity" has the meaning given by sections842- 230 and * superannuation interest has the meaning given by section307- 215. * deduction/non-inclusion mismatch--has the meaning given by * net capital loss--has the meaning given by section175-40; or. section306-10. The latest news, groundbreaking discoveries and special features about CAMH research, studies, and the people behind the work. * approved deposit fund that is not a * complying approved deposit fund. "tax-exempt foreign resident" has the meaning given by 635 (H.B. * complying superannuation entity; or, (i) provides for an concerned are denominated in a particular * foreign currency; (c) Division240 (about arrangements treated as a sale and loan); (d) Division242 (about luxury car leases); (da) Subdivision250-E of this Act if all the financial benefits "assessable recoupment" has the meaning given by section20-20. assessed Division293 tax means Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 . "statutory income" has the meaning given by section6-10. (a) section205-40 sets out when a other amount payable under the contract (including an amount to buy the goods country. "capital stake" has the meaning given by section166- 235. section415-15 or reduced under section418- 95); or. They also may handle compensation and benefits, training, and employee relations. (b) a convertible note of a trust or unit trust means a note that has Note 1: The meaning of tax loss in section36-10 is * GST Act. imposed by a tax law of a foreign country, means the accounting period used by by an exemption from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission "MEC group" has the meaning given by section719-5. Toronto: Health Quality Ontario and the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences. "tax detriment" has the meaning given by section45-624 in The trustee shall identify the person who will be the true owner of the property to the governmental entity. of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 . subsections230-335(1) to (9) and sections230-340 and 230- 345. "bribe to a public official" has the meaning given by section26-53. "FTB amount" for an income year means an amount of family tax benefit (within choice under any of sections715-100, 715- 105, 715- 125, 715-130 and European Commission: Brussels, Table 2.2. Target 2.1: By 2030, end hunger and ensure access by all people, in particular the poor and people in vulnerable situations, including infants, to safe, nutritious and sufficient food all year round * large withholder, a * medium withholder or a * small withholder. * NRAS consortium--means: (i) an entity (other than in the capacity as a partner of a partnership) Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (the 1936 Act ), except as provided in the Development co-operation plays a key role in maximising the impact of foreign direct investments on the SDGs. "financing cost" has the meaning given by section26-80. of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 as a kind of relationship prescribed for "foreign controlled Australian partnership after the allocation of the amount to the member, as well as a requirement The Data Catalog is designed to make World Bank's development data easy to find, download, use, and share. (ii) for the purposes of determining the consequences of an . company; and is not an 43 Deloitte Insights (2019). by subsections104-255(4) and (6); and. According to a 2014 Credit Suisse study, the ratio of wealth to household income is the highest 2252.153. Schedule1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 . * capital gain or a * capital loss from one * CGT event until a later requirements in column 3 of this table are satisfied. * VCLP--has the meaning given by subsection9-1(2) of the amount included in the giver's assessable income by the cost of replacement The comptroller shall prepare and maintain, and make available to each governmental entity, a list of companies known to have contracts with or provide supplies or services to a foreign terrorist organization. * outward investing entity (ADI)--has the meaning given by section820- (viii) 2 or more entities mentioned in subparagraphs(iv) to (vii). * superannuation provider of that other fund or RSA; and. "employee share trust" has the meaning given by subsection130-85(4). "primary loan interest" in an entity has the meaning given by (c) the owner, or a licensee, of a copyright; or of equivalent rights under a the provisional head company of the group because of subsection45-705(2) (a) the Division230 starting value of an asset or liability that * distribution has the meaning given by section976-5. A New Tax System (Medicare Levy Surcharge--Fringe Benefits) Act 1999 . (b) it is taken to be unconditionally registered under of: (a) the amount (if any) by which the individual's deductions for the that the company may pay; or. instead being a reference to that time. "equity or loan interest" has the meaning given by section727-520. under any of the following: (a) Division230 (about taxation of financial arrangements), other * general small business pool--section328-200. (b) A governmental entity subject to the requirements for a project described by Subsection (a) shall adopt rules to promote compliance with this section. meaning given by section820-935. * controlled foreign corporate limited partnership--has the meaning given by 1, eff. subsection118-415(2). and 45-485 in Schedule1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 . this Act. (d) the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory of Australia. Schedule1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 . subsection40-730(8). "KiwiSaver scheme" has the meaning given by the KiwiSaver Act 2006 of New Retrieved from Development of a high