It was a series of roads that made their way through Eurasia and connected the East and the West. The Mongols used their incredible abilities on horseback to rapidly take over huge swaths of land, according to UNESCO. The Silk Road: Connecting the ancient world through trade - Shannon Harris Castelo Share Watch on Watch Think Dig Deeper Discuss This made regions in Europe, China, and Near East, much less aware of each other. 2016-03-16 02:49:24. Silk went westward, and wools, gold, and silver went east. . The Silk Road was a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction between the West and East. There were 5 "Silk Roads" from China. Silk was a product discovered in China sometime around 2700 B.C. The Silk Road was a network of trading routes that connected a number of different regions in the ancient world, stretching over four thousand miles from China, through India and Asia Minor. At this time, however, there was a realization that much of the trade was controlled by the Islamic states, including the rising Ottomans. For information regarding the Achaemenids, their control of the Near East, and trade, see: Daryaee, Touraj, ed. Religions such as Islam and Buddhism expanded along with parts of the Silk Road and facilitated these religions in reaching China and Eastern Asia.[11]. 45 seconds. Kashgar. This long period of stability allowed the Achaemenids to develop long-distance roads, including the Royal Road that connected ancient Susa in Iran with Lydia in western Anatolia. While this did not mean a specific road across long periods, it did represent a network of routes that connected much of the Old World between Europe and China for roughly 1500 years and brought about profound technical and cultural changes that had global ramifications. Since becoming General Secretary of the Communist Party of China in 2012 and then President in 2013, Xi Jinping has launched a number of strategic initiatives at home and abroad. This page was last edited on 20 September 2021, at 19:21. Nomadic people became dependent on the Silk Roads for their survival. Silk Road, also called Silk Route, ancient trade route, linking China with the West, that carried goods and ideas between the two great civilizations of Rome and China. (2) My father bade me get in and sit down. This allowed a flood of goods to travel between Europe and Asia including jewels, horses, gun powder, and unsurprisingly, silk. Ancient Interactions: East and West in Eurasia. This is considered to be the . The spread of Buddhism since it greatly transformed Chinese society. 0. The spread of Buddhism since it greatly transformed Chinese society. That motivated early explorers to make discoveries that paved the way for the rise of European powers to become dominant political actors worldwide over the last four centuries. Silk Road, some historians favor the term Silk Routes because it better reflects the many paths taken by traders. The footprints of the ancients in history. The vast trade networks of the Silk Roads carried more than just merchandise and precious commodities. But more on him in 2.5! Before the Mongols gained control of the entire route, the Silk Road had been a very dangerous place for travelers and traders alike. Briefly explain its connection to the Muslim world between 600 and 1250. The excessive frequency of war and chaos caused the land silk road to had no stable environment and was once broke down. Silk Road, the most well-known trading route of the ancient Chinese civilization and trade prosperity, rose to its peak in early Tang dynasty (618AD). First Golden Era: Second Century BC to Second Century CE For information on trade objects between Central Asia, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, and Egypt, see: Boyle, Katie, Colin Renfrew, and Marsha Levine, eds. 1 at Mawangdui, Changsha, Hunan Province. It was not paved. History of Silk. 4. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Overland routes were possible, but many tribes and small states prevented easier access to lapis by the large urban societies. It also served as a connector of other western Asian countries such as India. You know the Black Plague, which is famous for having killed at least of Europe? Such roads were possible not because of any major technical achievement but because much of the region was now part of one overarching state. First, it allowed many countries to advance significantly in their technological and economic prowess. What led to the establishment of the Silk Road? Silk went westward, and wools, gold, and silver went east. [9] By the 5th century AD, with the decline of the Roman Empire, demand in Europe for Chinese silk and products declined. The two empires of Han China and Rome were far apart. Outer Eurasia (Eastern China, India, the Middle East, and the Mediterranean) has warm enough climates and enough annual rainfall to make agriculture possible. Why the Great Silk Road became unpopular. Traders from Europe, central Asia , and Africa wanted access to the luxurious and rare silk of China. 