For national payment transactions, Member States may provide for shorter maximum execution times than those provided for in this Section. [52], In late 1973, to weaken Zhou's political position and to distance themselves from Lin's apparent betrayal, the "Criticize Lin, Criticize Confucius" campaign began under Jiang Qing's leadership. [395][396][397] Romuva is a polytheistic pagan faith, which asserts the sanctity of nature and has elements of ancestor worship. Member States shall allow those persons to continue those activities within the Member State concerned in accordance with Directive 2007/64/EC, until 13 January 2019 without being required to seek authorisation under Article 5 of this Directive or, to obtain an exemption pursuant to Article 32 of this Directive, or to comply with the other provisions laid down or referred to in Title II of this Directive. 6. Competent authorities shall notify EBA of the reasons for the withdrawal of any authorisation and of any exemption pursuant to Article 32 or 33. Member States shall permit processing of personal data by payment systems and payment service providers when necessary to safeguard the prevention, investigation and detection of payment fraud. [189] Though, according to local branch of Transparency International, corruption levels have been decreasing over the past decade. (32)Regulation (EU) 2015/847 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 May 2015 on information accompanying transfers of funds and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1781/2006 (OJ L 141, 5.6.2015, p. 1). They may increase them for prepaid payment instruments up to EUR 500. The competent authorities shall grant an authorisation only if, taking into account the need to ensure the sound and prudent management of a payment institution, the payment institution has robust governance arrangements for its payment services business, which include a clear organisational structure with well-defined, transparent and consistent lines of responsibility, effective procedures to identify, manage, monitor and report the risks to which it is or might be exposed, and adequate internal control mechanisms, including sound administrative and accounting procedures; those arrangements, procedures and mechanisms shall be comprehensive and proportionate to the nature, scale and complexity of the payment services provided by the payment institution. This population fled or was expelled after the war, and today Protestantism is mainly represented by ethnic Lithuanians throughout the northern and western parts of the country, as well as in large urban areas. The committees often split into rival factions and became involved in armed fights known as "violent struggles", to which the army had to be sent to restore order. [16]:21921, In the central city of Wuhan, like in many other cities, two major revolutionary organizations emerged, one supporting the conservative establishment and the other opposed to it. Mao Zedong Thought became the central operative guide to all things in China. The permissible subject matter of proletarian and socialist literature would be strictly defined, and all the literary periodicals in the country ceased publication by 1968. Competent authorities should assess whether the activities so notified can be considered to be activities provided in the framework of a limited network. [13]:317 Amidst the tension, Lin Biao issued what appeared to be an executive order to prepare for war to the PLA's eleven Military Regions on October 18 without passing through Mao. 3. A large part of the Lithuanian population participated in the January Events. The inhabitants of what is now Lithuania then travelled less and engaged in local hunting, gathering and fresh-water fishing. Additional long-term challenges include diversifying Polands energy mix, strengthening investments in innovation, research, and development, as well as stemming the outflow of educated young Poles to other EU member states, especially in light of a coming demographic contraction due to emigration, persistently low fertility rates, and the aging of the Solidarity-era baby boom generation. [230] [405] Based on OECD data, Lithuania is among the top 5 countries in the world in postsecondary (tertiary) education attainment. A warming trend has persisted since then. In Article 4 of Directive 2002/65/EC, paragraph 5 is replaced by the following: 5. These liberties, especially the liberum veto, led to anarchy and the eventual dissolution of the state. At the Plenum, the Party reversed its verdict on the Tiananmen Incident. Yiddish is spoken by members of the tiny remaining Jewish community in Lithuania. Branches of payment institutions shall be entered in the register of the home Member State if those branches provide services in a Member State other than their home Member State. The availability of accurate, up-to-date information should be enhanced by requiring payment institutions to inform the competent authority of their home Member State without undue delay of any changes affecting the accuracy of the information and evidence provided with regard to the authorisation, including additional agents or entities to which activities are outsourced. [92] The next day, identical ultimatums were presented to Latvia and Estonia. With reference to direct debits, that Regulation envisages that the payer give consent both to the payee and to the payers payment service provider (directly or indirectly via the payee), and that mandates, together with later modifications or cancellation, are stored by the payee or by a third party on behalf of the payee. In the play, an honest civil servant, Hai Rui, is dismissed by a corrupt emperor. [148], Lithuania does not have high mountains and its landscape is dominated by blooming meadows, dense forests and fertile fields of cereals. [65][66] The Mitrokhin Archive reveals more about the depth of the