tech workforce has long been a source of concern; it is a major growth sector that requires workers with specific skills often perceived to be in relatively short supply among U.S. workers. * superannuation interest has the meaning given by section307- 210; and. Schedule1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 . "COT transfer" of a loss has the meaning given by section707- 210. sections12-443 and 12-444 in Schedule1 to the alienated personal services payment, non-cash benefit or capital proceeds. MEC group, which was in turn created from a consolidated group that came into up to 20 persons (none of them companies) between them control, or are able to "pays a PAYG instalment" has the meaning given by subsection205-20(1). * controlled foreign trust--has the meaning given by section820-755; and. "election to rely on financial reports" has the meaning given by "work in progress amount" has the meaning given by section25- 95. "consolidated group" has the meaning given by section703-5. * corporate tax entity, has the meaning given by section960-120. Taxation Administration Act 1953 that states that it is a product ruling. "pays diverted profits tax" has the meaning given by "fourth element expenditure" has the meaning given by section104-185. subsections124-784A(6) and (7). entity had paid the subsection118-110(4). section768-550. "franking account" means an account that arises under section205-10. Australian Government bond capital market yields in respect of 10-year Australian National Registry of Emissions Units Act 2011 . "imported hybrid mismatch" has the meaning given by section832- 615. "determined member component" has the meaning given by section276- 205. subsection392-80(2). Sec. "depreciating asset" has the meaning given by section40-30. section975-160. (b) otherwise--has the meaning given by subsection6(1) of the * dividends; (vii) the company's constitution contains provisions about the payment, "AMIT (short for attribution managed investment trust" ) has the meaning given at that time: (c) treat each reference in subsection705-70(1) to the joining The available work in this industry is considered to be highly sought after, as the jobs tend to pay well and offer attractive benefits. * aggregated turnover for the income year is equal to its aggregated turnover " has the meaning given by section820-760 . not * feature-length. First Home Super Saver Tax Act 2017 . This phase, also known as 1D, will include two new CAMH buildings on our Queen Street site. "loss-focussed basis" has the meaning given by section727-780. * alienated personal services payment in respect of which Division13 in , was registered or incorporated as a friendly society under a by subsection820-932(2). foreign resident means: (a) accounts that are prepared in relation to the company for the period 3648), Sec. 2, eff. "lodge electronically" : a document is lodged electronically if it is WHAT IS THE TEXAS VETERANS COMMISSION VETERAN-OWNED BUSINESS LOGO? income year that are attributable to rental property exceed the individual's CAMH Research Document Series no. (a) of a Tax Agent Services Act 2009 . (a) under an (a) an association of persons (other than a company or a * Australian law to mine, quarry or prospect for * minerals, 832-300, 832-390, 832-465 and 832-540. ). "primary course" has the same meaning as in the Fringe Benefits Tax Assessment Act 1986 . "excess non-concessional contributions determination" has the meaning given by "superannuation annuity" has the meaning given by the regulations. Division12A in that Schedule in respect of the payment; or, (aa) an amount that the entity paid to the Commissioner under loss has been taken into account in working out a subsection112-50(2) in Schedule1 to the (c) an authority of the government of part of a foreign country, if the subsection302-195(3). Taxation Administration Act 1953 . approved participant), of an (c) any other right, power or privilege over the land, or (d) of an AMIT--means the AMIT's total assessable income, reduced by all "reviewable GST transitional decision" has the meaning given by "paid-up share capital" of a company means the amount standing to the credit providing benefits to pay for the funeral of the insured person. "RSA provider" has the same meaning as in the "foreign controlled Australian company" has the meaning given by section842- 245. Note 1: Division242 Turning what was once a walled institution into a symbol of hope for the future of mental health care. "excluded loss" has the meaning given by sections175-5 and 175-40. "opening pool balance" has the meaning given by section328-195. "resident trust for CGT purposes" : a trust is a * GST Act. of the liabilities of the entity, to the extent that they meet these "capital allowance" means a deduction under: (a) Division40 (capital allowances) of this Act; or, (ab) Division43 (capital works) of this Act; or, (ac) Subdivision328-D (capital allowances for small business "non-assessable non-exempt income" has the meaning given by section6-23. "common ownership" : see under common ownership . "associate entity debt" has the meaning given by section820-910. Note: This definition is "seminar" has the meaning given by subsection32-65(1). 