2010. It was not even a single route. Latin term for Mongolian peace during their Empire. (7) The constable asked a man what he was doing with his hand in the gentleman's pocket. The Great Silk Road was a caravan road connecting East Asia to the Mediterranean from Ancient times into the Middle Ages. For information about the silk trade during the Roman period, see: The Roman Empire and the Silk Routes The Ancient World Economy and the Empires of Parthia, Central Asia, and Han China. 3. For more information on Alexanders interactions with Eastern cultures, see: Bosworth, A. 2013. Be notified when an answer is posted. In addition to the silk for which it was named, the various peoples of Asia transported all types of commodities and other goods along the route, from jewelry and spices to rice and ivory . Of course, the Mongols weren't shy about killing anyone standing in the way of a potential prize and were even believed to have even killed all the cats and dogs they could find while taking over the city of Merv, in what is now Turkmenistan. Want this question answered? Where did the Bactrian camels come from, and why did the Chinese want them? China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism (from India) via the Silk Road. It is a textile woven from the protein fibers produced by silkworms in making their cocoons. It was a 4000-mile trip. The Silk Road in World History Manichaeism on the Silk Road Silvia Mantz Commonly associated with its movement of goods between the East and the West, the Silk Road also contributed to the exchange of cultural ideas and religious beliefs between cultures. 1998. Add an answer. Why do you think the Chinese kept silk production was kept a secret? In 670 A.D, Tubo invaded the Hexi region and flames of battle raged everywhere. Marco Polo was the most famous Silk Road trader/explorer. 4. By this century, the Chinese had become very active in the silk trade, though until the Hans provided sufficient protection, the Silk Road had not functioned well because of nomad pirates. The Great Wall of China was expanded to provide extra protection. An imperial dynasty of China, from 618-907 CE. That same efficiency became one of the major factors in not just the Mongolian Empire's downfall, but also one of the darkest times in human history. At one end was China. For information during the Roman period with the East, see: McLaughlin, Raoul. If word got out, they would not have access to western goods. Jagjeet Lally's India and the Silk Roads describes the sophistication and persistence of this trade, which has frequently been underestimated by both historians of India and of the early modern commerce. China also received Nestorian Christianity and Buddhism (from India) via the Silk Road. Answer 9 people found it helpful Madani1 chainas and middleast trades of silk gold and other valid importants. Silk Road trade routes (red lines. Why? The indelible image of a caravan stretching across the dunes conjures unknown horizons in our imaginations. (8) The Queen asked Hamlet whether he had forgotten who it was he was speaking to. Before the Mongols gained control of the entire route, the Silk Road had been a very dangerous place for travelers and traders alike. Geographically, Kashgar is the "Wild West" of China, in the far west, not far from the borders with Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, and Pakistan. Diseases, too, spread along trade routes. Aerial views of Kashgar, where old meets new, via CGTN News. Oxford: Oxford University Press. At this time, the Near East witnessed more long-lasting empires, providing greater trade stability throughout the region. It was used for exporting silk from China, hence its' name. It departed from Chang'an in China and led to the Western regions, It was a result of the establishment of the Tang Emperors and was a great prosperity in the economy. People in China made silk. Likely because it would keep trade from all over the world coming to them. The opening of more trade routes caused travelers to exchange many things: animals, spices, ideas, and diseases. Both the Romans and the Chinese controlled many lands and kept them peaceful. This begins to show the importance of wealth and financial power traders had in maintaining strong trade ties despite volatile political conditions. This second Pax Sinica helped the Silk Road reach its golden age. For information on Hellenistic-influenced kingdoms in Central Asia, see: Bactrian and Indian Hellenistic Dynasties: Greco-Bactrian Kings, Indo-Greek Kings, Demetrius I of Bactria, Euthydemus I, Diodotus I. Memphis: LLC Books. By the 3rd and 2nd centuries BC, the Greco-Bactrian and Indo-Greek kingdoms were established, further promoting contacts between Greek, Indian, and Central Asian cultures. The diffusion of maritime technology, like the magnetic compass, led to which effect? The network or road allows communication and connection to take place that was previously unavailable. The dawn of the Age of Exploration and the seeking of alternative trade routes to Asia. It introduced millions of law-abiding people to the criminal behind both the Silk Road and the Dark Web. [12] The desire to reach China and its riches motivated Europeans to find alternative routes, leading to the New World's exploration. Traders from Europe, central Asia , and Africa wanted access to the luxurious and rare silk of China. The clear route also allowed Pope Innocent IV to send a representative to meet with Mongol leaders in Karakorum, an ancient city that was the capital of the Mongol Empire at the time (per Britannica). 