penetration and influence wielded by the KGB over the WCC. There are currently 73 churches and Christian organizations that are members of the Alliance, from Catholic, Evangelical, Orthodox and Protestant traditions. The use of a card or card-based payment instrument for making a payment often triggers the generation of a message confirming availability of funds and two resulting payment transactions. Exclusive: Indian firm from which Rishi Sunaks wife collects 11.5m in annual dividends retains staffed Moscow officeRussia-Ukraine war latest news updates This Directive should be without prejudice to the payment service providers obligation to terminate the payment service contract in exceptional circumstances under other relevant Union or national law, such as that on money laundering or terrorist financing, any action targeting the freezing of funds, or any specific measure linked to the prevention and investigation of crimes. [53]:21920, The Central Committee, under the leadership of Jiang Qing, labelled the event 'counter-revolutionary' and cleared the square of memorial items shortly after midnight on April 6. For the payment service provider issuing the card based payment instrument, particularly debit cards, obtaining confirmation of availability of funds on the customers account from the account servicing payment service provider would enable the issuer to better manage and to reduce its credit risk. During this movement, which lasted for the next decade, young bourgeoisie living in cities were ordered to go to the countryside to experience working life. In order to enhance transparency of the operation of payment institutions that are authorised by, or registered with, competent authorities of the home Member State, including their agents, and to ensure a high level of consumer protection in the Union, it is necessary to ensure easy public access to the list of the entities providing payment services. The relevant information requirements and rules on their execution should therefore be limited to essential information, also taking into account the technical capabilities that can justifiably be expected from instruments dedicated to low-value payments. [138]:10 The entire generation of tormented and inadequately educated individuals is often referred to as the 'lost generation' in both China and the West. Harding, Harry. Member States shall ensure that payment service providers do not derogate, to the detriment of payment service users, from the provisions of national law transposing this Directive except where explicitly provided for therein. About Our Coalition. The first and only still operating tunnel was completed in 1860. If the payment institution wishes to provide payment services in another Member State by engaging an agent or establishing a branch it shall follow the procedures set out in Article 28. Some of them were forced to fight for Nazi Germany or were taken to German territories as forced labourers. Mao wrote that despite having undergone a Communist revolution, a "bourgeois" elite was still thriving in "positions of authority" in the government and Communist Party. Further financial compensation may be determined in accordance with the law applicable to the contract concluded between the payer and the payment service provider or the contract concluded between the payer and the payment initiation service provider if applicable. 3. Numerous other Lithuanians won Olympic medals representing Soviet Union. Authorised payment institutions shall be listed in the register separately from natural and legal persons benefiting from an exemption pursuant to Article 32 or 33. 1). [180] The Third Statute was partly in force in the territory of Lithuania even until 1840, despite the Third Partition of the PolishLithuanian Commonwealth in 1795. Hundreds of thousands to millions of civilians, Red Guards and military deaths (exact number not known). Many students who were previously Red Guard members supported the movement and Mao's vision. (23)Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 December 2000 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the free movement of such data (OJ L 8, 12.1.2001, p. 1). Information for the payer on individual payment transactions. [420][421] In early 2018, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and Aleksandras Stulginskis University were merged into Vytautas Magnus University.[422]. Languages. Execution of payment transactions, including transfers of funds on a payment account with the users payment service provider or with another payment service provider: execution of direct debits, including one-off direct debits; execution of payment transactions through a payment card or a similar device; execution of credit transfers, including standing orders. )3.76615 (2018 est. At the same time, a large number of "unjust, false, mistaken cases ()" appeared due to political purges. [188] In the 2013 Special Eurobarometer, 29% of Lithuanians said that corruption affects their daily lives (EU average 26%). Revocation, in that context, should apply only to the relationship between a payment service user and a payment service provider, thus being without prejudice to the irrevocability and finality of payment transactions in payment systems. DELEGATED ACTS AND REGULATORY TECHNICAL STANDARDS. [147]:164 The university entrance exams were cancelled after 1966, to be replaced later by a system whereby students were recommended by factories, villages and military units, and entrance exams were not restored until 1977 under Deng Xiaoping. Li Peng, who promoted the use of military force, cited that the student movement had taken inspiration from the grassroots populism of the Cultural Revolution and that if it is left unchecked, would eventually lead to a similar degree of mass chaos. All rates are subject to change without prior notice. In the same period, Ireland's GDP grew by 789.43%, Slovakia's by 783.83% and the Czech Republic by 549.47%. 