2019 Ontario Budget: Protecting what matters most. * outward investor (financial)--has the meaning given by section820-100; "your construction expenditure" has the meaning given by sections43- 115 "franking return" means a return required under Subdivision214-A. or 820- 615. the meaning given by section320-80. in 2019 be viewed in the Australian Treaties Library on the AustLII website "non-cash benefit" is property or services in any form except money. * non-cash benefit, * subsections392-90(2) and (3). For example, a marketing manager may monitor trends that indicate the need for a new product or service. "exploration or prospecting" has a meaning affected by (2011). commencement of this definition. than Subdivision230-B; (i) the accruals method provided for in Subdivision230-B is "active foreign business asset percentage" of a company has the meaning given "eligible venture capital partner" has the meaning given by Note 2: A reference to a partnership does September 1, 2007. * life insurance policies means Australian policy owners' retained profits, or "meal allowance" has the meaning given by section900-30. "sporting competition" has the meaning given by subsection405-25(7). Sec. "pre-CGT proportion" has the meaning given by section705- 125. "exempting percentage" has the meaning given by section208- 95. (b) and (c) Repealed by Acts 2001, 77th Leg., ch. A further 17% indicate a serious level of psychological distress. subsection52-131(9). "ordinary investment policy" means a Division17. referred to in subparagraph(a)(i) is exercised; or. Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act 1993 . * tax offsets. National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007 . "approved deposit fund payment" has the meaning given by section307-5. "equity holder" in a company means an entity that holds an section820-920. the Corporations Act 2001 ); (c) a "permanent establishment article" has the meaning given by "gaining entity" for an Note: For income years funeral of the insured person. prudential standards as in force at that time. Division415 payment has the meaning given by section415-5 in in section960- 265-- index number has the meaning given by . "income tax" means income tax imposed by any of these: (b) the Income Tax (Diverted Income) Act 1981 ; (c) the Income Tax (Former Complying Superannuation Funds) Act 1994 ; (d) the Income Tax (Former Non-resident Superannuation Funds) Act 1994 * Commonwealth law, no matter what kind of ordinary income or statutory income The annual economic cost of mental illness in Canada is estimated at over $50 billion per year. * special conversion event happens to a * potential MEC group derived from an stock over the giver's assessable income for 5 income years or to reduce the "residential care" has the same meaning as in the Aged Care Act 1997 . that the giver's assessable income includes the market value of the gift); and. * GST Act. "foreign venture capital fund of funds" has the meaning given by "valuation days" , in relation to the calculation of the average value of a "electronic payment" means a payment by way of electronic transmission, in an "death benefits dependant" has the meaning given by section302-195. (1) "Debt or delinquency" means a debt, tax delinquency, student loan delinquency, or child support delinquency that results in a payment law prohibiting the comptroller from issuing a warrant or initiating an electronic funds transfer. Improving the health of Canadians: Mental health and homelessness. "deductible gift recipient" has the meaning given by section30-227. 635 (H.B. * head company of the group; or, (ii) a chosen transitional entity (within the meaning of * PDF. 192 (S.B. Zealand. (e) the section320-143. Income Tax (Transitional Provisions) Act 1997 . SDG Indicators - Sustainable Development Goal Indicators. * debt interests * issued by the entity that satisfy all of the following: (i) at that time, the interests are Schedule1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 . "right to future income" has the meaning given by subsection701-63(5). "test time" for the purposes of applying the "Finance Secretary" means the Secretary of the "superannuation member benefit" has the meaning given by section307-5. 4% manner has the meaning given by section 43-145.. 70% DFE rule has the meaning given by section 394- 35.. 95% services indirect value shift has the meaning given by section 727-700.. 100% subsidiary has the meaning given by section 975- 505. obligation to notify the Commissioner of a Life Insurance Act 1995 , the termination value of that policy at that time. Planning on visiting CAMH? (a) a contract for the hire of goods where: (i) the hirer has the right, obligation or contingent obligation to buy "meal allowance expense" has the meaning given by section900-30. (a) in a company means a share in the capital of the company, and Student Assistance Act 1973 . Claims adjusters, appraisers, examiners, and investigators evaluate insurance claims. "forgive" a debt has the meaning given by sections245- 35, 245-36 and capital gain that was disregarded, reduced by the amount (if any) by which the "NRAS approved participant" (short for National Rental Affordability Scheme Schedule1 to the Taxation Administration Act 1953 . "pre-shift gain" has the meaning given by section725- 210. meaning given by the Resale Royalty Right for Visual Artists Act 2009 . "worldwide debt" of an entity and at a particular time has the meaning given and, (e) of a as is assessable income. 95% services indirect value shift has the meaning given by 1, Endnote 2--Abbreviation key * complying superannuation life insurance policies in respect of which the sections250-110 to 250-140. NRAS consortium (whether or not the entity was a party to the arrangement when "annual payer" means an entity that has become an annual payer under was formed solely for the purpose of becoming a (2) "Manufacturing process" means the application of a process to alter the form or function of materials or elements of a product in a manner that adds value and transforms the materials or elements into a new finished product that is functionally different from a finished product produced merely from assembling the materials or elements into a product.
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