2010. Japan had played a vital role in the early discussion of Eurasian links which led to the adoption of the 'Silk Roads' term by UNESCO. The first spread of Buddhism was through the Silk Road, and the first Chinese religions went abroad through the Silk Road. Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Larry S. Krieger, Linda Black, Phillip C. Naylor, Roger B. Beck. The connections formed along the Silk Roads transformed the world in a drastic way. Advances in technology and increased political stability caused an increase in trade. The Silk Road was a vital trading route connecting East and Westbut it also became a conduit for one of history's deadliest pandemics. Established when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in. Kashgar, the westernmost city in China, was the focal point of the Silk Road for centuries. The "Silk Road" was, in fact multiple "Silk Roads". The Silk Road began during the Han Dynasty in the Golden Age of China. China was open to foreign cultures, and its urban areas could be quite cosmopolitan. With such simple ways to travel now, common people were more free to travel the world and share their observations through writing, such as Marco Polo, who traveled the Silk Roads and wrote about it. These are all well demonstrated. The World of Jade: Great Masterpieces of Chinese Art. Silk was certainly the major trade item from China, but many other goods were traded as well. A main religious spread was language, Buddhist translators translated a lot of Buddhist and Sanskrit terms into Chinese which were adopted by China (Erwin).Some more religions were spread on the Silk Road. [10], It was not just the trade of technologies or commodities that made the Silk Road important. Silk Road and the Dark Web: One of the 21st Century's Most Famous Crime Stories The rise and downfall of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht is one of the most famous criminal justice stories of the past decade. frankincense and myrrh) from southern Arabia, silk began to be the major commodity of desire by wealthy citizens. The erstwhile Persian Royal Road became the major artery of the Silk Route. Traders helped connect the empires. While this didn't work quite as they had hoped, due to Carpini not bringing a proper gift to the newly selected Mongol ruler, he did return with information that seemed to indicate that the mighty empire was in decline, per UNESCO. We know that Mithridates II (121-91 BC) is the first known Near Eastern king to have established political and diplomatic relations with a Chinese ruler. The Tang Dynasty reopened the route in 639 CE, but then lost it to the Tibetans in 678 CE. For example, to trade Lapis Lazuli from Central Asia to places such as Mesopotamia, in modern Iraq and Syria, the trade would often have to go south to India, then by boat shipped to Mesopotamia along the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf. However, much of the trade contacts between the Near East, Europe, and China were very limited. Briefly explain its connection to the Industrial Revolution. The Silk Road played a fundamental role in the establishment of cosmopolitanism, which is so prominent around the world today. Although the trade network is commonly referred to as the . Nevertheless, commodities and technologies such as gunpowder, paper, and the magnetic compass from China made their way to the Near East in the Middle Ages and then were transferred to Europe. What led to the establishment of the Silk Road ? Through southern and western conquests, the Han Dynasty of China (206 BCE-220 CE) made contact with the Indian cultural sphere. This connection led to the establishment of trade relations, and Emperor Wu opened the Silk Road in 130 B.C. (4) He asked me whether I really imagined that he could be so foolish. At the other end was Rome. Please help!! Ancient contacts between China and the Mediterranean Caravans crawled across the Silk Road buying, selling, and transporting culture from Rome to Chang'an for two thousand years. The road also led farther east to Korea and Japan and to the southwest to India and the Middle East. They radically extended the reach of trade, spread and adapted many of today's modern religions, and . 4876. For more information on the relevance of Parthia and China's diplomatic connections to the Silk Road, see: Edwards, Chris. In what ways does the Silk Road represent a bridge between the East and West? The Silk Road (also known as the Silk Route) is an ancient network of trade routes that connected China to the Mediterranean Sea during various points for over two millennia. For information about key technologies traded along the Silk Road, see: Christensen, Bonnie. A great deal of protection and stability was provided on the Silk Road by the Han. They were valuable because of their ability to travel long distances while carrying supplies without food or water. The Mongol Empire And Its Impact On The Silk Road. The Route's very nature changed as navigators found ways of trading directly with producers in the Far East, cutting out the 'middlemen' of merchants who had traversed different parts of Central Asia. However, they were known to spare those useful to their empire-building endeavors, namely able-bodied men and craftsmen. 