2. Romuva claims to continue living pagan traditions, which survived in folklore and customs. [16]:13 The charges against esteemed party leaders like Peng Zhen rang alarm bells in China's intellectual community and among the eight non-Communist parties. Water is cleaned without chemicals in Lithuania. In order to assess possible negligence or gross negligence on the part of the payment service user, account should be taken of all of the circumstances. [64]:636 As a result of his influence and that of other agents, it is claimed the USSR was rarely publicly criticised. If the single payment service contract has been concluded at the request of the payment service user using a means of distance communication which does not enable the payment service provider to comply with paragraph 1, the payment service provider shall fulfil its obligations under that paragraph immediately after the execution of the payment transaction. According to scientist Gintautas Sakalauskas, this is not because of a high criminality rate in the country, but due to Lithuania's high repression level and the lack of trust of the convicted, who are frequently sentenced to a jail imprisonment.[192]. In order to ensure a high level of consumer protection, payers should always be entitled to address their claim to a refund to their account servicing payment service provider, even where a payment initiation service provider is involved in the payment transaction. The Gang of Four's heavy hand in political and media control did not prevent Deng from reinstating his economic policies. Kruonis Pumped Storage Plant is the only in the Baltic states power plant to be used for regulation of the power system's operation with generating capacity of 900 MW for at least 12 hours. )2% (2017 est. 3. Due to the World Wars, Lithuanian science and scientists suffered heavily from the occupants, however some of them reached a world-class achievements in their lifetime. In any event, the deadline for receiving the final reply shall not exceed 35 business days. The Russification failed, owing to an extensive network of Lithuanian book smugglers and secret Lithuanian homeschooling. Protestants are 0.8%, of which 0.6% are Lutheran and 0.2% are Reformed. It has around 99 kilometres (61.5mi) of sandy coastline, only about 38 kilometres (24mi) of which face the open Baltic Sea, less than the other two Baltic states. It is a member of the interparliamentary Baltic Assembly, the intergovernmental Baltic Council of Ministers and the Council of the Baltic Sea States. In that regard, the competent authorities shall communicate, upon request, all relevant information and, on their own initiative, all essential information, including on the compliance of the payment institution with the conditions under Article 11(3). Such reports shall be required for information or statistical purposes and, as far as the agents and branches conduct the payment service business under the right of establishment, to monitor compliance with the provisions of national law transposing Titles III and IV. With an expanding power base, in September 1978, Deng began openly attacking Hua Guofeng's "Two Whatevers".[60]. Where the payee or the payment service provider of the payee fails to accept strong customer authentication, it shall refund the financial damage caused to the payers payment service provider. Baptist Churches, Canada, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Canada, American-Canadian Macedonian Orthodox Diocese, Christian Reformed Church in North America, Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Canada, Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand, Antiochian Orthodox of Australia and New Zealand, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of New Zealand, Macedonian Orthodox Diocese of Australia and New Zealand, Serbian Orthodox of Australia and New Zealand, Coptic Orthodox Church in Australia and New Zealand, Fellowship of Churches of Christ in Nigeria, Eternal Sacred Order of Cherubim and Seraphim, African Methodist Episcopal Church in Nigeria, General Council of the Assemblies of God Nigeria, International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, The Lord's Chosen Charismatic Revival Movement, Church of Christ in the Sudan Among the Tiv, Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches, Action of Churches Together, Scotland (ACTS), Association of Baptist Churches in Ireland, General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches, Baptist Missionary Association of America, Conservative Baptist Association of America, General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, National Association of Free Will Baptists. [457] In 2008, Lithuanian Song and Dance Festival together with its Latvian and Estonian versions was inscribed as UNESCO Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. The Commonwealth lasted more than two centuries, until neighbouring countries dismantled it in 17721795, with the Russian Empire annexing most of Lithuania's territory. 