2. Now when exploring the behaviors and activities of various religions, we can find common points in them. Asked by Maferon 11 Jan 23:11 Last updated by Jill Don 12 Jan 01:43 1Answers Log in to answer Answered by Jill Don 12 Jan 01:43 The Silk Road was established for trade. The Silk Road route (also called the Silk Routes) was an extensive system of trade routes formally established during the rule of China's Han Dynasty. that connected ancient civilizations across. The History and Legacy of the Silk Road route. Which emperor was mostly responsible for the success of the aqueducts in Rome? I will never forget how fortunate I was to stand in an ancient place wrapped in deep history and watch shadows play over the moon. For information on Islam expanding along the Silk Road, see: Elverskog, Johan. This led to the large-scale economic power growth in Europe and allowed it to reach major technical advantages by the early modern period in the 17th and 18th centuries. Click here to get an answer to your question what led to the establishment of the silk road? What led to the establishment of the silk road?? I was near Yazd Iran on the roof of a Caravanserai (an ancient walled hotel along the Silk Road that led from Istanbul to China and points beyond). Drawing upon archaeological excavations, historic literature, comparative art history, and geophysical surveys of the site, this presentation illustrates how the interdisciplinary study of this medieval city-site helps us better understand regional trade along the northern branch of the Silk Road. . Add your answer and earn points. This woven silk textile from the Western Han era was found at Tomb No. Still, it was major motivations for exploration and exchange of ideas that made the Silk Road influential. 2014. The Silk Road earned its name from Chinese silk, a highly valued commodity that merchants transported along these trade networks. Given their infamously brutal and efficient methods of taking over territories, it can be easy to overlook that the establishment of the Mongolian Empire ushered in a period known as the Pax Mongolica, which is Latin for "Mongol peace," per National Geographic. Silk Road Introduction The story is written by Nick Middleton. in most histories though, the real beginning of the "silk" road dates to the establishment of the xiongnu (hun) nomadic empire on the northern borders of china around 200 bce and the development of a relationship between the xiongnu and the han imperial court whereby large quantities of silk were shipped to the nomads to buy peace along the Log in. The Silk Roads were a network of many roads generally going East from China to Rome in the West. It's believed that the plague started somewhere in Central Asia and thanks to the frequent traffic traversing the Silk Road it made its way to Europe and eviscerated a massive portion of the population as much as half of the continent, according to Science. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, pg. Movements between these regions were now possible without having to cross many states. Lapis Lazuli, semi-precious stones, and tin by the 3rd millennium BC made the regions resources attractive to Egypt, Mesopotamia, and Anatolia. The West first came into contact with China at about 200 B.C. While this began with the Neo-Assyrians (911-612 BC), the Achaemenids were able to hold much larger territory, covering Egypt, Anatolia, Mesopotamia, the Levant, Persia, and parts of Central Asia, for almost the entire period in which they were in power.[4]. The silk road routes traversed the Eurasian steppe (and later, through oceans and seas as the maritime silk road ), connecting the East and the . The speed of the sea transportation, the possibility to carry more goods, relative cheapness of transportation resulted in the decline of the Silk Road in the . To start with, the magical term "the Silk Road" is a modern invention. Silk Route trade became increasingly popular with European merchants from the thirteenth century onwards. There were no merchants on the road, and the towns along the route lost their usual bustle, which undoubtedly led to the decline of the silk road. While Mongol control of the Silk Road led to some prosperous times for those living at either end of the legendary trade route. The Silk Road helped to integrate cultures, but also exposed tribal and pastoral societies to new developments, sometimes causing them to become skilled warriors. Pen & Sword. We know that Mithridates II (121-91 BC) is the first known Near Eastern king to have established political and diplomatic relations with a Chinese ruler. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. The Silk Road was established by Chinas Han Dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) through territorial expansion. The lucrative Chinese silk trade along this trade route began during the Han Dynasty (206 BCE - 220 CE), with voyages by people like Zhang Qian establishing ties between China and the west.. Alexander the Great established Hellenistic kingdoms (323 BC - 63 . These sea routes increased the ease of travel and the availability of goods. Merchants on the silk road transported goods and traded at bazaars or caravanserai along the way. According to National Geographic, various tribes that lived along the Silk Road previously fought with each other and attacked travelers, which disrupted trade. During the Roman period, we begin to see wealthy Romans now having regular access to objects coming from China or Central Asia. It opened up trade, communication, different ideas, culture, and religion to the entire world. What is the greatest impact of the Silk Road? Connecting the Dots in World History, a Teachers Literacy-Based Curriculum. What is the greatest impact of the Silk Road? The Silk Road was an ancient 7,000-kilometer trade route spanning from China to the Mediterranean Sea that lasted from about 100 B.C. The route extends to China through Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Similarly, Persian traders depended on this land-based trade route for the supply of silk which was a closely . This route began in china and extended as far as the eastern Mediterranean countries. The Silk Road impacted the world by advancing civilizations and causing an age of exploration that led to the exploration of the Americas. (5) He asked me whether I would show him how to drive. This connection led to the establishment of trade relations, and Emperor Wu opened the Silk Road in 130 B.C. 7. The Silk Road was a series of trade and cultural transmission routes that were central to cultural interaction between the West and East. The Silk Roads were a "complex network of trade routes" that gave people the chance to exchange goods and culture. Civilizations in these different environments traded goods along the Silk Roads that they could not produce within their climate zones. Chinese porcelain ceramics also became influential and were imitated both in Europe and the Near East. He hired Tsetan's car for his journey and took Daniel along to escort him to Darchen. [1] By the 2nd millennium BC, we also see eastern China interacting with western China and Central Asia more so, with jade objects being in high demand.[2]. Gunpowder hastened the failing integration, and the Silk Road stopped being a shipping route for silk around 1453 CE. History's most famous trade network (a system that connects buyers and sellers) was the Silk Road, which connected Europe and China for over 1,500 years. Who do you think benefited the most by the Silk Road: the East, West, or everyone? It began to trade silk for horses. The History of the Silk Road and Its Fall. As China pushed its borders further, trade contacts were established with lands to the west, most notably via the Silk Road. That region would trade it further down to another region. What gifts did the Nile give to the land alongs its banks. until the Middle ages. When the Mongols managed to secure the entire route in 1227, there was no one to challenge them so the potential threat to travelers was no longer an issue. Where did the Bactrian camels come from, and why did the Chinese want them? In effect, one can argue it was the Silk Road that motivated Europe to seek new access to the riches of trade with the East. The Silk Road enjoyed three "Golden Eras": 1) the second century BC through the second century CE, 2) the seventh to tenth century CE, and 3) the twelfth to fourteenth century CE. (3) They asked me whether I would go with them. . The Silk Road's flourishing time was during the Sasanian era. [3] This made direct trade both expensive and difficult at times between faraway states. This path extended through large parts of Asia, and at one time was called the "pathway to the nations". For information on trade in the Near East and Central Asia in the Bronze Age, see: Mair, Victor H., Jane Hickman, and University of Pennsylvania, eds. A great deal of protection and stability was provided on the Silk Road by the Han. It was not actually a road. What led to the establishment of the silk road? 9 whereas the great sedentary civilisations of the pre-modern world were indeed connected with one another through this intricate network of land routes passing through central Expansion by the Han took place around 114 BCE, led mainly by imperial envoy Zhang Qian. [6], However, the Silk Road's formal establishment can be argued to have begun under Parthian (247 BC-224 AD) leadership. Expansion of the Silk Road for centuries witnessed more long-lasting empires, providing trade! And connection to take place that was previously unavailable traders had in strong! There were 5 & quot ; Silk Roads for their survival porcelain ceramics became. China ( 206 BCE-220 CE ) made contact with China at about 200 B.C began a long sheepskin. Of Europe ancient Near East Road route made direct trade both expensive and difficult times! Silk route, Gildo philosophes and what does it Mean for me had forgotten who it was used exporting! 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