2. [403] As with other Baltic nations, in particular Latvia, the large volume of higher education graduates within the country, coupled with the high rate of spoken second languages is contributing to an education brain drain. This period is known as Tvanas (The Deluge). [citation needed], When a Labour government was returned to office in 1974, it announced that there would once again be a separate "Ministry of Overseas Development" with its own minister. Member States may prohibit or limit the right of the payee to request charges taking into account the need to encourage competition and promote the use of efficient payment instruments. if the payment service provider has, under its national law, no registered office, the Member State in which its head office is situated; host Member State means the Member State other than the home Member State in which a payment service provider has an agent or a branch or provides payment services; payment service means any business activity set out in Annex I; payment institution means a legal person that has been granted authorisation in accordance with Article 11 to provide and execute payment services throughout the Union; payment transaction means an act, initiated by the payer or on his behalf or by the payee, of placing, transferring or withdrawing funds, irrespective of any underlying obligations between the payer and the payee; remote payment transaction means a payment transaction initiated via internet or through a device that can be used for distance communication; payment system means a funds transfer system with formal and standardised arrangements and common rules for the processing, clearing and/or settlement of payment transactions; payer means a natural or legal person who holds a payment account and allows a payment order from that payment account, or, where there is no payment account, a natural or legal person who gives a payment order; payee means a natural or legal person who is the intended recipient of funds which have been the subject of a payment transaction; payment service user means a natural or legal person making use of a payment service in the capacity of payer, payee, or both; payment service provider means a body referred to in Article 1(1) or a natural or legal person benefiting from an exemption pursuant to Article 32 or 33; payment account means an account held in the name of one or more payment service users which is used for the execution of payment transactions; payment order means an instruction by a payer or payee to its payment service provider requesting the execution of a payment transaction; payment instrument means a personalised device(s) and/or set of procedures agreed between the payment service user and the payment service provider and used in order to initiate a payment order; payment initiation service means a service to initiate a payment order at the request of the payment service user with respect to a payment account held at another payment service provider; account information service means an online service to provide consolidated information on one or more payment accounts held by the payment service user with either another payment service provider or with more than one payment service provider; account servicing payment service provider means a payment service provider providing and maintaining a payment account for a payer; payment initiation service provider means a payment service provider pursuing business activities as referred to in point (7) of Annex I; account information service provider means a payment service provider pursuing business activities as referred to in point (8) of Annex I; consumer means a natural person who, in payment service contracts covered by this Directive, is acting for purposes other than his or her trade, business or profession; framework contract means a payment service contract which governs the future execution of individual and successive payment transactions and which may contain the obligation and conditions for setting up a payment account; money remittance means a payment service where funds are received from a payer, without any payment accounts being created in the name of the payer or the payee, for the sole purpose of transferring a corresponding amount to a payee or to another payment service provider acting on behalf of the payee, and/or where such funds are received on behalf of and made available to the payee; direct debit means a payment service for debiting a payers payment account, where a payment transaction is initiated by the payee on the basis of the consent given by the payer to the payee, to the payees payment service provider or to the payers own payment service provider; credit transfer means a payment service for crediting a payees payment account with a payment transaction or a series of payment transactions from a payers payment account by the payment service provider which holds the payers payment account, based on an instruction given by the payer; funds means banknotes and coins, scriptural money or electronic money as defined in point (2) of Article 2 of Directive 2009/110/EC; value date means a reference time used by a payment service provider for the calculation of interest on the funds debited from or credited to a payment account; reference exchange rate means the exchange rate which is used as the basis to calculate any currency exchange and which is made available by the payment service provider or comes from a publicly available source; reference interest rate means the interest rate which is used as the basis for calculating any interest to be applied and which comes from a publicly available source which can be verified by both parties to a payment service contract; authentication means a procedure which allows the payment service provider to verify the identity of a payment service user or the validity of the use of a specific payment instrument, including the use of the users personalised security credentials; strong customer authentication means an authentication based on the use of two or more elements categorised as knowledge (something only the user knows), possession (something only the user possesses) and inherence (something the user is) that are independent, in that the breach of one does not compromise the reliability of the others, and is designed in such a way as to protect the confidentiality of the authentication data; personalised security credentials means personalised features provided by the payment service provider to a payment service user for the purposes of authentication; sensitive payment data means data, including personalised security credentials which can be used to carry out fraud.
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